Topic: UNO - You represent whom?
smart2009's photo
Tue 08/07/12 10:19 AM
The United Nations Organization is neither United, nor it is an Organization, but rather, a club for trading interests and what community of Nations is it supposed to represent? Did anyone vote for it? Therefore speaking about the UNO and democracy in one and the same breath is ludicrous.
Enter the UNO, talking about"democracy". What"democracy"? Did anyone vote for the United Nations Organization? Then what right do a handful of members sitting in its Security Council have to implement policy which can have a direct affect on our lives? And how"democratic" are the member states supporting the policies it implements - policieswhich more and more rubber-stamp NATO's colonialist adventures?
Does the UNO then admit that it supports terrorists and racists? In which case, this organization does not represent my idea of a United Nations Organization, it does not represent the ideals set forth in its own Charter and it does not represent a forum which has the right to claim to defend or uphold international law.
It is about dismantling the African Union, it is about destroying Africa's institutions and handing them back to former colonial powers, crippling African nations and Africans once more with horrific interest repayments, it is about channelling Africa's resources outwards for free, aided and abetted bythe UNO, aided and abetted by the African leaders themselves who look on with their hands in their pockets, aided and abetted bythose who recognise and support what can only be called a terrorist organization.
This is not my world, this is not my international community, this is not my UNO - it has failed to represent my wishes, it has failed to represent the wishes in the hearts and minds of the world communityand as such it no longer exists as anything worthy of respect - it is a club for trading interests among those who were not elected andtherefore have no right to barter the world's resources between them.
It is time for a new world community, it is time for a new approach, it is time for the rule of law to be applied equally to all, it is time to hold the handful of political leaders among the 7-billion-strong world population to be accountable for their actions. It is not theirworld, it is ours!
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 08/07/12 10:37 AM

The trick is to unite the people, not the nations govt's thru their "leaders" (most of whom are corrupt.... backed by the elites in power and control of the media)...

Whenever we get a potential leader who can do that, they are executed, assassinated, or black balled thru the media..... as Ron Paul has been

lilott's photo
Tue 08/07/12 11:01 AM
It's time we get out of the UN.