Topic: Don't Get High
Totage's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:00 PM
Edited by Totage on Sun 02/12/12 09:20 PM
What's going on in the world today
Everybody getting high looking to find love
But you have to be sober to find it

Some of us just like to get high
But then time passes us by
Love sits low to the earth
When we soar too high we can't find it

Starring into the sun we get blinded
Looking for love but we can't find it
When life's too hard to taken sober
by the time you clean up your life can be over

When you find love put nothing above her
Hold her close to your heart and hide her under your covers
Never hesitate to show her you love her

And don't get high
Don't love pass you by
It can all be lost in the blink of an eye

Oceanus007's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:33 PM
I love the rhythm you have in this. Truly a brilliant poem.

Totage's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:39 PM
TY, I have been told that my poems could be written into songs, the way they have a rhythm.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 02/12/12 10:02 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Sun 02/12/12 10:03 PM
Totage, you have talent. Rhythm is essential in poetry, but lots of people don't seem to know that. I love this line: "Love sits low to the earth." That's just beautiful.

Actually I like the whole poem. Post more!

no photo
Sun 02/12/12 11:15 PM
"When you find love put nothing above her
Hold her close to your heart and hide her under your covers
Never hesitate to show her you love her "

Awesome Totage..Love that bit up there ^^^^^

Totage's photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:08 AM
I'm glad you guys enjoy it. I will post more, as I'm moved. I do have other poems on here though.

no photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:47 AM

I'm glad you guys enjoy it. I will post more, as I'm moved. I do have other poems on here though.

Hey Totage...I like "love sits low to the earth" is a great line for so many reasons....TY for sharing!!

Totage's photo
Mon 02/13/12 02:00 AM
TY, I changed it slightly at the last minute, I forget what I was going to put originally though, but it was something along the same line.

no photo
Mon 02/13/12 07:53 AM
drinker flowers

no photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:56 AM
Its great to see ya back on the pages man,,and this is a very COOL read,,,and life, love and getting high,,don't blend well in most gals and guys,,,,,Nice to see ya writing and love is all around man..

Totage's photo
Mon 02/13/12 12:08 PM
TY it is :)