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Topic: The Prison Industrial Complex
Conrad_73's photo
Sun 05/20/12 10:31 AM

I can see it now Walmart with shirts that have Made in the USA:Florida State Penitentiary on the tag.
would be simple enough to prevent Judges and other Officials from holding Shares in such an Enterprise!

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 05/20/12 04:13 PM

I think that this is happening and is more wide spread than is realized. Many of these prison companies are publicly held Corporations. Judges,lawyers and others can simply buy stock or receive stock in them and direct prisoners to them with no oversight.
Cinikor and Cornell Industries are two that make big profits.
I am sure its far harder to catch the crime than it is to get away with it.

The for profit prison system will be just that and the fear for me is that judges will increase sentences if they are getting a kickback as in the case above.

it will be we the tax payers paying for it in the long run.

yes, and many prisoners will pay also.
If you follow this link. http://abcnews.go.com/US/mark-ciavarella-pa-juvenile-court-judge-convicted-alleged/story?id=12965182 you will see this poor mother screaming about this incredibly huge sentence for a most minor juvenile crime.

I am so glad they got that horrific judge what a greedy slime.

He is a real scumbag.
yep that he is.
Can you imagine? Putting juveniles in jail rather than probation just to gleen a buck?

Its not just the judge who should be on trial. Those that bribed him should be in jail as well.

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