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Topic: 1970's Horror Flick Trailers
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Sat 07/14/12 10:16 AM
Here's a fun compilation of various horror films from the 1970's-

The 70's is probably my favorite decade for horror, even the cheesier ones are more entertaining than some of the stuff getting released in the theaters today.

Beyond The Door will always have a soft spot for me, it terrified me as a kid, even more so than The Exorcist.

Some of the films in the compilation are available in those Mill Creek 50 Movie DVD sets like Pure Terror, and Chilling Classics.

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Sat 07/14/12 11:04 AM
The Other- Another one that creeped me out as a kid, the book it's based on is excellent too. An early film appearance by the late John Ritter.

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Sat 07/14/12 11:07 AM
The Baby- One of the stranger horror flicks to come out of the 70's.

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Sun 07/15/12 05:48 AM
Before Christine, there was The Car-

...and before The Car, there was Killdozer!

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Sun 07/15/12 05:58 AM
"You gonna be da' worm face!"


The Worm Eaters

Filmfreek's photo
Sun 07/15/12 10:13 AM
Only one that really stands out for me is the trailer for Last House On The Left. Where it keeps reminding the audience "it's not's only a movie"...haha.

blueeyes2000's photo
Sun 07/15/12 10:23 AM
The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, Salem's Lot,The Hills Have Eyes, Carrie, Damien,Jaws.....there's so many good movies from the 70s

I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong with the links

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Sun 07/15/12 10:37 AM

Only one that really stands out for me is the trailer for Last House On The Left. Where it keeps reminding the audience "it's not's only a movie"...haha.

To Avoid Fainting
Keep Repeating
It's Only A Movie
It's Only A Movie


My older sisters saw it on the big screen during one of it's re releases in the 70's, I always remember them telling me about how the guy sitting behind them threw up.

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Sun 07/15/12 10:39 AM

The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, Salem's Lot,The Hills Have Eyes, Carrie, Damien,Jaws.....there's so many good movies from the 70s

I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong with the links

(url) web address (/url)

Replace the Parentheses with the [ ].

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Sun 07/15/12 10:40 AM
There's only one thing wrong with the Davis baby....It's Alive

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Sun 07/15/12 10:43 AM

The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, Salem's Lot,The Hills Have Eyes, Carrie, Damien,Jaws.....there's so many good movies from the 70s

Great decade for horror, even the made for TV movies were as good as the theatrical ones. Salem's Lot terrified me as a kid, I watched it in the basement family room alone when it premiered, and I would turn the channel when it got too scary haha.

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Sun 07/15/12 10:48 AM
Zombies are a girl's best friend....The Child

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Sun 07/15/12 10:51 AM
Something is after Jessica. Something very cold, very wet... and very dead... Let's Scare Jessica To Death

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Sun 07/15/12 04:10 PM
Edited by Torgo70 on Sun 07/15/12 04:11 PM
Snuff- A film that could only be made in South America, where life is CHEAP!

One of the biggest film disappointments- as kids we thought this was really based on a true story, or even maybe they actually did capture this on film. This was long before the Internet where you could go on and look up all of the info you need. The film itself was hard to find, so we could only imagine what it was like- we'd seen clips and the trailer on compilation VHS's.

Years later when the film finally became available, we HAD seen the best moments in the clips and trailer. The film as a whole was just plain dull. And come to find out it wasn't based on or inspired by anything. Of course this isn't the first horror film to say it's based on true events, even though it isn't. But at least films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre actually live up to their reputation, and for TCM at least it was inspired by something that really happened(though nothing that ever happened in Texas).

I didn't link the trailer as it had nudity- but it's on youtube: Snuff (1976)

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Sun 07/15/12 04:17 PM
Not since "Village of the Damned" has death become so savage... or survival so hopeless! ....Devil Times Five aka Peopletoys,

blueeyes2000's photo
Sun 07/15/12 07:29 PM
Edited by blueeyes2000 on Sun 07/15/12 07:30 PM
hope this works!


Phantasm was a good movie

no photo
Mon 07/16/12 06:01 AM
What are you doing wrong?

Phantasm is definitely one of my favorites.

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Mon 07/16/12 06:08 AM
She's 250 Pounds of Maniacal Fury! Criminally Insane

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Mon 07/16/12 06:27 AM
They called her The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane...

blueeyes2000's photo
Mon 07/16/12 07:34 AM

What are you doing wrong?

Phantasm is definitely one of my favorites.

I have no ideafrustrated

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