Topic: Words are important
mendy2's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:34 AM
Words are important
They roll off our tongue
Words are shared by you
And every one

Words show who we are
So tell no lies
To your wives

Words are important
Women enjoy
I love you words
Or a little gossip
I have heard

Words are important
With children as well
They want to be told good job
Or in fight, a few cuss words may come out
If mom not there to hear
They just might

Words in the business world
After you both have spoken
It end in a hand shake
And you walk away in hopes
With a deal in the make

Words are important
With the elderly too
They want to be talk to with respect
And not have to say
Child I am your mama
As they grab you around the neck

Words are important
To men as well
Sometimes it the men
Who say the least but just
Use there eyes to tell
You they love you,
And will you become my bride

Words are important
As they roll off our lips
So be careful what you say
As the preacher may say
The world might just end ,,,,,,today

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:36 AM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Aaryaana's photo
Fri 05/25/12 10:48 AM often do u write ??