Topic: Ex-Muslim: Islam 'scares the hell out of me' | |
Part 1 of a two-part interview with Nonie Darwish, founder of Arabs for Israel.
video> Islamic countries indoctrinate children with hatred toward Israel and teach them Israel has no historic claim to the land or the city of Jerusalem, Nonie Darwish, founder of Arabs for Israel, told WND’s Greg Corombos. Darwish shared her story of being born into a Muslim family in Egypt and being raised to hate Israel. “It is the total annihilation of Israel and the Jews,” she said. “This is what the center of the educational system in the whole Arab world is. We were taught Jerusalem is a Muslim city; Jews had nothing to do with it, and we have to liberate it. … There’s no acknowledgement that Jerusalem has any roots in Judaism or Christianity. There’s total denial of history.” Darwish said she only learned the truth after she came to America, because the Muslim world often filters and censors information. “I actually worked in censorship when I was a journalist in the Middle East,” she explained. “Information is totally filtered, and the propaganda, at the same time, is daily, very intense. Islam lives on propaganda and denies the truth.” She said any person who challenges the Muslim version of the truth is “immediately regarded as a traitor, and riots happen and this person’s life is threatened.” Darwish warned, “This is now coming to the West, this fear that I used to live in in the Muslim world – which was fear of speaking my mind, fear of saying the truth – is now following me to America. … My culture of origin is now infecting America with fear of speaking the truth. She continued, “Unfortunately, we have an administration now that is allowing this to happen and finding excuses for it. And that scares the hell out of me.” Darwish said she wants to see Arabs and Israelis living side by side in peace, but that cannot happen as long as “the number one enemy of Islam is the truth.” She explained that Muslims have failed to deal with reality for the past 1,400 years and have irrationally loathed the Jewish people since they rejected Muhammad in the seventh century. In Part 2 of the interview with WND, which can be heard below, Darwish said President Obama’s Middle East policy is a failure and it’s been proven by the events of the past three weeks. She said it’s unthinkable that America’s consulate in Benghazi did not have enough security and that the Obama administration took 10 days to admit Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed in a terrorist attack. Obama called the murders a “bump in the road,” and Darwish wants to know, “A bump in the road to what? The road to what?” She added, “The road in the Middle East is turning into hell. What road is he talking about? “The Muslim Brotherhood already took over. Radical Islam and Shariah are being entrenched in the whole Middle East. The radical Islamist groups are ruling countries there now. They’re now ganging up to destroy Israel. They’re about to have nuclear weapons. We are in grave danger, and President Obama is talking about what? He’s talking about a road to destruction. … He thinks there is a road that will bring peace? What is he talking about?” Darwish slammed what she considers Obama’s habit of apologizing to Muslims and said it’s unclear why America should be apologizing. “We are giving them the impression that we are very weak, and we want to appease them,” she said. “We’re acting out of guilt for what?! We lost 3,000 citizens on 9/11, and we’re apologizing for what?” She said Obama’s United Nations speech scared her – especially his statement that “the future does not belong to those who slander of the prophet of Islam.” Darwish said no religion should be above criticism, and Obama’s language reminds her of the repression inside her native Egypt. She also said the lack of media scrutiny for Obama policies reminds her of how the governments often control the media in the Middle East. Finally, Darwish said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a “brave man” in his defiance toward the Iranian nuclear program, but she questioned whether Israel can successfully stop the program without any help from the United States. She said it may already be too late to prevent a nuclear Iran. |
Meh. All the near Eastern religions believe in absurd, unprovable things and condone extreme violence to some extent or another. Dr Amy-Jill Levine's (of Vanderbilt University Divinity School) lectures on the Old Testament are a good place to start learning about it.
I am feeling lazy. Any chance of posting a link Heavenlyboy?
Part 1 of a two-part interview with Nonie Darwish, founder of Arabs for Israel. video> Islamic countries indoctrinate children with hatred toward Israel and teach them Israel has no historic claim to the land or the city of Jerusalem, Nonie Darwish, founder of Arabs for Israel, told WND’s Greg Corombos. Darwish shared her story of being born into a Muslim family in Egypt and being raised to hate Israel. “It is the total annihilation of Israel and the Jews,” she said. “This is what the center of the educational system in the whole Arab world is. We were taught Jerusalem is a Muslim city; Jews had nothing to do with it, and we have to liberate it. … There’s no acknowledgement that Jerusalem has any roots in Judaism or Christianity. There’s total denial of history.” Darwish said she only learned the truth after she came to America, because the Muslim world often filters and censors information. “I actually worked in censorship when I was a journalist in the Middle East,” she explained. “Information is totally filtered, and the propaganda, at the same time, is daily, very intense. Islam lives on propaganda and denies the truth.” She said any person who challenges the Muslim version of the truth is “immediately regarded as a traitor, and riots happen and this person’s life is threatened.” Darwish warned, “This is now coming to the West, this fear that I used to live in in the Muslim world – which was fear of speaking my mind, fear of saying the truth – is now following me to America. … My culture of origin is now infecting America with fear of speaking the truth. She continued, “Unfortunately, we have an administration now that is allowing this to happen and finding excuses for it. And that scares the hell out of me.” Darwish said she wants to see Arabs and Israelis living side by side in peace, but that cannot happen as long as “the number one enemy of Islam is the truth.” She explained that Muslims have failed to deal with reality for the past 1,400 years and have irrationally loathed the Jewish people since they rejected Muhammad in the seventh century. In Part 2 of the interview with WND, which can be heard below, Darwish said President Obama’s Middle East policy is a failure and it’s been proven by the events of the past three weeks. She said it’s unthinkable that America’s consulate in Benghazi did not have enough security and that the Obama administration took 10 days to admit Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed in a terrorist attack. Obama called the murders a “bump in the road,” and Darwish wants to know, “A bump in the road to what? The road to what?” She added, “The road in the Middle East is turning into hell. What road is he talking about? “The Muslim Brotherhood already took over. Radical Islam and Shariah are being entrenched in the whole Middle East. The radical Islamist groups are ruling countries there now. They’re now ganging up to destroy Israel. They’re about to have nuclear weapons. We are in grave danger, and President Obama is talking about what? He’s talking about a road to destruction. … He thinks there is a road that will bring peace? What is he talking about?” Darwish slammed what she considers Obama’s habit of apologizing to Muslims and said it’s unclear why America should be apologizing. “We are giving them the impression that we are very weak, and we want to appease them,” she said. “We’re acting out of guilt for what?! We lost 3,000 citizens on 9/11, and we’re apologizing for what?” She said Obama’s United Nations speech scared her – especially his statement that “the future does not belong to those who slander of the prophet of Islam.” Darwish said no religion should be above criticism, and Obama’s language reminds her of the repression inside her native Egypt. She also said the lack of media scrutiny for Obama policies reminds her of how the governments often control the media in the Middle East. Finally, Darwish said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a “brave man” in his defiance toward the Iranian nuclear program, but she questioned whether Israel can successfully stop the program without any help from the United States. She said it may already be too late to prevent a nuclear Iran. I've posted this same summery in much briefer form many times. |
I am feeling lazy. Any chance of posting a link Heavenlyboy? I got my copy of her lectures on CD from The Great Courses ( It's not available free anywhere, AFAIK. |
Thank you :-)
Edited by
Fri 10/05/12 06:34 PM
Meh. All the near Eastern religions believe in absurd, unprovable things and condone extreme violence to some extent or another. Dr Amy-Jill Levine's (of Vanderbilt University Divinity School) lectures on the Old Testament are a good place to start learning about it. Sorry but that is a lot of garbage and Israel is a good example. Israeli society (unlike any other in the mideast) has complete freedom of religion, freedom of speech, equal rights for all including women and tolerates no violence whatsoever. Much like the free countries of Europe and the United States. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all condemn violence actually and it is only those who pervert the peaceful nature of these religions who wind up discrediting their own cause and denigrating their own religions in the process. At this time, it is the radical Islamists who are the primary offenders although earlier in history there were the Crusades. As far as I know there has never been a similar jewish movement probably because they do not believe that anybody needs to convert and the jews do not proselytize. There was the Israeli war of independence of course but in that case the Israelis were defending themselves from at least 5 armies from neighboring arab countries trying to annihilate the jews. Never anything jewish like the current global radical islamist jihad or the crusades though. So...Nonie Darwish has a very valid point. |