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Topic: My dog has a drinking problem..
BettyB's photo
Tue 03/20/12 01:31 PM
Thank you Rainbow.
they really are part of the family, except more helpless and they don't understand why you are doing these nasty things to them to help them because you love them so darn much.

Totage's photo
Tue 03/20/12 06:42 PM

Thank you Rainbow.
they really are part of the family, except more helpless and they don't understand why you are doing these nasty things to them to help them because you love them so darn much.

I don't think pets are more helpless, and don't understand that we're just trying to help them. I think we become part of their family, just as they become a part of ours. I think they know we are helping them to some extent, they just try to communicate as best they can when they are scared, in pain, etc. They're also more controlled by their instincts than we are.

BettyB's photo
Tue 03/20/12 08:05 PM
I really hope you are right about that,I am going to try and think that way too.
My big fear is that he will think I have "turned " on him.
What you just wrote really helped me , thank you Totage flowerforyou

Totage's photo
Tue 03/20/12 08:30 PM
He knows you're helping him, he may not understand what's going on and he may be scared to death, but as long as he knows you're there to comfort him, he will know he's OK.

He sees you as one of his own, and just as he will be there and do what he can to help you, he knows that you'll do the same for him. He won't feel that you've turned on him, trust me. If he does happen to get upset with you, he will instantly forgive you, that's their nature. Animals don't hold grudges.

BettyB's photo
Fri 03/23/12 04:35 PM
Totage you are right:banana: :banana: He still loves melaugh
The tests came back and he has no kidney problems or UTI.
The Vet said that was likely because we got him in so fast .
So He has been on insulin injections twice a day since WED. He will be for the rest of his life. I learned how to give him his needles and so far he doesn't even seem bothered by it.
He goes again on Mon. and has to spend the whole day there, they need to make sure he is getting the right dosage and stuff.
Thanks for your support Totage, you really were a big help to me.flowerforyou

BettyB's photo
Wed 08/22/12 04:28 PM
Well 5 mos. later and now the poor little guy is going blind.
It happened VERY quickly. :cry:

no photo
Thu 08/23/12 06:15 AM

Well 5 mos. later and now the poor little guy is going blind.
It happened VERY quickly. :cry:

:cry: flowerforyou

BettyB's photo
Thu 08/23/12 06:59 AM
Well the good news is the Vet did say dogs adjust very well to be being blind. It will take time because he lost his sight quickly and needs to get used to it.

no photo
Thu 08/23/12 08:03 AM
One of mine Shelties Bonny Jean was blind, she got along fine. The two other shelties help guide her. They seemed to sense Bonny Jean not having her eye sight. I found placing her meals in the same place every day. Her pillow was placed away from the other dogs. She still looked up at me with one blue eye and the other grey. Wagging her tail so hard, nearly knocking over herself.

So Betty he will indeed be okay. flowerforyou

BettyB's photo
Thu 08/23/12 11:10 AM
Aww thank you Jeff.I am feeling so bad for the little guy.
But thank you for sharing this positive story. Makes me feel a lot better.flowerforyou

Mended1's photo
Fri 08/24/12 10:37 AM
oh i am glad he is alright.. Wow.. My heart was panting while reading so i just skipped to the end and saw he was fine..

Totage's photo
Fri 08/24/12 11:01 AM
Aw, sorry to hear he's blind. I know people who have had blind dogs that have lived happily for many years. I'm sure it will take some adjusting to, but he will be fine. Just continue to give him lots of love and he'll make it through.

Mended1's photo
Fri 08/24/12 01:12 PM
ya.. Being blind will only restrict him from going outside like befor, my friends dog is blind but he still walks round the house freely and even up to his backyard.. He is already familiar with the settings of his house..but hes gonna miss seeing your faces. Try removing items that will be dangerous to him on the way so he walks freely.

Mended1's photo
Fri 08/24/12 01:13 PM
ya.. Being blind will only restrict him from going outside like befor, my friends dog is blind but he still walks round the house freely and even up to his backyard.. He is already familiar with the settings of his house..but hes gonna miss seeing your faces. Try removing items that will be dangerous to him on the way so he walks freely.

BettyB's photo
Tue 08/28/12 01:12 PM
Thanks guysflowerforyou
It was quite a shock ,it all happened so fast but he does seem to managing pretty well.
I think he is using our other dog as his seeing eye dog and we are his seeing eye people.
He seems to be very clingy to the other dog, but thats ok.

no photo
Tue 08/28/12 07:05 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

BettyB's photo
Tue 08/28/12 07:26 PM
He was playing tug of rope with the other dog tonight almost thought for a minute he could see he was acting normal, well as normal as Teddy can be laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 08/28/12 08:53 PM
Sorry you are having pet woes. I know if I got a pet it would worry me a lot trying to absorb the costs.

I can't speak for the Dog but when I have had spells of not seeing it takes some time getting used to but still have so many other things that it isn't as terrible as one might think. Not fun but not the end of the world.

BettyB's photo
Wed 08/29/12 08:23 AM
The cost is awful!!Just this week alone was 700.00 ,but that was because he had to be admitted again and they did a *** of tests on him. He is only 9 and I want to keep him around as long as possible.The minute he suffers though I will have to make that horrible decision.
The Vet assured me that for now that isn't something I need to worry about. The truth be known ,he is doing better with this than I am lol.

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