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Topic: Netanyahu address at the UN
no photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:30 PM
A nuclear armed Iran is a serious threat to the world. Think of a nation who constantly brag on wiping another nation off the face of the earth. I seriously agree with Ben Nety, a series of airstrikes at strategic locations would surely neutralize the impending doom. Think about hezbollah and other dangerous militant terrorist group, they're all sponsored by Iran.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:36 PM

War is big business! It's propaganda, and you're buying into it hook, line and sinker.

I'm not so gullible, and while I dread ANYONE having nuclear weapons, it's just like Clinton and Obozo wanting to take guns away from citizens so only the police and criminals will have them.... a sure means of contolling a population!

I never said war wasn't big business.
That has nothing to do with it.

No one wants to control Iranians. Iranians can do whatever they
want as long as they are not threatening to kill other people with
nuclear warheads!

No one wants irrational terrorist sponsoring radical Islamists who
daily shout "Death to Americans" and "Death to Jews" to have nuclear
weapons that's all. And if they will not disarm of their own accord
then the threat will be neutralized by force and the centrifuges
are spinning every hour...until the time they spin no more.

Yeah, that's our leaders job! And gov't hates competition!



More like the American people don't like nutballs who daily shout
"Death to Americans" with a nuclear gun at our heads and demand
that the US gummint take action!!


But since the Iranians threaten everyone then everyone else is
on board. Won't get any complaints from anyone else in the Mideast
or Europe or anywhere else. Iranians would be happy to have the
Mullahs routed in fact.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:37 PM

A nuclear armed Iran is a serious threat to the world. Think of a nation who constantly brag on wiping another nation off the face of the earth. I seriously agree with Ben Nety, a series of airstrikes at strategic locations would surely neutralize the impending doom. Think about hezbollah and other dangerous militant terrorist group, they're all sponsored by Iran.


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/28/12 01:03 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 09/28/12 01:18 PM

A nuclear armed Iran is a serious threat to the world. Think of a nation who constantly brag on wiping another nation off the face of the earth. I seriously agree with Ben Nety, a series of airstrikes at strategic locations would surely neutralize the impending doom. Think about hezbollah and other dangerous militant terrorist group, they're all sponsored by Iran.


I now wholeheartedly believe the terrorists have won.

When the people of this nation are now afraid of their own shadows, allow their constitution and rights to be trampled in the mud in the name of safety and security, brought on by the actions of our own gov't, believing a media that has been proven to lie, deceive, alter and create news for profit shares, admittedly taking their talking points allowed from our gov't talking heads, which is simply propaganda, and say it's for the peace of all....


When they bring the war home to our shores, thru our support, may Joe have mercy on us all!

When this war is declared or implemented, that you seem to want so badly, guarantee me/us that you will be among the 1st to enlist, making the odds better for my/our children!

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/28/12 02:10 PM

A nuclear armed Iran is a serious threat to the world. Think of a nation who constantly brag on wiping another nation off the face of the earth. I seriously agree with Ben Nety, a series of airstrikes at strategic locations would surely neutralize the impending doom. Think about hezbollah and other dangerous militant terrorist group, they're all sponsored by Iran.


I now wholeheartedly believe the terrorists have won.

When the people of this nation are now afraid of their own shadows, allow their constitution and rights to be trampled in the mud in the name of safety and security, brought on by the actions of our own gov't, believing a media that has been proven to lie, deceive, alter and create news for profit shares, admittedly taking their talking points allowed from our gov't talking heads, which is simply propaganda, and say it's for the peace of all....


When they bring the war home to our shores, thru our support, may Joe have mercy on us all!

When this war is declared or implemented, that you seem to want so badly, guarantee me/us that you will be among the 1st to enlist, making the odds better for my/our children!

No one is afraid. No constitution trampling.
Nuclear disarmament. Voluntarily is preferred since Iran has
committed to the NPT not to pursue nuclear weapons. But certainly
disarmament by force if necessary.

There will be no war though. Just no more nuclear enrichment.

To prevent war. To prevent war crimes.
Nobody wants a nuclear catastrophe and disarmament of Iran is the
best way to avoid it.


boredinaz06's photo
Fri 09/28/12 02:37 PM

Iran having a nuclear weapon or weapons is one of the few areas I disagreed with Ron Paul. Iran needs nuclear weapons like Nancy Pelosi needs a tax break.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/28/12 02:52 PM

'The day after Iran's first nuclear test is a normal day'

A bizarre article on a Revolutionary Guard website breaks a taboo by anticipating the impact of an Iranian bomb

Any mention of an Iranian nuclear weapon is taboo in the Islamic Republic, which insists that its nuclear programme is entirely for peaceful, civil purposes. So it is remarkable, to say the least, that an article has appeared on the Gerdab website, run by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, anticipating the day after Iran's first test of a nuclear warhead. Here is a translation of the text:

The day after Iran's first nuclear test is a normal day.
The day after Islamic Republic of Iran's first nuclear test will be an ordinary day for us Iranians but in the eyes of some of us there will be a new sparkle.
It's a good day. It's seven in the morning. The sun is not fully up yet but everywhere is bright. In the northern hemisphere many countries are beginning the day...
The day before, probably in central deserts of Iran, where once Americans and some other Western countries wanted to bury their nuclear waste, an underground nuclear explosion has taken place. The strength of the explosion was not so great as to cause severe damage to the region nor so weak that Iranian scientists face any problems in running their tests.
Today is a normal day like any other. Like 90% of the year, there is news about Iran, and these are the headlines which can be seen on foreign news sites:
Reuters: Iran detonated its nuclear bomb
CNN: Iran detonated nuclear bomb
Al-Jazeera: The second Islamic nuclear bomb was tested
Al-Arabia: The Shia nuclear bomb was tested
Yahoo! News: Nuclear explosion in Iran
Jerusalem Post: Mullahs obtained nuclear weapon
Washington Post: Nuclear explosion in Iran, Shock and despair in Tel Aviv
Meanwhile, the domestic media will offer many congratulations to the Hidden Imam and the Supreme Leader:
Keyhan: Iran's first nuclear bomb was tested
Jomhoori-e-eslami: Iran successfully carried out a nuclear test
Iran: By order of the president, Iran's 100% homemade nuclear bomb was tested
Ettela'at: Iran's much anticipated nuclear bomb exploded

This strange, hypothetical, article, which first appeared on April 24, hammers home again and again the message that an Iranian nuclear test will not lead to disaster. On the contrary, life will go as before except that Iranians will feel better about themselves.

The news commotion will not knock life in Iran off balance. Civil servants will punch in at work on time as always, while some will be late as always. ...The day after the Islamic Republic of Iran's first nuclear test will be an ordinary day for us Iranians but in the eyes of some of us there will be a new sparkle. A sparkle of national pride and strength.

This has the look of a kite being flown, but for whom? It could be intended to get Iranians used to the idea of a nuclear test, and less fearful of international reaction. It could be a gesture of defiance to the world by hardline elements - according to independent experts, Gerdab is run by the Revolutionary Guards' cyber defence command, which is presumably still smarting from the Stuxnet attack. Opposition websites describe it as an enforcement tool for the regime, identifying and threatening independent bloggers inside Iran.
The article comes during a period when Tehran's official stance is particularly defiant and assertive, announcing today that it will triple its production of 20% enriched uranium and shift it to the underground Fordow site, near Qom.

Meir Javedanfar, an Iranian-Israeli expert on the Tehran regime currently lecturing in Colombia, described the Gerdab article as "unbelievable".

I have never seen anything like this report. It's breaking a major taboo. For now we have to treat it as a one off. However if this report is followed by others similar to it, then it would signify a major change in the way Iran refers to its nuclear program. It would mean that Iran has decided to use the idea of a nuclear bomb as a deterrence against further sanctions and the possibility of a military attack by the West. It could also be a tool for the regime to boost its waning popularity at home.
Such a change could prove to be very damaging in the short and long term, as it would be a significant boost for western efforts to isolate Iran and to consolidate the international consensus against the Islamic Republic and its nuclear program. Such isolation and deteriorating economic situation could be more damaging to the regime's top priority, which is its survival, than a military attack by the West.

Posted by
Julian Borger
Wednesday 8 June 2011 18.30 BST guardian.co.uk

no photo
Sat 09/29/12 01:07 AM
A nuclear armed Iran is like a nuclear armed Al Queda! Make no mistake about that! 4000 citizens killed in Syria and nobody gives a ****. Who's sponsoring the Syrian govt with heavy weapons and lets? IRAN. I keep wondering why the UN has not imposed a No Flight Zone on Syria like it did on Libya?

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/29/12 01:13 AM

A nuclear armed Iran is a serious threat to the world. Think of a nation who constantly brag on wiping another nation off the face of the earth. I seriously agree with Ben Nety, a series of airstrikes at strategic locations would surely neutralize the impending doom. Think about hezbollah and other dangerous militant terrorist group, they're all sponsored by Iran.


I now wholeheartedly believe the terrorists have won.

When the people of this nation are now afraid of their own shadows, allow their constitution and rights to be trampled in the mud in the name of safety and security, brought on by the actions of our own gov't, believing a media that has been proven to lie, deceive, alter and create news for profit shares, admittedly taking their talking points allowed from our gov't talking heads, which is simply propaganda, and say it's for the peace of all....


When they bring the war home to our shores, thru our support, may Joe have mercy on us all!

When this war is declared or implemented, that you seem to want so badly, guarantee me/us that you will be among the 1st to enlist, making the odds better for my/our children!

No one is afraid. No constitution trampling.
Nuclear disarmament. Voluntarily is preferred since Iran has
committed to the NPT not to pursue nuclear weapons. But certainly
disarmament by force if necessary.

There will be no war though. Just no more nuclear enrichment.

To prevent war. To prevent war crimes.
Nobody wants a nuclear catastrophe and disarmament of Iran is the
best way to avoid it.


Isn't, in this case, disarmament and war the same thing?

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/29/12 01:15 AM

A nuclear armed Iran is like a nuclear armed Al Queda! Make no mistake about that! 4000 citizens killed in Syria and nobody gives a ****. Who's sponsoring the Syrian govt with heavy weapons and lets? IRAN. I keep wondering why the UN has not imposed a No Flight Zone on Syria like it did on Libya?
that would have to be the UNSC,and they haven't agreed on anything since 1948!frustrated

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/29/12 02:37 AM

A nuclear armed Iran is a serious threat to the world. Think of a nation who constantly brag on wiping another nation off the face of the earth. I seriously agree with Ben Nety, a series of airstrikes at strategic locations would surely neutralize the impending doom. Think about hezbollah and other dangerous militant terrorist group, they're all sponsored by Iran.


I now wholeheartedly believe the terrorists have won.

When the people of this nation are now afraid of their own shadows, allow their constitution and rights to be trampled in the mud in the name of safety and security, brought on by the actions of our own gov't, believing a media that has been proven to lie, deceive, alter and create news for profit shares, admittedly taking their talking points allowed from our gov't talking heads, which is simply propaganda, and say it's for the peace of all....


When they bring the war home to our shores, thru our support, may Joe have mercy on us all!

When this war is declared or implemented, that you seem to want so badly, guarantee me/us that you will be among the 1st to enlist, making the odds better for my/our children!

No one is afraid. No constitution trampling.
Nuclear disarmament. Voluntarily is preferred since Iran has
committed to the NPT not to pursue nuclear weapons. But certainly
disarmament by force if necessary.

There will be no war though. Just no more nuclear enrichment.

To prevent war. To prevent war crimes.
Nobody wants a nuclear catastrophe and disarmament of Iran is the
best way to avoid it.


Isn't, in this case, disarmament and war the same thing?

I don't see it that way. When I think of a war I think of invasion
forces, boots on the ground, forces and counterforces in encampments, tanks, combat and the like.

And while say a heavy air attack targeting the centrifuge installations or a raid which confiscates weapons materials or
cutting off power suddenly to thousands of centrifuges so they
are damaged or destroyed are not "friendly" activities I don't
consider these full scale warfare.

So no - this would hardly be starting a war. In a very real sense
the war has already been going on via terrorist attacks already
completed against the US sponsored by Iran. Iran has already been
responsible for killing many US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Taking out Iran's illegal nuclear enrichment capability is actually
a step in ending Iran's reprehensible terrorist activities. A
defensive action only necessitated by Iran's own belligerence and
war crimes.

Sometimes, when other options are exhausted one must be prepared
and willing to defend themselves with force against those who have
demonstrated clearly that they wish to do you serious harm. Iran
has shown clearly that they wish to kill Americans and are in the
process of rushing to develop nuclear weapons which could have
make it possible for them to kill very large numbers of innocent
people at a time with their terrorist support activities.

It is prudent and limited and the only reasonable course of action
to prevent them from being able to obtain nuclear weapons grade

This is one of those times when we may have to stand up for ourselves. But that is a good thing and does not mean war.

Besides, Iran could end the entire confrontation by simply honoring
their NPT committments and dismantling their enrichment program if
they wish to demonstrate to the world that they truly are not
interested in nuclear weapons. But they haven't been willing to do
that so yeah. It is the Iranian Govt's decision.

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/29/12 02:55 AM

A nuclear armed Iran is a serious threat to the world. Think of a nation who constantly brag on wiping another nation off the face of the earth. I seriously agree with Ben Nety, a series of airstrikes at strategic locations would surely neutralize the impending doom. Think about hezbollah and other dangerous militant terrorist group, they're all sponsored by Iran.


I now wholeheartedly believe the terrorists have won.

When the people of this nation are now afraid of their own shadows, allow their constitution and rights to be trampled in the mud in the name of safety and security, brought on by the actions of our own gov't, believing a media that has been proven to lie, deceive, alter and create news for profit shares, admittedly taking their talking points allowed from our gov't talking heads, which is simply propaganda, and say it's for the peace of all....


When they bring the war home to our shores, thru our support, may Joe have mercy on us all!

When this war is declared or implemented, that you seem to want so badly, guarantee me/us that you will be among the 1st to enlist, making the odds better for my/our children!

No one is afraid. No constitution trampling.
Nuclear disarmament. Voluntarily is preferred since Iran has
committed to the NPT not to pursue nuclear weapons. But certainly
disarmament by force if necessary.

There will be no war though. Just no more nuclear enrichment.

To prevent war. To prevent war crimes.
Nobody wants a nuclear catastrophe and disarmament of Iran is the
best way to avoid it.


Isn't, in this case, disarmament and war the same thing?

I don't see it that way. When I think of a war I think of invasion
forces, boots on the ground, forces and counterforces in encampments, tanks, combat and the like.

And while say a heavy air attack targeting the centrifuge installations or a raid which confiscates weapons materials or
cutting off power suddenly to thousands of centrifuges so they
are damaged or destroyed are not "friendly" activities I don't
consider these full scale warfare.

So no - this would hardly be starting a war. In a very real sense
the war has already been going on via terrorist attacks already
completed against the US sponsored by Iran. Iran has already been
responsible for killing many US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Taking out Iran's illegal nuclear enrichment capability is actually
a step in ending Iran's reprehensible terrorist activities. A
defensive action only necessitated by Iran's own belligerence and
war crimes.

Sometimes, when other options are exhausted one must be prepared
and willing to defend themselves with force against those who have
demonstrated clearly that they wish to do you serious harm. Iran
has shown clearly that they wish to kill Americans and are in the
process of rushing to develop nuclear weapons which could have
make it possible for them to kill very large numbers of innocent
people at a time with their terrorist support activities.

It is prudent and limited and the only reasonable course of action
to prevent them from being able to obtain nuclear weapons grade

This is one of those times when we may have to stand up for ourselves. But that is a good thing and does not mean war.

Besides, Iran could end the entire confrontation by simply honoring
their NPT committments and dismantling their enrichment program if
they wish to demonstrate to the world that they truly are not
interested in nuclear weapons. But they haven't been willing to do
that so yeah. It is the Iranian Govt's decision.

Iran's position has been totally intransigent. Their ability to built deep and hardened bunkers is well known. The enriched uranium must be removed, which to me means troops on the ground. I would suspect they would put full effort forward to defend the sites and they are expecting a strike, so war by any other name ...

I don't think we can appreciably reduce their ability with air strikes alone. Although we can delay it somewhat. But then we are in the same situation as now.

They want a few nukes. Maybe we should give them a few?:wink:

Optomistic69's photo
Sat 09/29/12 03:01 AM
Iran is entitled to have nuclear weapons and would be very foolish not to equip themselves with as many as Israel have.

Big mouth Bibi would then have to respect a country of 80 million people.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/29/12 03:27 AM

Iran is entitled to have nuclear weapons


s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/29/12 03:40 AM
On March 19, 2009, Hans Rühle, former chief of the planning staff of the German Defense Ministry, wrote in the Swiss daily Neue Zürcher Zeitung that Iran was financing a Syrian nuclear reactor. Rühle did not identify the sources of his information. He wrote that U.S. intelligence had detected North Korean ship deliveries of construction supplies to Syria that started in 2002, and that the construction was spotted by American satellites in 2003, who detected nothing unusual, partly because the Syrians had banned radio and telephones from the site and handled communications solely by messengers. He said that "The analysis was conclusive that it was a North Korean-type reactor, a gas graphite model"


no photo
Sat 09/29/12 08:30 AM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Sat 09/29/12 09:04 AM

He's now the laughing stock of the entire world laugh

Satanyahoo.... I dare you to go it alone.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 09/30/12 08:30 AM

Makes you wonder where is our real leadership?
Netanyahu has drawn the line where Obama has failed to lead.

Personally I think the line should have been drawn years ago
on operation of a centrifuge cascade. Then we would not even
have the levels of enrichment and threat we face today.

The calculation was made that we would allow the Iranians
to dump billions of dollars into these programs and then
wipe it all out if they persisted raising the stakes in
nuclear weaponization brinksmanship.

In the end there will only be more smoking holes in the
Iranian landscape and billions of dollars down the drain
which could have been used for economic development and
educational and scientific advancement for the Iranian
people. What a waste.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 09/30/12 11:38 AM

Iran is entitled to have nuclear weapons and would be very foolish not to equip themselves with as many as Israel have.

Big mouth Bibi would then have to respect a country of 80 million people.

Jul 11, 2012 18:41 Moscow Time

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Hamenei has called on his people to prepare for a war and the End of the World.

In his recent message, Ayatollah Hamenei warned the Iranian people of the coming of the Mahdi, the Hidden Imam, the last and awaited prophet who will appear for the Doomsday to save the world and impose Islamic world order.

Mr. Hamenei stressed the coming of the Mahdi was prophesized in the Quran and all Iranians were to prepare for it.

He said that, if the Iranian people believed themselves to be the soldiers of the Twelfth Imam, they should get ready to be led by Allah to the war to help the Islamic civilization triumph over the world.

“It is our destiny,” the Iranian spiritual leader concluded.

Local media report that Tehran has been circulating a brochure titled “The Last Six Months,” urging officers to brace themselves ahead of the Mahdi‘s arrival and the last standoff with the West.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards cautioned Israel and the US they had no information as the kind of warheads Iranian missiles may carry.


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