Topic: who is read for football ?
Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:30 PM
its apparent your not familiar with NFL knoxman. LOL your comments about favre are waaaay off. Run along and do your homework on FAVRE b4 making that wild allegation.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:36 PM
Oh Lord, don't get the cheese heads against ya, we can be a nasty crowd ^.^

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:37 PM
Did my homework on Farve by watching and keeping up with the NFL. I'm far from the only person that's saying this. No one lasts forever in the NFL. Farve's just hurting the Packer's chances, because, out of loyalty, I guess, they won't "force" him into retirement. I thought Farve WAS a great QB, the term here being WAS. Time to leave before he either embarrases himself further, or sustains a crippling injury. No one wants to see that happen.

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 07:04 AM
"Still sleeping, wake up and smell the cheese".

Soldier, that's the trouble with you cheeseheads. That rotting cheese smell has infected your brains. The "Pukers" suck. Farve is an over the hill, broken down shell that's too stupid to know he shoulda hung it up long ago.

"Run along and do your homework on FARVE"

If you would practice what you preach and did YOUR homework for a change, you'd know that your "FARVE-U-LUS"(your quote, not mine,BTW)QB committed one of the most shameful on-field acts a while back. Or is your head in the clouds so far that you don't remember Farve "laying down" so Michael Strahan could break the single-season sack record? Thankd to your glory-boy, an NFL record will always be tainted. If you think I'm making this up, feel free to look it up. There was quite the furor when it happened.

You clain I don't know much about the NFL. I know enough to smell a rat like Farve. Hey, maybe that's why he makes a perfect "Puker"-Rats DO love cheese.

Be sure and circle Nov. 29th on your calendars, "Puker" fans-that's the day Green Bay gets their @$$es handed to them by none other than the (soon-to-be, as in this upcoming season)next Super Bowl champions, the DALLAS COWBOYS. Farve'll be a rat stew after that one!

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 07/28/07 07:08 AM
Jeez Knox, that last post was filled with venom. You can hate a team, but attacking fans is totally different.

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 07:17 AM
They got me first. I'm the kind of person that "gives what he gets". Actually:

Most hated NFL team: Washington Redskins
Most hated player: Leonard Little, St. Louis. To do what he did(drove drunk, killed a woman),and, to this day, not show as much as the slightest bit of remorse, shows he deserves nothing but scorn.

As for Farve, I don't hate him, and I did say he WAS a great played. But those days are gone now, and he should retire while he's relatively healthy. It's not like he's not gonna have about a million sports job opportunities waiting on him.

Dayv's photo
Sat 07/28/07 08:53 AM
I agree Knox, but in a second sense I admire Favre for still having the heart to play, like Jordan did, but also there is a time to call it a night, expecially when the glory has faded.

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 09:10 AM
Knox do you really think I am going to take advice from a dallas cowboys fan, Never. If they win i will run down the streets of STl with nothing but a thong cowboy boots and hats, but since there is no way in HELL I dont have to worry about it

Dayv's photo
Sat 07/28/07 09:13 AM

LOL! Soldier, that might not be a wise thing to say, as you know weirder things have happen...SALUTE!

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 09:16 AM
True stranger things have happned but we're talking about the cowboys hell even god doesnt like them lol SALUTE right back at ya Dayv

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/28/07 09:53 AM
Go PANTHERS!!!!!drinker drinker

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 07/28/07 11:03 AM
Sadly those COWPOKES have abused women, drugs, alcohol and i am still wondering how many are still in prison?? Favre by far is one of the finest QBs the NFL has ever had. He IS the man.
Knoxman instead of bashing ME for not being interested in YOU here at the site is no reason to bring your petty crap to this thread or follow me from community to community here. Simply leave me ALONE knoxman. I am NOT interested in YOU.

I AM ready for some football.........go PACKERS!!!!:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 05:31 PM
Uh,oh, personal ego comes into this.

This isn't personal, it' a matter of one person liking a player, and another thimling he should have retired years ago.

For the record, Barbie, you started the personal attacks by saying I need to run along and do my homework, insinuating I know nothing about the NFL. The only thing I said to you was you should "practice what you preach" about doing NFL homework. An attack on Farve is not an attack on you. Geez, this is starting to go the direction of most "Current Events" topics.

For the record, Barbie(and please don't consider this an attack), I have no interest in you. Sorry for the ego-deflation, but I'm just setting the record straight.

Hey, Soldier, thanks for putting the thought of you in a thong in my mind(LOL). That's enough to make me pull AGAINST the Cowboys this year!!!

GO DALLAS!!!!!!!

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 08:28 PM
im soooo ready i love the eagles <3

HangedMan's photo
Sun 07/29/07 01:43 AM
I don't know Barbie i was hoping they would have traded him when they could still get something for him. They have rodgers an dthey won't know what they have till they get him on the field and see if can make a go of it.

NWYoungGun's photo
Sun 07/29/07 02:55 AM
I'm hoping to GOD that the Vikes don't suck it up again this years. GO VIKINGS!

On a lighter note, I'm Looking forward to the Civil War Game between the Ducks and the Beavs, AND to USC dominating the Longhorns this year (because if they don't I might just cry a little bit).

no photo
Sun 07/29/07 03:41 AM
so------------i'm still watin' for the football games-----

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 07/29/07 07:39 AM
hanged man traded who? Favre?? HAHAHA!!! 3X MVP, busting every record in the NFL history and you want the packers to TRADE FAVRE? Have you bumped your head dude? He IS by far the finest QB the NFL has EVER SEEN. I hardly see that ever happening in PACKERLAND. I was waiting for the new season about the day after the superbowl myself!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 07/29/07 08:23 AM

Dallas will win because they've got a QB just coming into his own(Tony Romo), an exicing reciever corps(Glenn and Owens are getting older, but Patrick Crayton is being groomed as the next great Cowboys reciever), the best tight end(Jason Witten)in the NFL,and possibly the best two-back tandem in the NFL-Marion Barber and Julius Jones. Wade Phillip's version of the 3-4 defense is a much more aggressive version than the one Parcells used.Punter Mat McBriar has the strongest leg of all NFL kickers(which does wonders for field position).


As long as Romo and the defense plays up to their potiential, thee's no reason Dallas won't make the Super Bowl. No NFC team has the overall talent that Dallas has, and the fact that the AFC is tougher overall than the NFC actually helps Dallas in the fact that the AFC champ will be more beaten up by Super Bowl time.


Dallas Cowboys 38, San Diego Chargers 14

RandomX's photo
Sun 07/29/07 08:36 AM
I am Ready and a Falcons Fan ......Dame you Mike Vick