Topic: You ever watch one of these movies?
HillFolk's photo
Mon 08/06/07 12:47 PM
You ever watch one of these movies that you just know that eventually it will make some kind of sense and at the end of the movie that has totally captivated you just want to yell no way; That is a terrible way to end a movie; Who makes these cockimany movies anyways? For me it was Boot Hill. It is an old western.

Silkbutterfli's photo
Mon 08/06/07 12:52 PM
For me it was the 6th Sense. Throughout most of the movie, you get the sense that he is alive, etc. and then you find out he's really dead. It was one of those, "No Way" things, lol

HillFolk's photo
Mon 08/06/07 12:57 PM
Yeah, they really rattle your senses.laugh

modelguy's photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:03 PM
The one that made absolutely no sense to me was called Magnolia, it ended with frogs coming out of the sky. Which had nothing to do with anything that had happened up to that point.

RandomX's photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:06 PM
Spielbergs A.I.

HillFolk's photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:13 PM
You might like Boot Hill. It starts with this old man who picks up corpses during the Civil War. He gets receipts for picking them up which will be redeemable after the war no matter which sides wins. He is driving his wagon and comes to a skirmish. The little baby's mother had been shot. This rattler is fixing to bite the baby and the old man shoots the rattler. He cuts off the rattling end of the snake and gives it to the baby boy. He takes the baby with him who becomes a grave digger. As the boy grows up he starts to think that there must be more to life than digging graves but by digging graves he becomes muscular. The boy has a fear of snakes so every time he shoots one and then cuts off the rattling end. Shooting the snakes makes him faster with a gun and he becomes a fast gunslinger. The old man gets more receipts because of even more corpses. The boy starts to understand that if he cuts down on killing people that he doesn't have to dig as many graves. Along the way he sees this woman that he likes but she is wanted by the law. But she has a boyfriend who is wanted, too. The boy who is a man by now leaves the old man in search of the woman whose boyfriend leaves her. The boy is riding up to her house where she just told the boyfriend who comes back with a lot of gold that she doesn't want him or his gold. So the boyfriend shoots her and then the boy shoots him. It is like everyone dies happily ever after.laugh

MissBehaving's photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:19 PM
Sort of --- I'm 19 years older than my step-sister and when she was a pre-teen I volunteered to chaperone when she went to movies with her friends.

yawn yawn yawn Time I will never get back laugh

no photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:23 PM
You ever seen a 1980's class B horror movie called "The Stuff". It's so brainless, it's hilarious.

no photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:25 PM
oh wait, i guess thta doesn't answer your question.laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:33 PM
Vanilla Sky, Hellraiser Inferno (whatever the hell it was called), Identity, The Secret Window = Movies that suck. How easy is it to add characters or events that take you through a trip, only to find it takes place in someone's head, it never happened, or was a dream? I dunno exactly what this topic is straight up on..... But I had to rant on about that. Also, if I ever make it in the movie business, I want you all to know I am going to beat the crap out of everyone (excluding the actors, they just needed the money) who was involved with producing Dungeons & Dragons. What a way to ruin a good name. I am nerd! Here me ROLL! (the dice)

Brandon0101's photo
Mon 08/06/07 01:57 PM
Heh, "The Illusionist" fits that description for me. It was really boring but just captivating enough to get you to keep watching cause you think there gonna have some interesting way of explaining things but then it's over and they never did grumble