Topic: Reoccurring dreams
dmanjo's photo
Wed 03/14/12 12:53 AM
A dream I had just the other night
That has come and gone most of my life
I was just around seven or eight
A dream that would just not translate

Sleeping child startled awake
By a call or sound that came
For he swears he heard his name
Darkness that is all around
Electricity it is nowhere found

He opens the door to his bedroom
Strange new figures are passing thru
White hooded gowns that cover all
No face to see no hands indeed
But yet you hold that candle free

Terror fills that child of eight
The feeling just will not abate
He runs out to the living room
But it is filled with strangers whom
Are pointing with no face or hands
To the apartment door that stands
Between the child and an escape

He runs out past the crowd in there
In hopes to dissipate that stare
Main door handle turned with a click
He opens up the door so quick

A procession of figures in white
With hooded gowns that cover all
No face to see no hands indeed
But yet they hold that candle free

No words were spoken
From lips not seen
Please follow us
Appears within his ears
Hesitation and then a step
Followed by a brand new fear

He awakes with frantic tears
Shaking and sweating from the fear
For he knows closed eyes tonight
Will only bring the same old sight
Of that reoccurring dream at night

Reoccurring dreams for me
I believe are just greedy
For they do not reveal any meaning
Or are we prevented just from seeing
Because it seems we’re always fleeing

A dream I had just the other night
That has come and gone most of my life
I was just around seven or eight
A dream that would just not translate

owner_operator's photo
Wed 03/14/12 06:50 AM
maybe *they are coming to take you away.. hehe, haha.
to the funny farm.
intervention from the family.
but i am sure you;ll be fine.
just take the little blue pill..

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 03/14/12 01:20 PM
Very good :)