Topic: How to talk to a girl and keep the conversation going...
Jay_Hall5's photo
Thu 08/02/12 07:24 PM
Be interested in her. How?

Ask her questions about her, listen while she is talking, take mental notes of important things all about her...Level 1

Then take those important things about her, one by one over time expanding the questioning to find out detailed information about her...Level 2

Why? So you can always keep the relationship fresh and that will prove to her that you are for real and you really care about her...matter of fact it will prove that you love her!!

So ask yourself, when would you have time to look or be with another girl when most of your time is getting to know your girl?

Here's another word of advice: Never stop learning about your girl, even into marriage...In my opinion that's when it could be the best...although I'm not married I'm looking forward to that.

There's so much more, but that's for her...
Take care

FightingBlaze's photo
Mon 08/06/12 07:22 PM
Thank you for your words of wisdom, I just hope I can keep this up in noisy and very loud environments.

kc0003's photo
Mon 08/06/12 07:29 PM
so after all of this listening, at what point do i get her "level"?

blueeyes2000's photo
Mon 08/06/12 07:36 PM

Be interested in her. How?

Ask her questions about her, listen while she is talking, take mental notes of important things all about her...Level 1

Then take those important things about her, one by one over time expanding the questioning to find out detailed information about her...Level 2

Why? So you can always keep the relationship fresh and that will prove to her that you are for real and you really care about her...matter of fact it will prove that you love her!!

So ask yourself, when would you have time to look or be with another girl when most of your time is getting to know your girl?

Here's another word of advice: Never stop learning about your girl, even into marriage...In my opinion that's when it could be the best...although I'm not married I'm looking forward to that.

There's so much more, but that's for her...
Take care

oh come on! That's like watching a good movie and they say, to be continued just when it gets good!

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/06/12 07:45 PM
It also helps if you talk about yourself a little bit...I mean, give her something to play off of. Most people don't want to talk about themselves all the time and if you don't offer something for her to build on, she may just be filling awkward silent spaces.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 08/06/12 08:28 PM

Be interested in her. How?

Ask her questions about her, listen while she is talking, take mental notes of important things all about her...Level 1

Then take those important things about her, one by one over time expanding the questioning to find out detailed information about her...Level 2

Why? So you can always keep the relationship fresh and that will prove to her that you are for real and you really care about her...matter of fact it will prove that you love her!!

So ask yourself, when would you have time to look or be with another girl when most of your time is getting to know your girl? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

This all sounds really calculated and borders on being manipulated which more people don't like a lot. Especially when most women just want to know A) Do you like being with me B) If you like me when can we see each other again and C) What can we do together that we both like? Since girls usually like basic stuff it is generally smart to not try to do things that would not appeal to your sisters or other female friends.

It helps if you keep in mind girls/women you want to date are just people like anyone else. They like to be treated like individuals with courtesy, respect and careing. That means listening when they speak and saying thank you when they do something nice for you. An occassional compliment is encourageing and Chances are if they like you there is something desireable about you or you have mutual interests. And no it is not lots of money or movie star looks more often than not. Actually it is usually that you just don't embarrass the fire out of them being vulgar or trying to be funny when it just sounds like your a hormone ridden thirteen year old. ................................................................................................................................................................

Here's another word of advice: Never stop learning about your girl, even into marriage...In my opinion that's when it could be the best...although I'm not married I'm looking forward to that.

There's so much more, but that's for her...
Take care
Realizeing that people are not going to ever be absolutely static and as they move forward in their life if you expect them to never change or develope new interests or ideas you will suffocate them.

no photo
Mon 08/06/12 08:32 PM
If you're starting a conversation through a site like this, read profiles first. If you're contacting them, you should have something to start a conversation with after reading their profile. Comment on something that caught their interest, or that you have in common and go from there.

Jay_Hall5's photo
Fri 08/10/12 07:59 PM
that's alot to write down...however I would say after you have listened and gathered her important information, then use that for conversation. Girls want us guys not only to listen but to engage them.
Hope this helps


Jay_Hall5's photo
Fri 08/10/12 08:00 PM
Yes I agree, singmesweet! Thanks for your response

Jay_Hall5's photo
Fri 08/10/12 08:01 PM
Sorry blueeyes2000, I have alot of information to share. That's just a tastes. Thanks for your response!!


TattooedDude81's photo
Fri 08/10/12 08:02 PM
First thing I ask if she likes loud, heavy music..if not, that's a dealbreaker slaphead

markc48's photo
Fri 08/10/12 09:19 PM
What I cant hear ya over the music

Ashokbuddy's photo
Sat 08/11/12 05:48 AM
ha ha halaugh

wux's photo
Sat 08/11/12 06:15 AM

It also helps if you talk about yourself a little bit...I mean, give her something to play off of. Most people don't want to talk about themselves all the time and if you don't offer something for her to build on, she may just be filling awkward silent spaces.

I am thrilled to be one of the few who can talk about himself incessantly. And of his ideas, since I am encapsulated in a defined three dimension, in an infinitely three dimensional space -- only my ideas can escape the gravity of my body. And of course also some objects during eliminative bodily functions.

In fact, I just came home recently from a nearly month-long family reunion, with participation by me, my sister, my brother, and my uncle, and we were almost at knife point-sharp disagreement with each other, accusing all other participants, each individually, that they took up each 95% of air time by having the floor, whereas I (and all other participants) felt I (and they, individually) had only 5% of talking time.

This arrangement of time filled by speech can only be via skewed perception, of course, but I used this example only to show that it is possible for people wanting and taking up too much time of the total available communal time to talk about themselves.

wux's photo
Sat 08/11/12 06:17 AM

It also helps if you talk about yourself a little bit...I mean, give her something to play off of. Most people don't want to talk about themselves all the time and if you don't offer something for her to build on, she may just be filling awkward silent spaces.

Oh, boy, I really would like to give some plenty woman a thing to play off of.

Hoo, boy, I am burning up here in anticipation.

wux's photo
Sat 08/11/12 06:22 AM

that's alot to write down...however I would say after you have listened and gathered her important information, then use that for conversation. Girls want us guys not only to listen but to engage them.
Hope this helps


Yes, several girls have tried to get engaged to me. But that was a long time ago. Now they want to disengage.

Please put in a word there somewhere, OP, that a man must also keep himself clean, and be handsome to at least some meritful degree or lever. So he never leaver.

That's how you must deliver.

Because you can live without a lover, but you can't love without a liver.

wux's photo
Sat 08/11/12 06:25 AM
Edited by wux on Sat 08/11/12 06:29 AM

Realizering that people are not going to ever be absolutely static and as they move forward in their life if you expect them to never change or developpe new interests or ideas you will suffocate them.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

"Hey, beeach, you're changing!! If I ever catch you do that again, I'll foist you with these own two hands of mine. So please... don't change if you adore oxygen and the continuation of your metabolic processes."