Topic: Rothchilds don't care about Israel or Jews.
no photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:12 PM
Alex Jones interviews David Icke about the ruling Elite and how they are manipulating Israel and the rest of the world.

There is a banking cabal in every country working to bring about the one world government.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:25 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 06/17/12 10:26 PM
Elite PANICKING, David Icke FULL LENGTH Interview the name of this video.

This is the best video about what is going on in this world I have ever seen, and I have never really liked Alex Jones.

They say that Rockefella's are who funded Hitler and what Hitler did was helpful to the Rothchild's Zionist agenda.

Also that the Rothchild blood lines don't care about the Jews at all and that Israel is not about the Jews at all, but its about stirring up war and chaos in the middle east.

The Israeli government are under the control of the Rothchild global Elite.

Very interesting.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:10 PM
Thanks for sharing the video looking forward to see it and once again thanks

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/18/12 12:26 AM
yep Icky Davy!
Holy Moly!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 06/18/12 01:21 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/18/12 01:54 AM

yep Icky Davy!
Holy Moly!
has to be true!
Two of the biggest Jokers of the Conspiracy-Circuit claim it is!

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 06/18/12 04:46 AM

yep Icky Davy!
Holy Moly!
has to be true!
Two of the biggest Jokers of the Conspiracy-Circuit claim it is!

Alex Jones and David Icke on infowars no less!

Well, that has credibility <---sarcasm. laugh

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 08:41 AM
If you actually watch the video you will understand a lot about what is happening and why.

I have heard from Jewish people living in Israel talk about the evil Cabal that has taken over their government. It is similar to the same thing that has happened in this Country. It is the same evil cabal that was behind Hitler's atrocities against the Jewish people. The methods are the same It secretly operates here in America too.

Israel itself will be abandoned by these same leaders when the time comes for these rats to leave the sinking ship. The people who stay in Israel will be in grave danger, abandoned by their Zionist leaders.

People need to wake up and realize that the Elite Banking system was designed to steal the real wealth from the people and the so-called royal bloodlines of this world don't care about anyone but themselves. They orchestrate and fund ALL OF THE WARS. They already know who is going to win. They lust for blood and war.

They are descendants and bloodlines of the Anunnaki. That is why they believe they are better than us "commoners." They call themselves "royalty." They are the brotherhood of the snake.

Why do the royal bloodlines believe they are better THAN ANYONE ELSE? Have you ever wondered that? Why are they in such a panic now to install a single world government? Their time is running out.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was not a "Jewish" document. It was originally the plan of these Satan worshiping Reptilian bloodlines who worship their alien Gods.

Fact: The statue of Liberty represents Lucifer, the light bearer. The only "God" of this world is an alien.

These people have been here from the beginning of mankind. They invented the major religions to keep mankind subservient to them.

The six pointed star is not a "Jewish" symbol. It is the Rothchild family crest. The Rothchilds were slave owners. Don't confuse them with their slaves.

Humankind needs to get off of their knees and open their eyes and wake up and take control of their own lives.

Paper money is actually worthless. You will soon discover that as hyper inflation sets in. They want the real wealth of the world. They will want your gold, your property, your children, and your blood.

And of course your worship.

Why do you think people bow down to the Kings and Queens?

They want your worship.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 06/18/12 09:51 AM

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:00 AM
rofl rofl rofl rofl


no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:00 AM

Alex Jones interviews David Icke about the ruling Elite and how they are manipulating Israel and the rest of the world.

There is a banking cabal in every country working to bring about the one world government.

I tend to agree with the basic statement. The lies that caused Israel to be formed don't help much though.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:15 AM
Even if a person can't wrap their head around the idea of the reptilian bloodlines, the fact that there is a secret brotherhood or cabal in control of International banking, planning wars and stealing the wealth is all very obvious and true.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:16 AM

Excellent metaphor for just how awake the people really are. I don't necessarily give Alex Jones nor David Icke any more credibility than MSM, but it's very obvious something is wrong with the monetary system, politics, and yea, people in general.

On a similar note, the mother of my child called last night, and GPS put her at McDonalds. I don't know what offends me more, that she's using crack cocaine, government sponsored and prison approved, or eating at McDonalds again.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:19 AM

Even if a person can't wrap their head around the idea of the reptilian bloodlines, the fact that there is a secret brotherhood or cabal in control of International banking, planning wars and stealing the wealth is all very obvious and true.

As for reptilian in the literal sense, no. Sociopathic and caring nothing for the well being of others, yes. 11th cousins, I wouldn't be surprised at all if I were related that closely. On my grandmothers side there was a bit of Royalty. It means nothing to me. We are all, ultimately related even if some are a$$hole psychopaths.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:22 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/18/12 10:44 AM

Even if a person can't wrap their head around the idea of the reptilian bloodlines, the fact that there is a secret brotherhood or cabal in control of International banking, planning wars and stealing the wealth is all very obvious and true.

As for reptilian in the literal sense, no. Sociopathic and caring nothing for the well being of others, yes. 11th cousins, I wouldn't be surprised at all if I were related that closely. On my grandmothers side there was a bit of Royalty. It means nothing to me. We are all, ultimately related even if some are a$$hole psychopaths.

Yes, it has been discovered recently that there are a lot more psychopaths AMONG US than you might think...

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:30 AM
Even if someone has issues with Icke or Jones....
they are not the ONLY ones talking about this, um..stuff.

Personally I think Alex is extreme, a bit of an alarmist,
I sift through that and the information.

I have lost friends over talking about this.
I'm still blown away at how many just don't seem to care.

Too busy fighting over testing welfare folk, closing borders....
like any of that is going to matter.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:42 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/18/12 10:43 AM

Even if someone has issues with Icke or Jones....
they are not the ONLY ones talking about this, um..stuff.

Personally I think Alex is extreme, a bit of an alarmist,
I sift through that and the information.

I have lost friends over talking about this.
I'm still blown away at how many just don't seem to care.

Too busy fighting over testing welfare folk, closing borders....
like any of that is going to matter.

David Icke has dedicated his life to getting the word out. He has suffered massive ridicule for it, lost his job, his friends etc.

Yet he still does what he believes is right. I have watched and listened to him on videos on youtube and he seems very sincere and sane to me.

He is having a massive seminar in England in October. Thousands of people are going to be there to see and listen to him.

Alex Jones is an alarmist, but he has the guts to put it out there.

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:46 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/18/12 10:46 AM
As far as the Babylonian brotherhood Cabal, you can always know them by their method of operation and their dastardly inhumane deeds. They personify EVIL.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/18/12 10:55 AM

Alex Jones and David Icke, both have their points, both have their moments.

Alex is extreme in his presentation, that's his character, also his passion, neither are bad, and he does offer proof to most he rails about.

As for the OP, banks have no conscience, only manipulated bias, and boards of directors playing both sides of an event or situation for profit....bottom line!

Like corporations, I'll believe they are people when Texas hangs one!

no photo
Mon 06/18/12 11:00 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/18/12 11:01 AM

Alex Jones and David Icke, both have their points, both have their moments.

Alex is extreme in his presentation, that's his character, also his passion, neither are bad, and he does offer proof to most he rails about.

As for the OP, banks have no conscience, only manipulated bias, and boards of directors playing both sides of an event or situation for profit....bottom line!

Like corporations, I'll believe they are people when Texas hangs one!

No, banks are not people.

People are bought and sold and tend to be greedy sometimes. They sell out their own species.

This world is run by seven different filthy rich bloodlines (families) who don't care shidly dit about the rest of the people in the world.

They are cold blooded Psychopaths, ruthless inhuman blood thirsty vampires.

Yep, Evil.