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Topic: friend requests
Ladywind7's photo
Sun 06/24/12 08:51 PM
Nope. You learn who is kind and helpful and who is not. They are like glowing lights lighting your way.

no photo
Mon 06/25/12 07:49 PM
I was previously on another similar site. This other had a "top 100", meaning top 100 people with the most "friends", so people would send "friend requests" just to rack up their numbers for popularity purposes even though they never even chatted.

Personally, I won't accept "Invites" unless somesone at least makes some kind of conversation via email. I don't see any sense in being friends with someone who can't/won't chat with you.

Ash36's photo
Mon 06/25/12 08:03 PM
I tell you.. Peeps are crazy on here

no photo
Tue 06/26/12 08:34 AM

why do people send friend requests to you if they have never contacted you before? it's stupid
I don't have a damn clue. Ha ha. Welcome. drinker

FindMe1113's photo
Tue 06/26/12 08:37 AM

why do people send friend requests to you if they have never contacted you before? it's stupid

I get them ALL THE TIMEwhoa

If I don't know someone or haven't seen them mingling in the forums..I DECLINE!smokin

no photo
Wed 06/27/12 08:40 AM

why do people send friend requests to you if they have never contacted you before? it's stupid

maybe they are so alone and need someone for their ego :-)

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 06/27/12 09:38 AM
The whole friends thing kind of felt foreign to me so I generally just ignore them until they fall off. Sorry if it ever hurst anyone's feelings. Not my intent. If I think you are a scammer or a scum bag I might block you but generally just a live and let live person when it comes to who's on Mingle.

To me calling someone your friend is a major compliment even to some degree an endorsement which I am hesitant to do without an explanation. Not that I am that impressed with the value of my friendship or think it bears any weight but just never liked people who throw their rank around and kind of got out of that mode of thinking years ago. Doesn't mean I would not or have not written Mingle people letter's of reference for various purposes. Just a case by case thing.

I don't mind giving sincere compliments or showing support and do so frequently but friendship is really more private with me and I am likely to extend that on a personal level.

Maybe because I do not expect anyone to take the fall for anything I do smart or otherwise I tend not to want to myself. I would hate to think as much as I put my opinions out there that anyone ever had to answer for what I say when that is my job. Not often I eat crow but I sure don't want to think maybe my friends had to for me.

Not into status or drama so I tend to avoid the whole friend thing so never been "unfriended" that I know off. Not saying that everyone should see it that way it is a personal choice. Think it really works for some people.

It is not that I necessarily back a friends play in every situation but if I say I am your friend to some degree I feel obligated. There are rare cases and some here I would actually do that for but then you get into the whole "why do you friend them and not me?" and I don't do that BS. Kind of a preventive measure.

Last but not least confidentiality does come into play. Because I counsel, mentor, or just listen to some pretty private stuff from some Mingle folks I don't want anyone jumping to conclusions and violateing someones privacy or thinking I have theirs.

JaceKnows's photo
Wed 06/27/12 08:45 PM
One person's "Hello!" is another person's friend request.. <shrug>

no photo
Wed 06/27/12 08:47 PM

One person's "Hello!" is another person's friend request.. <shrug>

I've found out if they're too shy to actually say something before the friend request, they most likely are too shy to say something in messages, as well.

JaceKnows's photo
Wed 06/27/12 08:53 PM

One person's "Hello!" is another person's friend request.. <shrug>

I've found out if they're too shy to actually say something before the friend request, they most likely are too shy to say something in messages, as well.

I've found that people that are too shy to say anything have started to annoy me as I get older. I'm too old to be pulling teeth and I really don't like being the one to always keep the conversation going... so there is a lot of truth in your observation. (=

no photo
Wed 06/27/12 09:01 PM

One person's "Hello!" is another person's friend request.. <shrug>

I've found out if they're too shy to actually say something before the friend request, they most likely are too shy to say something in messages, as well.

I've found that people that are too shy to say anything have started to annoy me as I get older. I'm too old to be pulling teeth and I really don't like being the one to always keep the conversation going... so there is a lot of truth in your observation. (=

If an immediate friend request were really their way of saying hi, that would be one thing. I've tried giving people the benefit of the doubt, though and have found out that those who don't say something in the beginning are likely not to say much later. When I want to talk to someone new here, I contact them via a private message. I've come to expect the same from others who want to chat with me, as that's what I've found that works the best.

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 06/28/12 04:38 AM
Does anyone here get alot of mail and friend requests from men/women who live in India? Just wondering?

no photo
Thu 06/28/12 06:58 AM

Does anyone here get alot of mail and friend requests from men/women who live in India? Just wondering?

I get quite a bit from there and Africa. Also I get several from people who mark themselves from here, but actually live over there.

no photo
Thu 06/28/12 07:10 AM

Does anyone here get alot of mail and friend requests from men/women who live in India? Just wondering?

I get none, I think it's the poodle.

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