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Topic: Keeping IT REAL.....
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Sat 03/03/12 08:14 PM

But for six years now, other's know I make peace and lift hearts.
My word is my bond for others to know and respect. Not take apart.

and that, is a fact!! if i've learned nothing else in all my years here
it's that you are true and genuine, and the mingle world is lucky
to have you. words to live by in this write!! flowerforyou :)
And YOU,,have no idea how much THIS,,lifts MY HEART!!!
I haven't been able to be on here as much as I use to be.
And MANY of the new folks here, don't really know me.
YOUR one of the best on here Girlfriend..
And that RESPECT,,goes to you as well..:heart: WE ARE FAMILY HERE!!!

THANK YOU "MUCH", for making me feel I am THIS,,in your eyes, and words on here...:heart: :wink: :banana:

no photo
Mon 03/05/12 12:11 PM

<------THIS,,,,,,,is the ART of ROMANCE,,the WAY of MINGLE!

What once was only ONE,,,,becomes TWO,,,to start anew!!!!:heart:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

drinker CHEERS my two FRIENDS!!!:heart: :heart:

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 03/05/12 09:17 PM
These are great ideals OP. Be nice if everyone played by those ideas. But in a real world I think we have to be realistic.

Adult communities are hopefully above the cruelties of gossip, jealousy, and the all too common transference of anger at one person onto another because the real culprit is probably long gone but it happens and getting worked up about it is just spreading the stress rather than ending it..

The only way I know to conquer the rouge wolf is not to feed it. It may take a while but ignoreing someone being hateful or just petty will check the behavior faster than about anything. Sure they may be imature enough to amp up the behavior but usually that gives the powers that be the ammunition to shut them down,

The true power of enternal exile of a rouge wolf is anyone who has a whiff of wisdom will catch on real fast when someone is being excluded.

What distresses me is cyber communities are not unlike any other community and when the wolf is fed and the drama gets to a certain level then people do not want to live there or worse yet don't want to move in anymore and a vibrant loving community like This site seems to be for the most part for years could wither and die from attrition.

So when someone creates drama quietly dealing with it before it goes to seed like a dandelion blowing in the wind will profect our community.

True it may seem disloyal or unchivalrous to not jump up and call out every agressive, rude, or questionable behavior that we observe but some people are unteachable when it comes to values and fair play and having enough respect for our site mates that they are grown-ups and can handle things like these kind of low lifes is really honoring them.

Since online bullying, harrassment, stalking, and generally being a con-artist is quickly becoming a serious crime all across the USA reporting this stuff really will help. One report will probably not shake up a lot of dust but when several or even numerous reports stack up (and most of these creeps make a habit if not a vocation of doing this stuff) it piles up and people take notice. And it is relatively easy by copying and reporting any media exchange that is questionable. It is relatively easy to know the sand box rules on most of these crimes by a little light reading of online legislation. Just reading the user agreement is going to give you a good idea of what is illegal and enforceable by a private citizen who is more often than not the one who has to report it and ask law enforcement to act.

And just following the tried and true guidelines for on line saftey.

And realizeing how much info is public information between data bases. So there is no privacy or cyber wall to hide behind so me smart.

no photo
Mon 03/05/12 10:27 PM
Thank you so much Star for your kind words and GREAT Informations to know,,,your one of the BEST!!:heart: :heart: drinker

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 03/08/12 10:07 PM
Something that comes to mind as an after thought is this is the world wide web. With that comes the spector that most countries do not look kindly on the bad behavior of their citizens that represent their country in the world in a less than flattering light.

to insult, harrass, stalk, threaten, defraud, assault verbally or physically or in some cases suggest you are going to do any of the above to a citizen of another country is taken very seriously.
It is a good way to loose your privilege to hold a passport, fly, to use international banking, operate a computer, own a firearm, or even talk on a telephone.

Depending if the country is an ally or and enemy state it can be escalated to suggest terroism and it doesn't take a rocket science degree to figure out how that would be handled. Especially if there are religious or "hate" crime enhancements or sex trafficing charges. Since it is pretty easy to pretend to be from anywhere and be from somewhere completely different you may not be able to know the consequences until you can prove their location.

While many want to think everyone wants to come to the USA the fact that the USA wants trade with other nations it is not going to be cool if someone from here contrivbutes to and international incident And considering some of the civial penalties and municipalities now seeking restitution when someone creates expensive reasons for and investigation the lawyers fees alone could be enough to break you.

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