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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 38
teebee79's photo
Fri 12/28/12 09:52 AM
I'm thinking I really like these forums!! I don;t even care that I haven't found the love of my life yet.... who I'm still waiting for BTW ! drinker

Muaness's photo
Fri 12/28/12 09:52 AM
Thinking of my next birthday.

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 10:22 AM

Can't be done on time...

Batten down the hatches!!!!! indifferent

topherj37's photo
Fri 12/28/12 10:27 AM
Thinking, I can't believe you're about to leave and go away. brokenheart sad

kissablekiss's photo
Fri 12/28/12 12:59 PM
I have a paper to write ....

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 01:16 PM

kissablekiss's photo
Fri 12/28/12 01:23 PM
Where there is desire, there is gonna be a Flame
Where there is a Flame someone is gonna get burn
Not because you got burn that doesn't mean you're going to die .

alookat101's photo
Fri 12/28/12 03:27 PM
Where did I put my wallet.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 12/28/12 04:09 PM
What happened since I left?

irisheyes79's photo
Fri 12/28/12 09:34 PM

Where did I put my wallet.
i swiped itpitchfork

kissablekiss's photo
Sat 12/29/12 02:37 AM
Hormonal prob -_-

Lizajane_thatsme's photo
Sat 12/29/12 04:34 AM
Hot coffee and a sausage cheese jalopeno kolache

no photo
Sat 12/29/12 05:48 AM
Thinking it is another beautiful morning. Sunrise just beginning. Coffee is hot.

topherj37's photo
Sat 12/29/12 11:59 AM
Thinking, shocker of shockers. I'm here; you're not. Whoda thunk?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 12/29/12 12:01 PM
Come on now topherj....I am here!

topherj37's photo
Sat 12/29/12 12:02 PM
There, there, Cutie. Would you tell me if you weren't here? :tongue:

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 12/29/12 12:30 PM
Don't think so:tongue:

topherj37's photo
Sat 12/29/12 12:35 PM
Thining, someone is silly.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 12/29/12 12:41 PM
I know someone on here that is silly:tongue:

topherj37's photo
Sat 12/29/12 04:17 PM
Edited by topherj37 on Sat 12/29/12 04:17 PM
Thinking, I would ask you who on here is silly, but alas, I'm here; you're not. Same old story.

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