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Topic: older men
oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:41 PM

I am sure there are a few men who are just looking for a nurse or a purse but that is hardly the venue of only older men or even only men.

I think a lot of men who just become kind of invisiable. Good guys that work long hours, try to help their families; Kids, and or parents, even siblings,

Often coworkers assume men are married or have girlfriends because they keep their private lives out of the work place.

The economy has been real hard for some men to even afford dateing. Or feel like they could comfortably afford a traditional partner. I know several men my age who are struggleing with climbing rents, reduced work hours, if not unemploument or fears of it, and major out of pocket medical expenses as minor chronic health issues eat up their social budget. .

I know at least three men who never planned to be single but were dumped, with catestrophic medical bills when their spouses survived health issues and decided they could just live with someonelse and walk away from their financial obligations.

That many women will not date anyone that lives with family or in shared houseing the men eventually just give up trying.

And it is sad but many times children actively discourage mature men's efforts at dateing. They make it clear that if their parent attempts another relationship they will abandon them and take the grandkids with them.

Yes. Fortunately my kids are not like that.

GotScreenstyle's photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:51 PM

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 03/07/12 10:52 PM
Well I would imagine they are as nice as you are.

wux's photo
Wed 03/07/12 11:03 PM

I will like to know how come men who get to be in their 50's and 60's decide NOW that they want to settle down and b in a relationship after they spent years just going from one woman to the next, I mean good women. They have broke the hearts of many of women worth marrying but now that they r older or sick they want someone to settle down with. whats up with that.

The answer is very simple: We, older, sickly, never-married men retained our most imporant quality as humans, and that quality is an unbridled and enthusiastic abandon of selfishness.

We like to have our own way, and there are not too many ways we can have now, at our age, due to our increasing number of physical and mental limitations. This means, in practical terms, that we have fewer idiosyncracies to be unyielding on, so we are actually becoming hugely more relationship- and marriage material.

So help me God.

wux's photo
Wed 03/07/12 11:06 PM

I am just annoyed with men right now - not all men - just several of them.....sad

Okay... should we say... you're annoyed now with about three billion men, give or take five or six men?

wux's photo
Wed 03/07/12 11:15 PM

I was married and my wife was killed in Israel 1983. I had 3 daughters and have been busy raising them. As a single dad in the military it was tough to even think about a relationship. Now my girls are gone and I want to share my life with someone. So, thats my story and why Im ready to settle down with someone. I have a good retirement as I spent 34 years in the Israeli Army and retired a Lt. Col. I want to share that with someone.

Can I ask an embarrassing question, please? What did you do for sex for all these thirty years? Man is an animal that can't withhold sexual gratificatio for more than a few days at a time. Normal specimens.

So... thirty years without a wife, or a lover... geez, that Israeli armi training is good for making you withstand hardships worth several lifetimes.

I appreciate the emotional pain of losing your wife, and the enjoyable burden of taking care of and raising your young. But if you went for thirty years without the touch of a woman, then perhaps it's a lost cause to try that activity anew.

Maybe a few initial helpful gestures from the woman would be welcome. Like little post-it-notes over her body. "Mouth. for kissing" "Breast. Grab me here." "Here you lick." etc.

wux's photo
Wed 03/07/12 11:23 PM
Some men on this thread said they never thought of themselves as "playboy".

Funny thing that is. I ALWAYS wanted to be a playboy, and secretly thought of myself as such (but never told anyone, because they would have uproariously laughed at me (did I spell that right? I am very tired)).

I did bed quite a large number of ladies, but the vast majority of them were both fat and ugly, or young and fat, and generally irregardless of demographics, almost all of them smelled bad. Just a la natur.

I had a handful of clean-smelling, real beauties, one I dated for 25 years, but it was pure lust and some intellectual coming together of minds. And bodies.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 03/08/12 12:03 AM

I will like to know how come men who get to be in their 50's and 60's decide NOW that they want to settle down and b in a relationship after they spent years just going from one woman to the next, I mean good women. They have broke the hearts of many of women worth marrying but now that they r older or sick they want someone to settle down with. whats up with that.

We just figure why make one happy when we can make them all happy! laugh

Magicman1950's photo
Thu 03/08/12 08:59 AM
Wux, re: what I did for sex all of these years? I wont say that there has been no sex in my life, however there has been no serious relationship. I dont just hop in the sack with anyone, but Im not a prude either. I do discipline my self and am an adult about sex, unlike many men, who only think with thier penis. Sex and Love are two different animals, I want to settle down and have a relationship. I want someone to share thier hopes, dreams and aspirations with me. I want to share mine with them as a partner, not a toy. Sex is great, but not everything and not what you base a relationship on. I said before, Im looking for a great friend, later great friends make great lovers.
On a different note, my marriage was an arranged marriage a concept that Americans have no clue about. I loved my wife dearly and our marriage was great. The whole dating and relationship game was hard for me after her death and still is.
If men are having trouble with these things and women dont understand, maybe its time for men and women to start talking about it, not fighting and yelling about what they dont like. Start saying what we like and treating each other accordingly. Men, grow up! Women if you dont want little boys, stop mothering us demand that we be real men.
Please forgive my ramblings, I have all these thoughts on my mind and need to get them out.

teadipper's photo
Thu 03/08/12 09:42 AM

I will like to know how come men who get to be in their 50's and 60's decide NOW that they want to settle down and b in a relationship after they spent years just going from one woman to the next, I mean good women. They have broke the hearts of many of women worth marrying but now that they r older or sick they want someone to settle down with. whats up with that.

A lot of guys climb to the top of their careers. I see it kind of like Spiderman climbing up an empty elevator shaft. They hit the ceiling and have achieved everything professional and they turn around and look down and there is nobody at the bottom standing there waving and saying "Hey Baby!! I love you!! I am so proud of you!" because they never bothered to cultivate relationships so they at that age look for someone to enjoy their spoils with. Esp. guys who retire young. And some of them go after girls my age because they realize they never had kids. They worked and worked and have no one to inherit. They feel like they spent all that time working and acquiring for nobody.

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 10:12 AM

I can't tell you. I was on a site for people 50 and older and I would say that 1 out of 4 of the men that had contacted me had never been married.

For me it is a red flag because I am going to rightly or wrongly assume the following:

1. they are too picky

2. they are too set in their ways

3. they can't make a commitment

4. they are a playboy at heart

5. they still have mommy issues

I don't really understand the commitment thing. If someone is divorced, their commitment didn't last, just as someone who has been in a relationship and that has ended. Divorced people can often be (not always, of course) be very bitter and picky afterward. Someone who has been married and cheated could still be a "playboy at heart." So, these definitely aren't just single people issues.

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 10:17 AM
I'll let you all know when I'm older laugh

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 03/08/12 11:59 AM

little post-it-notes over her body.

rofl. I keep picturing a naked woman with post-it notes stuck to her body. Hell.

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 02:43 PM
A lil generalization here aint it.

I know men are azzhol;es and whatnot.....but please don't put us all in one group.

I'm 52..........

married 22 yrs.......raised 2 childern tru college and to marriage.

am I ready to settle down at 52??

after playing one woman after another.......


no photo
Thu 03/08/12 04:37 PM
Edited by LookinRound on Thu 03/08/12 04:39 PM
Don't judge a book by it's cover ... or overgeneralize someone's marital status.

I've never been married. Not in a legal sense.

I was in a relationship for 17 years, helped raised his two sons, we had everything ~ including rings and the commitment. We did not have a marriage certificate.
I've been in two committed relationships since.

Playgirl? ~ absolutely not
Too set in my ways? ~ maybe :smile:
Too picky? ~ discerning may be a better word
Can't make a commitment? ~ hardly

Each of us have a history that isn't necessarily covered in a dropdown box. flowerforyou

(but yes, there are those types that have been previously described also)

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 04:41 PM
I am going out to buy post-it notes now though, just cause that sounds like fun! :smile:
Or maybe flashcards :wink:

Magicman1950's photo
Thu 03/08/12 05:11 PM
Ooo Ooo Im good with flash cards, can I help?:banana: rofl

jaded72's photo
Thu 03/08/12 09:29 PM
Can you pull them out of your magic hat????

kale68's photo
Thu 03/08/12 09:38 PM
Is it jus men...? I know im picky becuz i have children but im not 50 or 60 either...I would love to settle down before then but the difference in some of us men is...I do most the taking care of my home and children...I depend on no'one and sometimes that bothers a woman...

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