Topic: (adult) ad(h)d
chsc2001's photo
Tue 07/24/12 07:14 AM
does anyone work with adults or children with attention deficit therapist, scientist, medical dr. ...?

Does anyone have ADD or children with ADD...which professionals are you working with?

I would appreciate a message from anyone who is willing to answer a few questions for me on the subject.

no photo
Mon 08/27/12 10:45 PM
I have adult ADD. I'd be willing to answer any questions you have. For now, I can tell you how it has affected me and what treatments I've taken/done.
I was diagnosed as a kid, and put on ritalin, but never liked the way it made me feel. Upon late middle school/early highschool I came off the medication and used a vitamin supplement called "Spark" and it worked just fine. To be honest my ADD never was a huge problem until I entered college and it began to take it's toll on my grades and job. I'm on very thin ice with my current job right now because of it.
Recently I went to this place called the Amen clinics and had a spec scan and blood work done which revealed an iron and vitamin d deficiency. So I'm now doing a daily dose of vitamins day and night and have been for a couple months now. The doctor claims it will bring me to the point of no longer needing stimulants. Oh I'm also on Vynase now and have been before going to the clinic. Beforehand I was on strattera and it had bad side effects of depression. I feel like a guinea pig and it is very frustrating that many people don't believe ADD/ADHD is real.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 08/27/12 11:00 PM
i think i have it.i can't seem to

oh look,boobs!

no photo
Tue 08/28/12 12:09 AM
i believe i have adhd. i don't take any medication for it, tho.
i don't think its that bad, also. But thats me lol

strongwilled1234's photo
Tue 08/28/12 01:26 AM
Well, I have children that have AD/HD and they are on meds because of it. I don't like that they are, but if they aren't on them, everything goes haywire. I have looked into natural remidies, but haven't tried them yet. There are many many people in this world that don't understand mental illness and think it's a joke, excuse or whatever, but from someone experienced with this, it's not!! Believe it or not boys have the higher chance of having this then girls do, however, new research is showing that girls are being diagnosed with it more and more now days then before. There have also been studies done that AD/HD overshawdows Bipolar and so it's misdiagnosed. This is not just in children, but majority is...teen years.

If you want to ask me questions I would be happy to answer them.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 08/28/12 01:12 PM
I don't have any experience with ADHD, but I practice Kung Fu. As I've been told, martial arts help people with attention problems learn to focus the mind. ADD-care has a good reputation (I've never had experience with it, though).

wux's photo
Mon 09/03/12 01:24 AM
Edited by wux on Mon 09/03/12 01:28 AM

does anyone work with adults or children with attention deficit therapist, scientist, medical dr. ...?

Does anyone have ADD or children with ADD...which professionals are you working with?

I would appreciate a message from anyone who is willing to answer a few questions for me on the subject.

yes, I am a medical doctor and scientists. I am German and am the smartest man alive in the world.

I have dissected the brains of thousands of children who had AD(h)D while their mothers looked on and sang German marches.

I have to tell you, frogs are harder to dissect, because they are much smaller, and you need smaller, sharper instruments and better eyesight.

According to my research, adult children of alcoholics who suffer from adult AD(h)D as children can be cured, but it's a very expensive process, and it's much cheaper to cremate them. My government has accepted this progressive philosophy in the treatment of the demographic epidemic.

Ask me next how to cure mass obesity in the young of the population.


Edit: this post was not written to ridicule anyone or to make slight of the mentally ill. It was made in pure clean fun. If you find it excessively insensitive or offensive, please ask the mods (yellowrose or souphiehere) to get this post of mine deleted. I mean no offence, and won't take offence at all whatsoever if this post disappears.