Topic: Brothers in Arms... | |
For the uninitiated Brothers in Arms is both a Album title and a song by the band Dire Straights. It came out in 1985. As an album it is very good listening. But the song Brothers in Arms and in particular every song in the album hits some thing about life around me that just illustrates musical contrasts of the good and evil that surround me. The last four tracks in particular are a hard stab at political life in this world. Its kind of a shame the message in a lot of music is lost to deaf ears.
I almost forgot about this classic and for some odd reason had to give it a listen on youtube. And it still makes me feel that damn Melancholy feeling I don't like! But the music is still that good that I cannot turn my ear from it. Musically it is called Brit Rock but it is somewhat in a class with Pink Floyd. Their albums share musical features like no two songs share any similar musical elements but where Pink Floyd is more Psychedelic Dire Straights in this album was more ethereal yet blurry and so damn Zen. I mean Peter Gabriel has to have this one album in his vast collection of music! The Song Ride Across the River is such a natural song for a Vietnam War movie. The songs of this album were a big departure from previous music they had written. Mark Knopfler was a major influence in this band and wrote most of the songs. He is one of the greats of rock music and at this moment deserves a mention. I'll bet someone is going, "damn, I remember that was a good album!" |