Topic: Israel’s Sacred Terrorism | |
1. There is no Palestinian homeland. It is very funny...worth a Butchers |
Edited by
Thu 08/09/12 11:06 AM
1. There is no Palestinian homeland. It is very funny...worth a Butchers 1. There is no Palestinian homeland. The Palestinians came from all over the region and have never had a homeland in the area where Israel is located. On the other hand the Jews had their own country there with the country named after them and their main place of worship there at the Temple mount and maps of the world from antiquity noting the land as Judea and Hebron etc. It is really sad. These people should not be kept in camps but should have been resettled in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt decades ago. As former combatants and supporters of the combatants against Israel it is obviously never going to be possible to resettle them in Israel but the neighboring states have hundreds of times the land area and much lower population density than Israel so they could easily be resettled there in the lands where their ancestors originated. The Russian Jews? They have been hounded and persecuted mercilessly in Russia for hundreds of years. They chose to emigrate to Israel and were all resettled legally without usurping anyone's land. But go ahead and... YELL AT US SOME MORE! It will really improve making your point! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 08/09/12 11:14 AM
Even though you put in your laughing emoticons It is getting to you....RIGHT...otherwise you wouldn't bother to mention it
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Edited by
Thu 08/09/12 11:16 AM
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() The Middle East war is not now and never was a conflict between Israelis/Jews on the one hand and Palestinians on the other. In fact, the Arab-"Palestinians", while currently the perpetrators of most of the anti-Jewish atrocities, were never a very important part of the conflict. In fact, before about 1970, virtually no one in the world considered the Middle East conflict to be one between Israelis and Palestinians. The term "Palestinian" itself had referred to Israeli Jews back in the 1940s, and had been slowly deconstructed and redefined to refer to the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza. The Middle East Conflict was always a war by Arabs against Jews, not a conflict between Israelis and "Palestinians." The war was repackaged as a conflict between Jews and Palestinians as a public relations gimmick by the Arab fascist regimes. These regimes had never had any interest in "Palestinians," in creating a "Palestinian" state, or in "Palestinian nationalism" before 1967. That is because Palestinian nationalism did not and DOES NOT exist. The Palestinians were a regional group of Arabs having virtually no cultural nor national distinctive traits separating them from Syrians, Lebanese, and Jordanians. They are all basically Arabs!. The bulk of what are called "Palestinian Arabs" are members of families who migrated into the Land of Israel beginning in the late 19th century. Palestinian nationalism is a mislabeling of Arab nationalism. Arab nationalism exists, although it is closely bound up with Islamic nationalism and even Islamism. Palestinian nationalism, however, is a phantom. It is nothing more than genocidal hatred of Jews! The Arab assaults and aggressions against Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1968, and 1973 had nothing to do with Palestinians. The Palestinian terror campaign would itself be easy to suppress today and eradicate if the Middle East conflict were really a Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Israel would simply obliterate the terrorists and expel their supporters to Syria and Lebanon. The Middle East war continues because it is really an Arab-Israeli war, not an Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is also in large part a war between barbarism and civilization. In many ways an Islamic religious jihad against the Jews. |
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() Now that you shown me yours I will show you mine ![]() ![]() |
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() Now that you shown me yours I will show you mine ![]() ![]() Mis-labeled British Mandate was not "Palestinain Land" ![]() But don't let outright lies stop you... ![]() Here are a few more maps... ![]() British Mandate including Transjordan which you left off your map... Note that although it was called Palestine by the British it was not "Palestinian land" unless you are going back the historical tradition of referring to Jews and Palestinians. ![]() ![]() French Mandate showing Transjordan as the actual Palestinian land... ![]() ![]() 1967 borders showing how Israel was attacked from all sides. ![]() At least we agree on the Partition Plan map before the Arab Palestinians rejected that and attacked Israel again. ![]() But none of it was "Palestinian" land if you are going to be honest about it. |
Rabbi Korff and the “Political Action Committee for Palestine”
Another terrorist front group, the Political Action Committee for Palestine, was formed by Rabbi Baruch Korff[154], who indirectly admitted that the financing of terrorism was among its activities.[155] In actuality, Korff did more than just finance terrorism. In 1946 British intelligence uncovered plots by Jewish terrorists to assassinate the British foreign minister. Details were heavily censored from the public for many years, but eventually it came out that Korff was part of this.[156] In 1947 Rabbi Korff and his group planned to drop explosive bombs on the British foreign office, accompanied by 10,000 Stern Gang leaflets. The plot was foiled by a young American aviator they had tried to recruit, Reginald Gilbert, promising him “lucrative jobs” after the mission was completed.[157] Gilbert, who had flown 136 combat missions over Europe, shooting down three German planes and damaging seven, informed the American Embassy, and then worked with Scotland Yard and the Paris police to have the would-be assassins arrested. French police, who said they “feared for the flier’s life if the Stern gang ever caught up with him,” flew him to London until he could return to the U.S.[158] Although almost no one remembers this plot, it was headline news at the time in newspapers across the United States, [159] though many sanitized versions mentioned only the leaflets. In a first-hand account of the plot published by the New York Herald Tribune, Gilbert writes that the group planned much more than a leaflet drop. The first idea was to drop bombs on Parliament, but the target was subsequently changed to the Foreign Ministry, “because Korff held a grudge against that office for refusing him a visa to Palestine.” When Gilbert (who, at the direction of the Paris police, was pretending to go along with the plot) mentioned that fog might prevent them from locating the exact target, Korff told him in that case they would just drop the bombs anywhere on London. When Gilbert protested that innocent people might be killed, Rabbi Korff replied, “They are British, so they are our enemy.’” [160] Korff then came up with various stories. At one point he claimed that Gilbert had been the guilty party. Next, he and Peter Bergson claimed that the plot was a British “frameup” and that Gilbert was a British agent.[161] According to the London Times, Rabbi Korff later said that “millions of dollars had been subscribed by private American sources’ to fund the purchase of the aircraft.”[162] In 1948 Korff published a large advertisement in the New York Post calling a State Department policy against enforcing partition “pure and simple anti-Semitism… plain everyday anti-Semitism, incorporated in the hearts and minds of those who govern free America.”[163] Later, Rabbi Korff became a close friend and strong supporter of President Richard Nixon, who called him “my rabbi.”[164] Korff is reported to have influenced Nixon’s strong support for Israel and efforts to allow Soviet Jews to emigrate.[165] Korff served as a chaplain for the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health for 21 years.[166] He later acted as a consultant to Brown University in conjunction with the school’s acquisition of his archives.[167] According to the London Independent, Korff had many supporters in high places in Israel, including Ytzahak Rabin and Golda Meir.[168] |
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() Now that you shown me yours I will show you mine ![]() ![]() |
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() Now that you shown me yours I will show you mine ![]() ![]() ![]() actually,it's not even funny,but a dang Lie! |
Edited by
Thu 08/09/12 01:32 PM
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() Now that you shown me yours I will show you mine ![]() ![]() If you had studied the Subject,you'd definitely know! It's amazing you all would even try! ![]() |
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() Now that you shown me yours I will show you mine ![]() ![]() If you had studied the Subject,you'd definitely know! It's amazing you all would even try! ![]() |
Looks like no proof forthcoming so
The “Sonneborn Institute” Another American front group for illegal Zionist activities was known as the “Sonneborn Institute,” named after its founder, Rudolf G. Sonneborn, scion of a wealthy German-Jewish family from Baltimore.[169] Sonneborn had first met Zionist leader and future Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion in 1919 when Sonneborn, at the behest of family friend Supreme Court Justice Brandeis, had traveled to the Versailles peace conference as secretary of a Zionist delegation and afterward gone on a tour of Palestine.[170] In 1945 Sonneborn and Ben Gurion hosted a meeting of 17 well-connected guests at Sonneborn’s Manhattan penthouse. They came from Los Angeles, Toronto, Miami, Birmingham, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Newark, New Haven and New York. One was a rabbi, five were lawyers, and the others were highly successful businessmen. The purpose, Ben Gurion explained, was to create a secret underground organization that would be the American arm of the Zionist paramilitary in Palestine, the Haganah. The organization was to have a representative in at least 35-40 industry groups, and in one month alone there were meetings in Memphis, Ohio, New Jersey, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Baton Rouge, Dallas, Washington DC, and 40 more were scheduled.[171] Their objective was to raise money and support “for purposes which could not be publicized or even fully disclosed.” A variety of front groups were created for military arms and equipment smuggling of everything from machine guns to B-17s.[172] Zionist youth groups were organized, the members sometimes helping load guns onto boats headed for Palestine. US authorities tried to stop what were not only illegal but also extremely damaging activities. In 1948 the Director of Central Intelligence, Rear Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter, filed a top-secret report with the Secretary of Defense about the Zionist arms trafficking. He warned, “U.S. National security is unfavorably affected by these developments and it could be seriously jeopardized by continued illicit traffic in the ‘implements of war.’”[173] Author Grant Smith reports that under Truman “the role of Feinberg and Haganah operative groups active in arms trafficking within the US, like the terrorist charges, would only be lightly investigated and seldom prosecuted.”[174] |
Even though you put in your laughing emoticons It is getting to you....RIGHT...otherwise you wouldn't bother to mention it ![]() ![]() ![]() So, is annoying people the real purpose of this thread? |
Even though you put in your laughing emoticons It is getting to you....RIGHT...otherwise you wouldn't bother to mention it ![]() ![]() ![]() So, is annoying people the real purpose of this thread? |
Those who label the entire British Mandate "Palestinian Land"
wouldn't recognize actual history if it painted itself purple and danced through the corridors singing "Actual history is here again". ![]() |
Wow....didn't think I could completely lose respect for someone over a post....I was wrong.
Maybe it will help if you keep posting the same stuff over and over again just to keep the thread alive. So....what's the agenda? You wanting the all the Jews to commit suicide? Would that make you happy? (don't bother Jew bloods don't give a fk what you think) My family dealt with that crap durng the Holocaust...two survived. From here on out...expect me to view you as someone beneath respect. |
The truth is always the "agenda." And Jews, of all people, and most of all, need to know the truth more than anyone. Their country, as well as ours, is being taken over by a ruthless criminal organization. They are stealing our wealth and our freedom. Our politicians have been compromised, and corrupted. They no longer represent us.
The truth is always the "agenda." And Jews, of all people, and most of all, need to know the truth more than anyone. Their country, as well as ours, is being taken over by a ruthless criminal organization. They are stealing our wealth and our freedom. Our politicians have been compromised, and corrupted. They no longer represent us. ![]() Remember,there are NO Jews! ![]() |
![]() Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. Not exactly how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East. The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda! Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State! ![]() Now that you shown me yours I will show you mine ![]() ![]() If you had studied the Subject,you'd definitely know! It's amazing you all would even try! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 08/09/12 11:11 PM
"Jews" are regular people like anyone else. Some are religious, some are not. Some are nice law abiding citizens, some are criminals. Some are even catholic.
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