Topic: how would you prefer to die?
OIF_Chef's photo
Mon 03/26/12 01:26 AM
Acid for sure. Don't think the nitrogen would kill you so much as make you wish you were dead. :D

Stung to death by bees or trampled to death by elephants?

doper's photo
Mon 03/26/12 01:41 AM
elephants sound more appealing to me. . . . .tied to chopper blades and take a tour/ free fall but yr aware abt knives and blades below. .

doper's photo
Mon 03/26/12 12:39 PM

Ash36's photo
Mon 03/26/12 01:30 PM
Tied to chopper blades and take a tour. Sounds fun.

Gettin your a$$ sliced in 1piece or dying of A bomb blast from sucide bomber.

rara777's photo
Sat 04/07/12 05:11 PM
Edited by rara777 on Sat 04/07/12 05:12 PM
I`d like to be in the workshop with a woman. Buried inside of her.Please let me come before I go.:wink: laugh

rara777's photo
Sat 04/07/12 05:12 PM

I`d like to be in the workshop with a woman. Buried inside of her.Please let me come before I go.:wink: laugh

doperbong's photo
Tue 12/17/13 11:07 PM

Argo's photo
Sun 12/22/13 07:43 PM
smothered, in a heaping plate of chocolate pancakes ?


starving to death, handcuffed to a massage table ?

dcastelmissy's photo
Sun 12/22/13 08:08 PM
Smothered in a heaping plate of chocolate pancakes

Argo's photo
Sun 12/22/13 08:12 PM

Smothered in a heaping plate of chocolate pancakes

gotta leave a choice for next poster...

dcastelmissy's photo
Sun 12/22/13 08:18 PM

Smothered in a heaping plate of chocolate pancakes

gotta leave a choice for next poster...

Dying of a heart attack in your sleep?


Dying dying after a long-term illness?

Argo's photo
Sun 12/22/13 08:34 PM
in my sleep.....

guillotine or burned at the stake ?

dcastelmissy's photo
Sun 12/22/13 11:14 PM

Hit by a car?


In an airplane crash?

Argo's photo
Sun 12/22/13 11:21 PM
airplane crash

poisoned by your lover


shot to death by her husband....?

dcastelmissy's photo
Sun 12/22/13 11:39 PM
Poisoned by lover

Falling off a high mountain


Drowning in a flood?

doperbong's photo
Tue 12/24/13 01:22 AM
fallin off a cliff .... Zombie apocalypse .......... Trapped in quicksand ,,

SpotHamster's photo
Fri 05/02/14 11:11 PM
Zombie Apocolypse sound cooler XD

Death by internal bleeding from...

Being impaled by a bull


Having swallowed 1,000,000 leaches?

gibbs1602's photo
Sat 05/03/14 02:47 AM
Being impaled by a bull.

By a bolt of lightning or hit by a UFO?

Astrid's photo
Sat 05/03/14 02:50 AM
by a bolt of lightning..though i really prefer dying thru illness

bitten by fireants or lethal injection?

gibbs1602's photo
Sun 05/04/14 04:47 AM
lethal injection...

freak accident or drowning