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Topic: 4am and can't sleep...
1andOnlyN0rd's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:11 AM
I've been up for the last 3 nights in a row... I just can't sleep... I slept about 3/4 hrs today so I didn't expect to sleep too much tonight, but it's now after 4am here...

I went out for almost a 5 hour skate, my muscles hurt, I'm exhausted, and yet - I still can't sleep...

I'm wondering, what do you guys do when sleep evades you like this? Any tips to try getting to sleep? (I have tried meditation and breathing exercises, but to no avail).

no photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:23 AM
This is a killer thing to deal with. Don't have the answer, but I can relate bigtime.

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:27 AM
Benadryl works wonders...As i have bad allergies a lot, it seems like at night too so that normally knocks me out. You can try reading too, especially when you know your tired try to read. Last resort could be watching The Notebook. Now i'm not judging but that always helps to put me to sleep laugh

Otherwise we can make an insomniacs club...I'll join but only for opposite reasons. Apparently I sleep too much, yet have an unhealthy sleeping pattern. Cheers to that one....

1andOnlyN0rd's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:41 AM

Benadryl works wonders...As i have bad allergies a lot, it seems like at night too so that normally knocks me out. You can try reading too, especially when you know your tired try to read. Last resort could be watching The Notebook. Now i'm not judging but that always helps to put me to sleep laugh

Otherwise we can make an insomniacs club...I'll join but only for opposite reasons. Apparently I sleep too much, yet have an unhealthy sleeping pattern. Cheers to that one....

That's how I was a few years ago, then it gradually grew to this... I have gone 11 days with zero sleep at one point (i started hallucinating) I seriously thought I was going insane at that point, I got put on trazadone, a tranquilizer, but that stopped working a few months ago and now just makes me trip balls...

I tried reading... I read my nephew to sleep lol. Hm, The Noteook may just work... I have tried watching it 4 times and ALWAYS fall asleep. But now that I want to sleep it prolly won't work and I'll just hate myself for watching it :p

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:44 AM

Benadryl works wonders...As i have bad allergies a lot, it seems like at night too so that normally knocks me out. You can try reading too, especially when you know your tired try to read. Last resort could be watching The Notebook. Now i'm not judging but that always helps to put me to sleep laugh

Otherwise we can make an insomniacs club...I'll join but only for opposite reasons. Apparently I sleep too much, yet have an unhealthy sleeping pattern. Cheers to that one....

That's how I was a few years ago, then it gradually grew to this... I have gone 11 days with zero sleep at one point (i started hallucinating) I seriously thought I was going insane at that point, I got put on trazadone, a tranquilizer, but that stopped working a few months ago and now just makes me trip balls...

I tried reading... I read my nephew to sleep lol. Hm, The Noteook may just work... I have tried watching it 4 times and ALWAYS fall asleep. But now that I want to sleep it prolly won't work and I'll just hate myself for watching it :p

Yea i mean...if you actually do make it through the Notebook i would just end it at that point. LoL

xeshm21's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:45 AM
Ive had a similar experiences honestly best way to fall asleep when you have such a problem ive found is to wear yourself out. Excercise till you have trouble standing, hot shower, party are all good. Never found benadryl to work for me.

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:47 AM

Ive had a similar experiences honestly best way to fall asleep when you have such a problem ive found is to wear yourself out. Excercise till you have trouble standing, hot shower, party are all good. Never found benadryl to work for me.

......Thats because you have to snort it while injecting it between your toes.

xeshm21's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:51 AM
we still talking about benadryl? sounds like thats still a party to me.

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:52 AM
Party? Thats the after school special.

1andOnlyN0rd's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:05 AM

Ive had a similar experiences honestly best way to fall asleep when you have such a problem ive found is to wear yourself out. Excercise till you have trouble standing, hot shower, party are all good. Never found benadryl to work for me.

benadryl doesn't do chrap for me either, unless I eat like a sheet of it, but then I'm delirious AND exhausted, so that's probably worse...

And did you not see the part of being out skating for ours?
Dude, I can barely move, idk how I'm still up, but I am.
Can't party, I'm on papers, and hot showers wake me up, not relax.

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:09 AM

Ive had a similar experiences honestly best way to fall asleep when you have such a problem ive found is to wear yourself out. Excercise till you have trouble standing, hot shower, party are all good. Never found benadryl to work for me.

benadryl doesn't do chrap for me either, unless I eat like a sheet of it, but then I'm delirious AND exhausted, so that's probably worse...

And did you not see the part of being out skating for ours?
Dude, I can barely move, idk how I'm still up, but I am.
Can't party, I'm on papers, and hot showers wake me up, not relax.

Jack it....a nice thrilling "moment" with yourself..oooor if you have a playmate always does that job.

1andOnlyN0rd's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:14 AM

Ive had a similar experiences honestly best way to fall asleep when you have such a problem ive found is to wear yourself out. Excercise till you have trouble standing, hot shower, party are all good. Never found benadryl to work for me.

benadryl doesn't do chrap for me either, unless I eat like a sheet of it, but then I'm delirious AND exhausted, so that's probably worse...

And did you not see the part of being out skating for ours?
Dude, I can barely move, idk how I'm still up, but I am.
Can't party, I'm on papers, and hot showers wake me up, not relax.

Jack it....a nice thrilling "moment" with yourself..oooor if you have a playmate always does that job.

Been there, done that...
I've gone as far as cleaning my house, cooking, went out for a run...
I'm reading computer documentation now, THAT'S how bored I am.

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:16 AM
I got it!!!


MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:17 AM

I wanna go fishing indifferent

xeshm21's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:18 AM
papers ? Put 50 down on a woman if you know where to find them in your area.

1andOnlyN0rd's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:20 AM

I got it!!!


No way, I'm too out of it to be near water...
Now you're just trying to kill me off.


I wanna go fishing indifferent

You definitely live in the right state to do it...

1andOnlyN0rd's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:21 AM

papers ? Put 50 down on a woman if you know where to find them in your area.


And, uh, I'd rather not...

I don't want my junk to fall off because of some weird disease.

Besides, I have someone for that stuff.

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:23 AM

papers ? Put 50 down on a woman if you know where to find them in your area.


And, uh, I'd rather not...

I don't want my junk to fall off because of some weird disease.

Besides, I have someone for that stuff.

LoL! I like the "i have someone for that" ... kinda like... I have a connect for that.

1andOnlyN0rd's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:32 AM

papers ? Put 50 down on a woman if you know where to find them in your area.


And, uh, I'd rather not...

I don't want my junk to fall off because of some weird disease.

Besides, I have someone for that stuff.

LoL! I like the "i have someone for that" ... kinda like... I have a connect for that.

I have a fwb, we have a very mutual understanding that it's just until either of us finds someone to be in a real relationship with... She calls me, I call her... I guess it is like a connect, haha.

God I sound like a terrible person right now.

MissB4ya's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:34 AM
Pretty much...


Ahhh the good life.

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