Topic: Depression sucks
Johncenawlife316's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:35 AM
fingerpaintbynumber I wasn't at all assuming anything here.

" Mon 07/23/07 09:06 AM
I have lost almost every thing do to meeting someone on this site but I guess it was my fault

I just need a hug and my meds I guess but I hate the fact that I have to take meds for the rest of my like to feel human "

That's is what she wrote, how the hell am I supposed to know she has MS or for that matter anything else.

For all I know she could have aids or something.

After all the topic once again states depression, noting about my life sucks because I have MS and met somebody and it didn't work out.

fingerpaintbynumber's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:37 AM
I don't know if she has MS or not John...

The point shouldn't assume anything.

And Montel Williams is the guy you're looking for.

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:37 AM
FPBN- i can not say i understand how you feel because i do not.
i do understand your frustration with people. they mean will, but sometimes should just not say anything. i had 2 miscarriages before i had my three wonderful children.
people would say things like "at least it was not a real baby" or "it happened for a reason" or "something was not right with the development so it was better.." etc.
all of that might have been true, but at the time who cares?
you are entitled to grieving, suffered a loss, and it was real to you.
Jenn-- i think the best thing is to find someone you can talk to like FPBN.

HillFolk's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:39 AM
I had to start over from meeting someone on another site. I get a lot of help from my 12 step groups. The night before last they even asked me to chair the meetings since I have the longest sobriety there. I am thinking of accepting the position since I am about the craziest one there, lol. The meetings help me from making crazy geographical cures. I am thinking of buying stock in self-help books because I read so many. Aw, the life of gypsies and nomads. I used to work for the carnival but got tired of setting up and tearing down. The travelling was nice but it got old after a while. Last night after mowing the yard it was nice to sit on railroad tie retainer wall and just watch the dogs play under the big oak trees. The smell of fresh cut grass is nice, too, this morning. Social gatherings can be nice when you are single or just sitting at the park watching the kids play.

creationsfire's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:39 AM
STOP picking aprts what she said and focus on the fact that she reaching out for our HELP! NOT a debate on every word she said. Reach out to her and stop debating........

Johncenawlife316's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:42 AM

OMG you still think I am assuming something when I am not here.

I never said she had MS you did, you said right out something about MS. either that or you where talking about your self.

Whatever the case maybe I never assumed any of this.

I'm sorry you felt this way but you shouldn't say I said something when I didn't.

But yet it's kinda hard to not think she wasn't talking about depression in the first place when in fact, here topic heading states if you can see " Depression SUCKS " and something in the subject about taking meds her whole life and how she met somebody she wished she hadn't.

fingerpaintbynumber's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:44 AM
I said I had MS...nothing about her or her condition, cause I have no idea.

no photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:44 AM
"you'll be ok"
"how are you feeling" even though sayings like these can be frustrating to hear sometimes they are not meant to do any harm. they are only meant to keep that person from crawling into that hole that they want to crawl into. no matter how hard it is hiding is not productive for your state of mind and it's usually harder for people to get out of that funk once they have surrendered to it.

fingerpaintbynumber's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:44 AM
Anyways...I'm out.

Happy Monday!

Johncenawlife316's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:44 AM
I'm sorry for making a big deal out of something but I'm done talking about who said what etc.

I'm not here to fight about she said he said, that get's no where here.

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:48 AM
how can you say "you'll be ok" to anyone?
do you know that?
i say..if you feel like crying...cry and i will cry with you.
work through it.

no photo
Mon 07/23/07 09:54 AM
crying about it is not the same thing as hiding from the world. crying is a positive way to express those feelings. to me saying you'll be ok is a form of support. alot of people that suffer from depression and other mental illnesses may feel like **** all the time but they do have times that are a little better than others. if you keep fighting through the hard times hopefully you'll get through it.

kntrygal1964's photo
Mon 07/23/07 10:17 AM
jennflowerforyou hang in there hun... if you need to talk to anyone about it talk to finger paint, creations or me cuz ive been there to and sometimes all you need is for someone to listen.... not give advice or tell you their experiences just to listenflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Tomokun's photo
Mon 07/23/07 10:18 AM
It can be hard to offer consolation...the truth is consolation through good advice is near-impossible; we are talking meaning of life quality to the advice given in such a way by such a person that it makes the advice easy to follow.

Personally, the most consoling thing you can do for a person is letting them know you have NO IDEA what they are going through. It lets them know you care, that you support them, and it cuts through the B.S. of saying, "It's ok."

The fact is, when you are hurt, it's not ok, it's not fair, and while it's true it can always be worse that doesn't stop it from hurting right now. Optimism in the face of adversity is noble and wonderful...but it can come close to being an insult when it's not your problem you are optimistic about.frown

On the flip side, to want to comfort is human and can only spring from good intentions. It's no one's fault that diplomacy is a skill of nigh impossibility to master. As a result, the phrase "The road to hell is paved with good intentions," becomes a devastatingly accurate prediction...

Jen, I am glad to know that within the turmoil that you are currently going through, you are quite obviously surrounded by people that care. I'm glad to hear that you have access to the medications (which can be their own source of irritation)that help open more possibilities for the enjoyment of life, that would otherwise be closed off without them. I'm also glad to hear that you are coping in a difficult situation; you have survived other situations, no doubt you blossom after the immediacy of this one has passed. If I may offer one small bit of encouragement, it is that time does heal all wounds, so there is always hope for the future


damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 07/23/07 02:14 PM
I know the feeling of taking meds to feel human. After everything is taken from you and you feel more like a stray dog than a human crying in shame. I have to take almost 250mg of a med just to be sane enough not to cut myself. But I just take it one day at a time, one deal at a time, and one demon at a time. I'm not Rambo, or the Terminator, or even Harry Potter, so I can't take down the forces of evil in one blow, I chip away at it, slowly, but at least I know I will get to the center of it all and find a cure.

I know you'll get thru this, and I wish you would stop hating yourself, your too damn cute for that. (hugs)

oldsage's photo
Mon 07/23/07 02:17 PM
Cool & well said cloudy

MicheleNC's photo
Mon 07/23/07 05:08 PM
Meds suck, we all need them from time to time or forever.

Jenn-I've got your back and am sending hugs and shiny happy thoughts. Email me if you need to talk. I can always listen.

countrybelle6471's photo
Mon 07/23/07 06:29 PM
BIG HUG JENN,and I need meds to cause of pain they cant cure yet.But I'be been where you are too,so always here if you need a friend.flowerforyou

ellgee1976's photo
Mon 07/23/07 06:30 PM
jenn- i can't tell you i understand how you're feeling, so i won't...but i'll listen if you wanna talk

nurjoyce- i lost one before i had my son, then one after my daughter, and another after my hurt physically AND emotionally

i also understand the urge/need/desire to hide in my hole, to hide from the rest of the world, to not deal with people, or the public in general...i understand that all too well


brian1harris's photo
Mon 07/23/07 06:33 PM
I was once depressed. Then I met fingerpaintbynumbers and she bought a coconut from me.