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Topic: Is it just me or is this for everyone?
Walter 's photo
Wed 07/04/12 05:33 PM
I have tried this dating site off and on. Not to complain about by any means but when you start talking to someone on here they end up being from where it says they are not from? For an example I live in Florida so naturally I search the Florida area sometimes I tend to venture off. Then Someone will veiw your profile back blah blah blah, you get the drift and come to find out they live in another country. I'm sure this isn't new to many out there. Also in my time on this site if you see the word "am" used as a self word in place of I, then it is more than liekly someone from another country. hahaha Thank you for reading this vent. Please if you have any stories share it.

Walter 's photo
Wed 07/04/12 05:34 PM
Ops I meant does this happen to anyone else. :tongue:

krupa's photo
Wed 07/04/12 06:22 PM
Yep..and it ain't a bad thing.

I am from the country of Texas. I got a hell of a lot more ex'es in my home town than I have on the internet. I find it refreshing to get to poon hound women from around the globe instead of just dealing with local skanks.

Ironically, the women I have actually met here (I actually mean meet face to face) seem way less mentally jacked up than the scurrvy slags that I have ham boned in the past.

It is all a matter of "the glass is half full" Hawkman. I live in Texas and I hooked up with a nasty puta of love from Oregon and it has worked out smashingly.

I don't care if they live around the corner or half the country away...

A good lover is a good lover. The bad lovers always seem to live in arms reach.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 07/05/12 01:03 AM
For those who's feet are not nailed to the floor anywhere forever amen dating out of the neighborhood is probably not something to completely rule out.

I have found if you kind of build on things people say; even if it is minimal, the phoney persona's start falling apart pretty fast. If they can't follow up anything you say about something in their area wheather residence, employment, family situation drop them like a hot rock.

I know there are those that stand by the vien of thought if grammer, spelling, and or syntax is iffy well of course they have to be a scammers. If you ever edited copy, read case notes, patient records, or even legislation you would be knocked out by how many sucessful American's fail miserably in those areas.

One thing is if someone shows you real estate and they aren't in any of the pics they lifted the photo's. If you check you can acutally find out if and address is occupied by the person they say they are. Scammers and the married have figured out it is pretty easy to claim a forclosed property and use the address by having the mail forwarded. (Tidbits learned busting welfare cheats.)

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 07/05/12 02:54 AM
Could be scammers if they live in a different country?

willing2's photo
Thu 07/05/12 06:42 AM
I just sent a check to a 21 year old beauty in Rwanda. She says she could be here in two weeks if I send her more money.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:wink: smokin

no photo
Thu 07/05/12 06:46 AM

I just sent a check to a 21 year old beauty in Rwanda. She says she could be here in two weeks if I send her more money.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:wink: smokin

laugh flowers

willing2's photo
Thu 07/05/12 06:48 AM

I just sent a check to a 21 year old beauty in Rwanda. She says she could be here in two weeks if I send her more money.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:wink: smokin

laugh flowers

:heart: flowers

blueeyes2000's photo
Thu 07/05/12 06:55 AM
I get emails all the time from 'men' in countries I've never even heard of. Best advice I ever got though,was to keep an open mind, and not prejudge anyone. You never know who you will 'meet',and by not immediately dismissing people( on looks,bad jokes, etc.), you can meet some awesome people,and may even meet the one for you.

no photo
Thu 07/05/12 07:53 AM
Yeah, I get a lot of mail like that, but it is just something that is unavoidable on a site like this. If you are aware of what it is from the beginning, and just laugh and move on your way it becomes much more tolerable. The thing is, as well as the site does about catching and getting rid of spammers and the like, it cannot catch them all, there is just too many. So don't let them spoil your enjoyment.

Also, I have received some mail from people in other countries who do just like what I have to say, and would like a friend to chat with around the world, and I think those are fine. There are people all over who use the site for legitimate reasons even besides finding "the one". Good luck.

no photo
Thu 07/05/12 07:55 AM
I never get mail.

blueeyes2000's photo
Thu 07/05/12 08:01 AM

I never get mail.

Why not?

Walter 's photo
Thu 07/05/12 08:41 AM
Nah, it doesn't ruin my experience on here.

Walter 's photo
Thu 07/05/12 08:42 AM

I just sent a check to a 21 year old beauty in Rwanda. She says she could be here in two weeks if I send her more money.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:wink: smokin

laugh flowers

:heart: flowers
I don't know if I would of done that. Well I guess it would depend on the situation ect ect ect.

Walter 's photo
Thu 07/05/12 08:43 AM
Would it be bad if, I said that i'm getting slighlty addicted to these forum boards.

no photo
Thu 07/05/12 08:44 AM

I have tried this dating site off and on. Not to complain about by any means but when you start talking to someone on here they end up being from where it says they are not from? For an example I live in Florida so naturally I search the Florida area sometimes I tend to venture off. Then Someone will veiw your profile back blah blah blah, you get the drift and come to find out they live in another country. I'm sure this isn't new to many out there. Also in my time on this site if you see the word "am" used as a self word in place of I, then it is more than liekly someone from another country. hahaha Thank you for reading this vent. Please if you have any stories share it.

I'd say it's a red flag to say you're from somewhere, yet turn out to be from another country. If you think there's something weird about it, move on to the next person.

no photo
Thu 07/05/12 09:12 AM

I never get mail.

Why not?

Good question.

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 07/05/12 09:36 AM
Ever considered changing your picture Torgo. I 'see' a rabid, highly strung, high maintenance poodle and I wouldnt want to go near it! Just saying....:tongue: :angel:

willing2's photo
Thu 07/05/12 09:37 AM

I just sent a check to a 21 year old beauty in Rwanda. She says she could be here in two weeks if I send her more money.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:wink: smokin

laugh flowers

:heart: flowers
I don't know if I would of done that. Well I guess it would depend on the situation ect ect ect.

I wuz jest a pullin' yer chain.
Any checks I write would bounce higher than the Empire State Building.:tongue: smokin

no photo
Thu 07/05/12 09:44 AM

Ever considered changing your picture Torgo. I 'see' a rabid, highly strung, high maintenance poodle and I wouldnt want to go near it! Just saying....:tongue: :angel:

I should have worded better, I mean I don't get all of these mails from other countries, and scammers that everyone else on here seems to get multiple times a day.

I've gotten several emails from people asking where the poodle is from, so it's been a great ice breaker.

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