Topic: New christians
Ladywind7's photo
Thu 08/16/12 12:16 PM
Have questions? We will try to answer them. It doesn't matter how wierd or wonderful, it is about learning and growing.bigsmile

no photo
Thu 09/20/12 09:11 PM

Ladywind7's photo
Fri 09/21/12 01:50 AM
The answer is YES lol bigsmile :angel:

Uzoclem's photo
Sun 09/23/12 05:42 AM
With the doctrinal wars going on in every part of our society, and the inconsistent lifestyles of both the clergy and the laity, who is indeed a Christian? Has the Faith one divine standard or many?

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:28 PM
The word is the standard. The Spirit of God knows the children of God. Does not the bible say the wheat and thorns will grow together & at the end of the age angels will separate them? Thus scripture is being fulfiled in our very own fellowships.