Topic: ways to get rid of a man
Queene123's photo
Mon 07/16/12 09:48 PM
ways to get rid
of a man

well lets see
would you want
to go to jail
for freedom of
meaning poison
him to all your

you can smash
his windows
but yet you
would be gone
nothing like a flash
but yet, the jurk
would be gone
so its not pointless
as you can see.

get a bee hive
and flock them
untill he
gets the message
hey honey, roll
on the ground
as i can serve
you dinner at
a later date

other ways
to get rid
of a man
is by calling deportation
even though he had
never been over the boarder

for you cant change your name
or can you

run to another state
and find another
looser that
may come about

metalwing's photo
Mon 07/16/12 09:51 PM
Off your meds I see.glasses

Queene123's photo
Mon 07/16/12 10:04 PM

Off your meds I see.glasses

rofl rofl rofl rofl


Kimoboy's photo
Mon 07/16/12 10:05 PM
Wow, you have a great outlook for finding a healthy relationship...

no photo
Tue 07/17/12 07:25 AM