Topic: Syria's Insurrection Is Not America's War!
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 06/05/12 06:03 AM

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 06/05/12 06:17 AM
it seems that more than the US have an interest in Syria.

Conflict opinions: how others see it

United Nations

The ceasefire negotiated by the UN-Arab League envoy, Kofi Annan, is the only deal with international backing but has proved ineffective so far.

United States

The US has maintained that intervention in Syria should be via the UN, as it seeks to win over opposition from Russia and China.


Courting anger by still shipping arms to the Assad regime, Russia is unwilling to allow the West's military to help to secure regime change in the same way as it did in Libya last year.


The official state newspaper warned yesterday that "external forces are not qualified to meddle", arguing that Annan's peace plan is the only way to prevent an "abyss".

European Union

European nations have enforced strict embargoes on Syria and have called on Russia to adopt a tougher line.

no photo
Thu 06/07/12 07:19 AM
Obama did such a great job in Libya and Egypt. What the heck, let's let him have a go a Syria too.smile2

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 06/07/12 07:28 AM

Obama did such a great job in Libya and Egypt. What the heck, let's let him have a go a Syria too.smile2

Still think Obama is more than just a puppet aye!

willing2's photo
Thu 06/07/12 08:29 AM
Let 'em kill each other til the last person stands.