ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 11:40 AM
as an agnostic person and impartial to any holy text, if you look up the history of women voting rights and social rights,you will be very amazed where it began to set a world example.

i will give you a few clues. it wasnt in any western or christian state,it was in 1923,some where in the middle east.

while you are researching,i hope you can understand the power of a biased world media that portrays and stigmatises where there is cash to be made in the horrible and ugly game of armed conflict for oil
that is indexed to just about every basic needs in our lives.

regards from a fellow earthling.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/03/12 11:51 AM
i'm agnostic too, and no matter what people say about the media, the truth is still out there. Muslims are living in the past, which that in it self is no big deal. they want to take over the world, which is a big deal. no matter how much you think it is propaganda, there are kids everyday strapping bombs on their a$$es and walking into public places and killing hundreds of people everyday. why is it in muslim led countries any other religion is less than 10%? because they kill anyone that is not muslim. a woman goes to prison for getting raped? ask mr kahn how a woman is treated in Saudi Arabia... she cannot go out alone, without a man. then she has to walk at least 10 feet behind him. if she cheats on him, he can kill her on the spot, no trial or anything. they trade their daughters for goats. but then they wanna talk about the "peace and love", while they are wanting the 78 virgins they will get from allah for killing the non-believers...

prashant01's photo
Tue 04/03/12 12:12 PM
Their world is full of horrible realities,which are normal for them.
They are blindly following their religion & are very hateful for other religion.Kashmiri padit's are thrown out of their homes & their lands are invaded by muslims.They have forced plenty of people in to their religion & killed those muslims who dared to convert to other religion.

Actually I hate generalization,but it is the fact that they are taught from childhood to hate other religions & so they are generally like that.
I'm sure,they won't ever improve & would never come out of their ridiculous mentality.Who ever tries to do so is barred from their community.

ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 12:16 PM
without prejudice,

i am commenting on foreign policies of nations and NOT to the people of any particular nation/country/state.

the only place that unhappy people are i think is in london,washingtonDC,israel,UN for not having full control of the oil.

if there is truly a religion fight at the grass roots levels,there would be battles raging at all multi beleif nations like india,france (where the population is 37% muslim),south east asia,
russia (almost 150 million muslims),argentina,brazil etc.etc.

the new world order is trying in vain to have the full control of the worlds most precious (financially) resource, OIL.

that will complete the slavery system in line with the monetary control they already have upon us with the great master slave driver ROTHSCHILD.

please dont be fooled by the anti propaganda of the corporate world of multinationals that have the monopoly over the press and media and have the power to place and dispose of puppet governments.

i have a great relationship with my neighbours either side of me for many is an orthodox,the other a muslim and i am agnostic.

lets be tolerant of one another and depose the governments that have made us their servants where as they are suppose to serve us.

the foundations of western law is the bible,where gods last testimont and will is that this world belongs to humans,not the evil UNITED NATIONS and their admiralty/corporate laws of treason.

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 04/03/12 12:16 PM
Are Muslims really trying to take over the world as some are suggesting here.?

I very much doubt it myself.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/03/12 12:20 PM

Are Muslims really trying to take over the world as some are suggesting here.?

I very much doubt it myself.

not all muslims are, but a vast majority think like mr. khan does... remember that 20% of 1.6 billion is still 320 million, which is a little less than the population of the US...

ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 12:44 PM
to start with,lets just look at the past recent history.
which nations governments brought to power? saddam,bin laden,muserref,
the recently deposed president of egypt,gaddafi,king hussain of jordan,syrian president,the taliban once called mujahiddin now called terrorists etc. almost all of the middle eastern state of heads are related and was divided and given kingdoms to them at the great war (WW1) after the fall of the ottomans.

instead of spending/wasting trillions of tax payers monies for war,
the developed world can solve any need for any nation with only millions or perhaps billions spent on infrastructure,education, health,agriculture etc. on the grounds of GOOD WILL.

we will all benefit that way to share the worlds resources justly and evenly for a long term investment of sustainable living.
believe me you,there is enough natural resources of the earth to go around for 6 billion plus people if used,not abused.

we must understand that we cannot fight ignorance and ill education with arms and soldiers which is now happening :( how do you kill and idea/beleif i ask? i certainly know that it doesnt happen with guns.

religion itself in all its glory is a classic example, just ask the vatican or a synagog or a mosque cleric.

ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 12:50 PM
its not the muslims trying to take over the world,its the rothschild family and their team of multinationals that are probably owned by them anyway.

the religion thing is a diversion as it was when jesus came along and competed against judaism when islam wasnt even heard of.

history is repeating my dear friend but in a much sinister manner.

ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 12:57 PM

i'm agnostic too, and no matter what people say about the media, the truth is still out there. Muslims are living in the past, which that in it self is no big deal. they want to take over the world, which is a big deal. no matter how much you think it is propaganda, there are kids everyday strapping bombs on their a$$es and walking into public places and killing hundreds of people everyday. why is it in muslim led countries any other religion is less than 10%? because they kill anyone that is not muslim. a woman goes to prison for getting raped? ask mr kahn how a woman is treated in Saudi Arabia... she cannot go out alone, without a man. then she has to walk at least 10 feet behind him. if she cheats on him, he can kill her on the spot, no trial or anything. they trade their daughters for goats. but then they wanna talk about the "peace and love", while they are wanting the 78 virgins they will get from allah for killing the non-believers...
although i dont approve of the alleged way of life there,but my question will be that they do not go over to any other nations with their armies to impose that system where the western world does.
i certainly will be pissed of if they came over to australia to impose their laws upon me and you can bet your bottom dollar there will be people here strapping themselves with bombs to fight them if it was the only resource they had.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:18 PM

without prejudice,

i am commenting on foreign policies of nations and NOT to the people of any particular nation/country/state.

the only place that unhappy people are i think is in london,washingtonDC,israel,UN for not having full control of the oil.

if there is truly a religion fight at the grass roots levels,there would be battles raging at all multi beleif nations like india,france (where the population is 37% muslim),south east asia,
russia (almost 150 million muslims),argentina,brazil etc.etc.

the new world order is trying in vain to have the full control of the worlds most precious (financially) resource, OIL.

that will complete the slavery system in line with the monetary control they already have upon us with the great master slave driver ROTHSCHILD.

please dont be fooled by the anti propaganda of the corporate world of multinationals that have the monopoly over the press and media and have the power to place and dispose of puppet governments.

i have a great relationship with my neighbours either side of me for many is an orthodox,the other a muslim and i am agnostic.

lets be tolerant of one another and depose the governments that have made us their servants where as they are suppose to serve us.

the foundations of western law is the bible,where gods last testimont and will is that this world belongs to humans,not the evil UNITED NATIONS and their admiralty/corporate laws of treason.
yeah,those bad,bad,bad Illuminati!:laughing:

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:19 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 04/03/12 01:20 PM

Are Muslims really trying to take over the world as some are suggesting here.?

I very much doubt it myself.

haven't been reading Mister Khan's posts,have you?

ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:26 PM

Stolen from somewhere else. I find it ironically funny as, well, you know.

They're unhappy in Gaza.They're unhappy in Egypt.They're unhappy in Libya.They're unhappy in Morocco.They're unhappy in Iran.They're unhappy in Iraq.They're unhappy in Yemen.They're unhappy in Afghanistan.They're unhappy in Pakistan.They're unhappy in Syria.They're unhappy in Lebanon.


They're happy in England.They're happy in America. They're happy in France.They're happy in Italy. They're happy in Germany. They're happy in Norway. They're happy in every country without an Islamic majority. AND WHO DO THEY BLAME? Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves.

ISLAMISTS people wonder why Islamist terrorists are so eager to kill themselves.Let's look at the evidence: No Christmas;
No TV.
No naked women.
No football.
No pork chops.
No hotdogs.
No burgers.
No beer.
No bacon.
Rags for clothes.
Rags for hats.
Constant wailing from idiots in towers.
Multiple wives means multiple mothers-in-law.
You can't shave.
Your wife can't shave.
You can't wash off the donkey odor.
You wipe your a$$ with your hand.
You cook over burning camel ****.
Your wife is chosen for you by someone else.
Your wife smells worse than your donkey.
And they're always telling you: "When you die, it all gets better."

Well, no sheite, Sherlock!

It could hardly get much worse!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
i`m just wondering,given the climatic conditions of a very hot place/region and terrain where tempratures exceed 50 degrees celcius,playing football in a desert,serving pork chops or hot dogs,where pigmeat is the most prone to bacterial rot of all meats and an animal that eats its own pooh,driving to the game in your car where you probably get bogged in the sand before you make 10 metres,it may also get a little sweaty in your levis and hooded sweater that will make you smell while watcing the game that is if you dont get sunstroke in 3 minutes without a rag on your head,reminded for washing up and praying 5 times a day sounds pretty hygenic to me,the only 2 religions that you have to shave for hygene and purity is judaism and islam (both genders),they have 4 major festivities/celebrations in one of them they must provide food for the needy in their vicinity,and of course they have the ramadan where they fast for 30 days to understand hunger and remind them of the needy and the hungry,from what i researched on polygamy,they have multiple wives on special grounds with the consent of elders to support and shelter in return for the marriage.
and i`m not even a muslim to know all this. :)
BTW for your information mate,australia has the worlds biggest camel population.

khan327's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:27 PM
case and point...notice how he wants to take over the world? the religion of "peace and love" is showing it right now...
.Are you see any muslim he isult your religion?Are you see any muslim who insult your religion book.Are you see any muslim who insult yoy charchare you see any muslim he insult jesus.This is love and peace.And you know every where you ppl insult quran and our messenger.
Sorry bro but I cannot and will not respect anyone who treats women the way Muslims do.
its wrong. If muslim treats women bad. More women accepet islam than man. So why it?

no fear. Do you like we do it?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:30 PM

Stolen from somewhere else. I find it ironically funny as, well, you know.

They're unhappy in Gaza.They're unhappy in Egypt.They're unhappy in Libya.They're unhappy in Morocco.They're unhappy in Iran.They're unhappy in Iraq.They're unhappy in Yemen.They're unhappy in Afghanistan.They're unhappy in Pakistan.They're unhappy in Syria.They're unhappy in Lebanon.


They're happy in England.They're happy in America. They're happy in France.They're happy in Italy. They're happy in Germany. They're happy in Norway. They're happy in every country without an Islamic majority. AND WHO DO THEY BLAME? Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves.

ISLAMISTS people wonder why Islamist terrorists are so eager to kill themselves.Let's look at the evidence: No Christmas;
No TV.
No naked women.
No football.
No pork chops.
No hotdogs.
No burgers.
No beer.
No bacon.
Rags for clothes.
Rags for hats.
Constant wailing from idiots in towers.
Multiple wives means multiple mothers-in-law.
You can't shave.
Your wife can't shave.
You can't wash off the donkey odor.
You wipe your a$$ with your hand.
You cook over burning camel ****.
Your wife is chosen for you by someone else.
Your wife smells worse than your donkey.
And they're always telling you: "When you die, it all gets better."

Well, no sheite, Sherlock!

It could hardly get much worse!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
i`m just wondering,given the climatic conditions of a very hot place/region and terrain where tempratures exceed 50 degrees celcius,playing football in a desert,serving pork chops or hot dogs,where pigmeat is the most prone to bacterial rot of all meats and an animal that eats its own pooh,driving to the game in your car where you probably get bogged in the sand before you make 10 metres,it may also get a little sweaty in your levis and hooded sweater that will make you smell while watcing the game that is if you dont get sunstroke in 3 minutes without a rag on your head,reminded for washing up and praying 5 times a day sounds pretty hygenic to me,the only 2 religions that you have to shave for hygene and purity is judaism and islam (both genders),they have 4 major festivities/celebrations in one of them they must provide food for the needy in their vicinity,and of course they have the ramadan where they fast for 30 days to understand hunger and remind them of the needy and the hungry,from what i researched on polygamy,they have multiple wives on special grounds with the consent of elders to support and shelter in return for the marriage.
and i`m not even a muslim to know all this. :)
BTW for your information mate,australia has the worlds biggest camel population.

yes, they were brought there in a failed food try in the 40's, and their population exploded in the outback. but they are not natural to Australia...

ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:31 PM

without prejudice,

i am commenting on foreign policies of nations and NOT to the people of any particular nation/country/state.

the only place that unhappy people are i think is in london,washingtonDC,israel,UN for not having full control of the oil.

if there is truly a religion fight at the grass roots levels,there would be battles raging at all multi beleif nations like india,france (where the population is 37% muslim),south east asia,
russia (almost 150 million muslims),argentina,brazil etc.etc.

the new world order is trying in vain to have the full control of the worlds most precious (financially) resource, OIL.

that will complete the slavery system in line with the monetary control they already have upon us with the great master slave driver ROTHSCHILD.

please dont be fooled by the anti propaganda of the corporate world of multinationals that have the monopoly over the press and media and have the power to place and dispose of puppet governments.

i have a great relationship with my neighbours either side of me for many is an orthodox,the other a muslim and i am agnostic.

lets be tolerant of one another and depose the governments that have made us their servants where as they are suppose to serve us.

the foundations of western law is the bible,where gods last testimont and will is that this world belongs to humans,not the evil UNITED NATIONS and their admiralty/corporate laws of treason.
yeah,those bad,bad,bad Illuminati!:laughing:
you are on the right track mate,i didnt want to mention that dirty word beginning with i and ending in i :)

no photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:36 PM
If they could look at women and have premarital sex, maybe google wouldn't report the following search results...

Pig Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
Donkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Dog Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
Cat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Egypt (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Horse Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Turkey (No. 3)
Cow Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
Goat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1)
Animal Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Morocco (No. 2) Iran (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
Snake Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Malaysia (No. 3) Indonesia (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
Monkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Indonesia (No. 3) Malaysia (No. 4)
Bear Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 2)
Elephant Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 3) United Arab Emirates (No. 4) Malaysia (No. 5)
Fox Sex: Saudi Arabia (No. 1) Turkey (No. 4)

Pakistan has some sick mofos.

ANATOLIAN1's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:37 PM

Stolen from somewhere else. I find it ironically funny as, well, you know.

They're unhappy in Gaza.They're unhappy in Egypt.They're unhappy in Libya.They're unhappy in Morocco.They're unhappy in Iran.They're unhappy in Iraq.They're unhappy in Yemen.They're unhappy in Afghanistan.They're unhappy in Pakistan.They're unhappy in Syria.They're unhappy in Lebanon.


They're happy in England.They're happy in America. They're happy in France.They're happy in Italy. They're happy in Germany. They're happy in Norway. They're happy in every country without an Islamic majority. AND WHO DO THEY BLAME? Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves.

ISLAMISTS people wonder why Islamist terrorists are so eager to kill themselves.Let's look at the evidence: No Christmas;
No TV.
No naked women.
No football.
No pork chops.
No hotdogs.
No burgers.
No beer.
No bacon.
Rags for clothes.
Rags for hats.
Constant wailing from idiots in towers.
Multiple wives means multiple mothers-in-law.
You can't shave.
Your wife can't shave.
You can't wash off the donkey odor.
You wipe your a$$ with your hand.
You cook over burning camel ****.
Your wife is chosen for you by someone else.
Your wife smells worse than your donkey.
And they're always telling you: "When you die, it all gets better."

Well, no sheite, Sherlock!

It could hardly get much worse!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
i`m just wondering,given the climatic conditions of a very hot place/region and terrain where tempratures exceed 50 degrees celcius,playing football in a desert,serving pork chops or hot dogs,where pigmeat is the most prone to bacterial rot of all meats and an animal that eats its own pooh,driving to the game in your car where you probably get bogged in the sand before you make 10 metres,it may also get a little sweaty in your levis and hooded sweater that will make you smell while watcing the game that is if you dont get sunstroke in 3 minutes without a rag on your head,reminded for washing up and praying 5 times a day sounds pretty hygenic to me,the only 2 religions that you have to shave for hygene and purity is judaism and islam (both genders),they have 4 major festivities/celebrations in one of them they must provide food for the needy in their vicinity,and of course they have the ramadan where they fast for 30 days to understand hunger and remind them of the needy and the hungry,from what i researched on polygamy,they have multiple wives on special grounds with the consent of elders to support and shelter in return for the marriage.
and i`m not even a muslim to know all this. :)
BTW for your information mate,australia has the worlds biggest camel population.

yes, they were brought there in a failed food try in the 40's, and their population exploded in the outback. but they are not natural to ...
you are correct WWII when afghanis were brought here to the northern part of oz to grow dates for agricultural benefits before they were called mujahaddins,northern alliance and terrorists. it failed due to demand at the time.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:38 PM

without prejudice,

i am commenting on foreign policies of nations and NOT to the people of any particular nation/country/state.

the only place that unhappy people are i think is in london,washingtonDC,israel,UN for not having full control of the oil.

if there is truly a religion fight at the grass roots levels,there would be battles raging at all multi beleif nations like india,france (where the population is 37% muslim),south east asia,
russia (almost 150 million muslims),argentina,brazil etc.etc.

the new world order is trying in vain to have the full control of the worlds most precious (financially) resource, OIL.

that will complete the slavery system in line with the monetary control they already have upon us with the great master slave driver ROTHSCHILD.

please dont be fooled by the anti propaganda of the corporate world of multinationals that have the monopoly over the press and media and have the power to place and dispose of puppet governments.

i have a great relationship with my neighbours either side of me for many is an orthodox,the other a muslim and i am agnostic.

lets be tolerant of one another and depose the governments that have made us their servants where as they are suppose to serve us.

the foundations of western law is the bible,where gods last testimont and will is that this world belongs to humans,not the evil UNITED NATIONS and their admiralty/corporate laws of treason.
yeah,those bad,bad,bad Illuminati!:laughing:
you are on the right track mate,i didnt want to mention that dirty word beginning with i and ending in i :)
except that my take on it is Tongue-In-Cheek!
Disproven so many times it ain't pitiful!laugh

Realm of Conspiracy-Theories !
Icke,Jones,Ventura etc.
A World-Conspiracy that never existed!:laughing:

khan327's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:44 PM
because they kill anyone that is not muslim. w a woman is treated in Saudi Arabia... she cannot go out alone, without a man. he can kill her on the spot, no trial or anything. tdaughteey wanna ta"peace and love",
have u seen any non muslim die in bomb blast in pakistan. Have u seen any muslim in pakistan he killd a non muslim. There are 20% non muslim in pakistan.
Hijab its the part of islam over women desnt expose her body like ur its order of god. if exposure of the body is modrinsm than animal are more modran than human. Adultry is not part of islam. is is a modrinism to sex with dog , cat . Donkey, horse. Snake blalah:Dlesbo gay..

khan327's photo
Tue 04/03/12 01:47 PM
Are Muslims really trying to take over the world as some are suggesting here.?I very much doubt it myself.

nononon we dont want it. We just want to stop oil on europe and usa..