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Topic: disability
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Sat 10/14/06 10:13 AM
I am single with a disability that is expected to continue indefinately.
Outwardly/physically I appear healthy but am afflicted with a muscular
disease that leaves me fatigued, and with muscle soreness. I have made
tremendous progress in managing this disease over the past few years,
and hope/continue to look for a cure, or some measure of relief. My
question is "when do I tell a prospective companion about this problem?"

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:15 AM
if you are talking about through a dating service, i think it should be
as soon as possible. not necessarily in your opening e-mail but soon.

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:17 AM
thx for responding. i did include it on my profile, but am struggling
with the question anyway because i feel that it does not define who i am

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:23 AM
it doesn't either. i don't think you should put it in the opening
message because because that should be about you as a person. i don't
see anything wrong with putting it in your profile either. i just think
it is better to get it out of the way so that everyone knows what they
are getting into. hopefully they can see you for the person you are.

ptjoker's photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:46 AM
After reading your post, I went to your profile and read it as well. You
sound like a beautiful person both on the outside and the inside. If
someone is truely the right one for you he will be able to look past any
disability and see the real you. You have nothing to be ashamed of or
anything to hide. Don't be afraid to tell anyone about your disability.
If the person freaks out and disapears he wasn't someone you wanted to
be with anyways. Be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished.
Hold your head up high and you will find the right man for you.

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sat 10/14/06 11:55 PM
I am disabled also..from birth..I have a birth defect called Spina
Bifida and I did tell about it in my profile because while it is not my
WHOLE life it is a part of my life and I want to be straight and
up-front so that there are no issues later about one can say
"Well you didnt tell me you were disabled before"..This way they don't
get angry and I don't get emotionally hurt by the comments that I KNOW
some people make..its there for all to see so if they have an issue with
it they have the choice to write me or not you know?

no photo
Sun 10/15/06 08:10 AM

It is important to put disabilities and serious medical issues out
front for the person to see. A person I know met a man on line who after
some time when a relationship had form told her he was terminally ill.
The shock almost cost him meeting this lady.

I agree you do not need to disclose in the first or second email but I
would mention it by the third to fourth. I have my disibilty listed in
my profile and only mention it again in an email after we have a bit of
a conection. Then she has the choice of asking me more about it or
leaving it behind.

no photo
Sun 10/15/06 10:14 AM
Not sure if everyone know on here that I have a disability which is
scoliosis I know I expain it on one site and got a lot e-mail but on
another site I didn't meant because I thought my picture would explain
it for I'm in my wheelchair yet a lot guys didn't notice it question can
you tell that I'm in a wheelchair without me stating that I am?

no photo
Sun 10/15/06 10:41 AM

Yes Sexy your wheel chair stands out in the picture. It is kind of like
me saying I am disabled in my profile yet I have to restate it later.
People get caught up in other things and forget about it. Like I am
speaking to a few ladies over the web and at times I have to go put the
picture with the face. A few are past this point but when you meet
several in a short time you have to try and keep things straight when
their real names are all simular.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/15/06 03:16 PM
csk i can tell you this much your on the right site there are many
people here with disabilities myself included and i found a great woman
in just two weeks when i couldn't find anyone after months on other
sites, but i'm glad you posed this because i may be able to help you
with your condition i'm a body builder and as such muscle fatigue and
soreness are big factors. what i do about it is make sure i get at least
half my body weight in protien example i weigh 257 so i eat at least 175
grams of protien a day as well as making sure i get carbs but not to
many it's a balance thing the carbs deliver the protien to the muscles
which are the building blocks for muscle not only does it help the grow
but it stops or a least slows muscle degression now as for muscle
fatigue and soreness vitamin c and a supplement called creakic what
creakic does is almost completely stops muscle soreness even if i'm busy
all day and then workout for 3hrs because it gives advanced creatine
delivery to the muscles as well has helping block ROS which is a muscle
toxin that makes you sore. But creakic can be expensive depending on
where you buy it but it is well worth the money but i don't buy it from
gnc anymore there it cost $60 a bottle which is a one month supply but i
buy it at i think that is the site not a 100% sure
though cause it's been a while anyway it's about $30 something a bottle
there but i take all kinds of supplements all of them safe and very
effective but you should talk to your doctor before using supplements
but as i said i'm a bodybuilder so i do know alot about muscles if you
would like to talk more e-mail me here and i will be more than happy to
do everything that i can to help but as for the rest of the people that
pain is part of your disability creakic will also help you because with
major back injuries and things of that sort the muscles play big parts
of it and if you look at my profile you'll see that i live a life of
nothing but pain and i use many supplements and they help with pain as
well as my body building if anyone would like to talk more about any of
this send me an email and i will be more than happy to answer any
question and give any help that i can. Thank you all and have a great

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 10/15/06 04:21 PM
Yes Sexy I can tell you're in a wheelchair in your pic and also your nic
states it as well so there should be no confusion in anyones mind if
they actually look at your picture..I have mine visable as well and
people still say they didn't know..I'm always like "Did you actually
look at my pic or read what I said"..I dont know what it is that makes
them miss something that is so plain to see..

no photo
Sun 10/15/06 06:19 PM
Thanks ladyofmagic I'm glad that some people can tell my disablity but
there is another problem I have and I'm underweight for my height so my
doctors keep telling me and I need start eating more which is hard for
me because I can't keep weight for long when I gain a good weight I lose
it as fast I pick it up. I need some good vitams supplements:)

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/15/06 06:45 PM
sexyladieonwheels- i use this site for my supplements i'm not a sales
men i don't make anything for telling people about it i just like to
help any way is the place you need to go they have
supplements that meet just about any need including weight gain and the
stuff i have seen there is cheap but it's good my brand recommendation
would be muscletech i use their stuff all the time and it works great,
well i hope that helps have a good one

AlpineRocks's photo
Sun 10/15/06 06:50 PM
Sexy lady on wheels you can get some weight gainer its whey protein it
says weight gainer right on the container.

no photo
Sun 10/15/06 07:30 PM
Thanks guys I will try the site I just hope I can keep it on for pushing
this chair takes a lot out of me probable the reason I can't keep my
weight on long:)

no photo
Sun 10/15/06 09:08 PM

Lady of magic, Your pic does not really show a wheel chair. Your other
photos and your profile state and show it well. Everyone needs love. I
sure hope you find it. Along with the rest of us disabled bodies.

no photo
Sun 10/15/06 09:48 PM
Hey everyone I about to turn in good night :)

paterafan's photo
Mon 10/16/06 08:23 AM

LadyOfMagic's photo
Mon 10/16/06 10:05 AM
I know it might be a little difficult to see the chair in that first
pic..thats actually why I posted it..I wanted to show that "Yes I do
have a wheelchair but it is not ME and it doesnt rule my life"..Thats
why I posted ALL 3 pics..and I love the way this site works as far as
the pics go..They don't really make you choose one pic to be your main
one..they have them all in plain view..there is nothing else to press so
they are all seen at once.

no photo
Mon 10/16/06 11:26 AM
I need to update my photo soon:)But I will not hide my wheelchair:) It
makes a good statement of who I am but not what I am and that's

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