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Topic: "Enjoy the Silence"
txmomof2's photo
Sun 02/19/12 12:35 AM

Oh and yes, much better TX. :)
Kisses last longer.:P


And I fixed your mistake ;)

Bravalady's photo
Sun 02/19/12 01:54 AM

I'm not seeing it either. Counting syllables isn't working. The first stanza has a pattern of 3 then 4 syllables that repeats a little, but it isn't maintained. Stanzas are 18, 21, and 21 lines, which doesn't mean anything to me. I'm not catching any particular alliteration or assonance or consonance. The lines in general go from shorter to longer within each stanza, but I have a feeling that isn't it. Give us a hint.

..wait you're counting stuff? o.O

Oh, geez.

Don't do that. :)

It's not that complicated, everyone seems to keep over analyzing it.

So, to save people the stress and headaches..

Each line.

Is the title of a song.


Oh! I would never have gotten that. I do see some I recognize, now that you mention it. But mostly, not. But you cheated with "Re"light my fire. laugh Still cool, though.

bastet126's photo
Sun 02/19/12 04:31 AM
dagnabit, give us time to respond before you spoil it :P i did one like this a awhile ago, can't seem to find it :( cool sin!

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