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Topic: Uncle Joe Arpaio sets D-Day on Barry's eligibility
Seakolony's photo
Sun 02/12/12 09:43 AM

Corsi is a whacko and Joe Arpaio is a jack booted thug.

That's the bottom line.

I live in AZ and know them both.

I live in AZ too and disagree with that outrageous Arpaio remark. Cracks me up that people get pissed when cops do their job too welllaugh

No, they only get pissed when people like Shurf Joe start acting like the Secret Police from a Banana Republic by using their office and the taxpayer's money to make power grabs and get revenge on people who oppose their heavy-handed dealings.

Dozens of courts across this country have said these allegations of Obama's ineligibility have zero merit. What makes this particular tin-plated dictator from a shithole county think he has ANY jurisdiction in this matter?

But hey, I guess he's buying into the Tea Party fantasy that he'll be the one to march into the White House like he's Chuck Friggin Norris and slap the cuffs on Obama? I'd bet the US Secret Service would have a thing or two to say about that.

No, this isn't a cop doing his job, this is a nutbar who is going around the bend getting off on his own arrogance. Pride cometh before the fall.

-Kerry O.

Explain the contradictory evidence on the birth certificate and the timeline of said institutions not even being in existence at the time then.

Explain the fact that the Birthers have not won even ONE case in even ONE court in the United States and the 'contradictions' becomes obvious-- the Birthers 'case' is a pack of Internet BS repeated ad nauseum by people who have NO accountability. They are throwing out as much manufactured BS as they can, since in places like this one, there is no burden of proof.

When there is, such as in courts of law, this manufactured garbage gets treated with all the respect it is due-- NONE.

-Kerry O.

If you look at each of the cases.....each case did not enter or present the evidence properly or establish the expertise of those giving and gauging the evidence not one stated that the evidence proves or disproves him a citizen only that those doing the presentating with the burden of proof on them didn't present it properly nor provide the expertise of those bringing the case......when the case is presented properly by the correct experts as in such case as an official investigation by the sheriff on behalf of its citizens of Arizona the outcome may change........I just do find it interest that a hospital that wasn't in existence until 1978 could have been the place of birth for Obama in 1961. Or the fact that Obama's father was born in Kenya on his birth certificate which wasn't an established name of the country until 1963 but states on a birth certificate from 1961......can you or anyone explain this without changing the histories of a country and a hospital??

Just so you know I haven't taken either side just find this information quite intersting enough to research it and find it to be true in Encyclopedia Britannica, the stated history of the hospital itself in contradiction with the released document on the White House government issued document itself......

I can explain this very simply-- there are certain people in this country who will never accept the will of the people regarding this president and they will never give up as long as some court somewhere will let them continue this witch hunt. They are filled with envy and hate and see this as a way to get attention for their 'holy cause' . Like other fanatics, they can weave a tapestry of lies and conspiracy theory, but when it comes to actually proving it, they are as incompetent as they are fanatical-- the two often go hand in glove.

Boo hoo, that they didn't prove their case yet because they missed a few things or claim they didn't have the expertise. They had their day in court and they lost because when their case was taken on the merits, all they had was half-baked drivel and innuendo. Courts have routinely taken a dim view of the proverbial fishing expedition, and that's why they lost.

Even many zealous rightwingers say their case has no merit and like a demented uncle who goes around flashing people, wish the Birthers would just stop acting like a bag lady with a megaphone.

-Kerry O.

Both sides seem a bit demented to me, actually. Those that oppose it with great extremes and those that believe it to great extremes.

KerryO's photo
Sun 02/12/12 12:24 PM

Both sides seem a bit demented to me, actually. Those that oppose it with great extremes and those that believe it to great extremes.

So, you believe the Georgia judge who sanctioned and fined Orly Taitz $20,000 for abuse of process and what amounted to malpractice was 'demented' too?

And isn't it just a little ironic that there is no contest made about the fact that Orly Taitz was definitely NOT born in this country.

I think if you do a Google search, you'll find there are tons of these 'ObambaConspiracy' websites out there. I have yet to see one that goes to the extremes you think are so 'demented' in opposition. Perhaps you can supply the name of one?

Perhaps you'd also like to do a search here on Mingle and give us the number of new topics started by Birther sympathizers vs the anti-Birthers?
No? There's a new thread just about every week started by certain individuals here trumpeting Obama's downfall to Birther claims.

-Kerry O.

Seakolony's photo
Sun 02/12/12 01:07 PM

Both sides seem a bit demented to me, actually. Those that oppose it with great extremes and those that believe it to great extremes.

So, you believe the Georgia judge who sanctioned and fined Orly Taitz $20,000 for abuse of process and what amounted to malpractice was 'demented' too?

And isn't it just a little ironic that there is no contest made about the fact that Orly Taitz was definitely NOT born in this country.

I think if you do a Google search, you'll find there are tons of these 'ObambaConspiracy' websites out there. I have yet to see one that goes to the extremes you think are so 'demented' in opposition. Perhaps you can supply the name of one?

Perhaps you'd also like to do a search here on Mingle and give us the number of new topics started by Birther sympathizers vs the anti-Birthers?
No? There's a new thread just about every week started by certain individuals here trumpeting Obama's downfall to Birther claims.

-Kerry O.

I meant the hatefulness back and forth between those that are so called birthers and their opponents and that I find both sides hateful. It's my opinion and the fact that you are so hateful in your approach and posts proves it as well. Bye. Just saying there are two sides and the evidence opposing it seems justifiable.......other than that its just hate speak on racism.....where is the racism?? esp since Obama is white ya know as well as African-American and BTW African come in many colors!! Just as there are many colors in the US.....so calling or deeming African Americans as black is just hilarious to me.....

KerryO's photo
Sun 02/12/12 06:50 PM

Both sides seem a bit demented to me, actually. Those that oppose it with great extremes and those that believe it to great extremes.

So, you believe the Georgia judge who sanctioned and fined Orly Taitz $20,000 for abuse of process and what amounted to malpractice was 'demented' too?

And isn't it just a little ironic that there is no contest made about the fact that Orly Taitz was definitely NOT born in this country.

I think if you do a Google search, you'll find there are tons of these 'ObambaConspiracy' websites out there. I have yet to see one that goes to the extremes you think are so 'demented' in opposition. Perhaps you can supply the name of one?

Perhaps you'd also like to do a search here on Mingle and give us the number of new topics started by Birther sympathizers vs the anti-Birthers?
No? There's a new thread just about every week started by certain individuals here trumpeting Obama's downfall to Birther claims.

-Kerry O.

I meant the hatefulness back and forth between those that are so called birthers and their opponents and that I find both sides hateful. It's my opinion and the fact that you are so hateful in your approach and posts proves it as well. Bye. Just saying there are two sides and the evidence opposing it seems justifiable.......other than that its just hate speak on racism.....where is the racism?? esp since Obama is white ya know as well as African-American and BTW African come in many colors!! Just as there are many colors in the US.....so calling or deeming African Americans as black is just hilarious to me.....

I never mentioned anything about racism, so please stop lying about the content of my posts.

I also asked that you support your allegations with numbers and facts, but apparently you can't be bothered and instead took the low road with a personal attack. How typical of someone who can't support their opinions reasonably when pinned down on the facts. I'm sure no one is feeling the love in your responses, so if you want to point fingers, please look at the ones that are pointing back at you. Your scorched earth tactics aren't going to work.

History has taught us the if you give people like Corsi, WND and the Birthers even one inch, they'll try to make a political mile out of it. John Kerry made an election-losing mistake in '04 when he didn't engage Corsi et al immediately and vigorously when they 'Swift Boated' him.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Sun 02/12/12 07:39 PM

I would, but it's illegal to send feces in the mail. I'm SO sick of people continuing to question President Obama's place of birth. What seems to be the problem with these people? Is Obama's skin not white enough for them?

It will continue to get worse as it gets closer to the election. The birthers will get more and more desperate.

willing2's photo
Sun 02/12/12 08:07 PM
I don't think so.
I've been seeing this and others like it on many "Mexican's" vehicles around town.

Where I am it's 90% Mexican.

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