Optomistic69's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:23 AM

You Are Free???

yes, i experience personal freedom...i do what i want for me and allow others the same.

Nice to feel free and be beside the Ocean..drinker drinker drinker


Sometimes heaven..yes.
Like the last week of 60 degrees plus and sunshine.
Unseasonably nice.
Today the rain is back....

I am happiest when beside the water..

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:26 AM

You Are Free???

yes, i experience personal freedom...i do what i want for me and allow others the same.

Nice to feel free and be beside the Ocean..drinker drinker drinker


Sometimes heaven..yes.
Like the last week of 60 degrees plus and sunshine.
Unseasonably nice.
Today the rain is back....

I am happiest when beside the water..

awesome healing power...

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:36 AM

I am happiest when beside the water..

awesome healing power...

We have a Tourist Attraction here in Northern Ireland called The Giant's Causeway. When people visit me I take them to see it and I never tire of it because it is right at the waters edge.

And yes I get an amazing feeling every time.

delilady's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:42 AM
Although I do not see myself wanting this lifestyle there were times when I was raising my sons and working fulltime that I would have welcomed having another woman there to help with the load!happy

I think that if all parties are OK with this lifestyle and the taxpayer is not footing the bill why should anyone care what people choose to do. At least they are all working together for the good of the family.

In today's society we have women who have several children by different men without being married and the same with one man fathering several children by different women and not supporting them. If we can accept this lifestyle than why not accept one man having several wives legally. I have never gotten the reason that this would upset people. Of course I have never understood our society not accepting gay marriage either.

There is so much hatred in the world I celebrate the fact that people love each other no matter what way they choose to do it.

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:45 AM

Although I do not see myself wanting this lifestyle there were times when I was raising my sons and working fulltime that I would have welcomed having another woman there to help with the load!happy

I think that if all parties are OK with this lifestyle and the taxpayer is not footing the bill why should anyone care what people choose to do. At least they are all working together for the good of the family.

In today's society we have women who have several children by different men without being married and the same with one man fathering several children by different women and not supporting them. If we can accept this lifestyle than why not accept one man having several wives legally. I have never gotten the reason that this would upset people. Of course I have never understood our society not accepting gay marriage either.

There is so much hatred in the world I celebrate the fact that people love each other no matter what way they choose to do it.

Could you handle a handful of husbands Jayne? laugh

delilady's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:50 AM

Although I do not see myself wanting this lifestyle there were times when I was raising my sons and working fulltime that I would have welcomed having another woman there to help with the load!happy

I think that if all parties are OK with this lifestyle and the taxpayer is not footing the bill why should anyone care what people choose to do. At least they are all working together for the good of the family.

In today's society we have women who have several children by different men without being married and the same with one man fathering several children by different women and not supporting them. If we can accept this lifestyle than why not accept one man having several wives legally. I have never gotten the reason that this would upset people. Of course I have never understood our society not accepting gay marriage either.

There is so much hatred in the world I celebrate the fact that people love each other no matter what way they choose to do it.

Could you handle a handful of husbands Jayne? laugh
It might be fun to give it a try but I think I would be so tired from doing all that laundry, cooking massive meals and picking up after all of them that I would end up running awaylaugh

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:51 AM
MM - makes me wonder if Congress would finally throw up it's hands and say - FORGET DOMA! Let's just concentrate on demolishing Planned Parenthood.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:56 AM
I wonder if Utah would specifically make the law ONE MAN - and any number of wives. Or would they put a limit on it?

Or would they simply say any number or combination of just wifes, just husbands or One wife with many husbands or one man with many wives?

It just a shame how much governments have to worry about these days.

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:01 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 02/08/12 12:09 PM

I wonder if Utah would specifically make the law ONE MAN - and any number of wives. Or would they put a limit on it?

Or would they simply say any number or combination of just wifes, just husbands or One wife with many husbands or one man with many wives?

It just a shame how much governments have to worry about these days.

Heinlein often wrote about marriages that would be maybe 10 wives and five husbands. Everybody involved with everyone. Not my cup o' tea, but I don't have the right to tell other people what they can do.

I think that the people in the marriage should be allowed to have as many and of which sexes they desired. I think 1:1 pairings would still be the most common, but let those who are going to do it anyways marry multiple partners without going to prison.

EDIT: I wrote "races" instead of "sexes"...Freudian slip? No, I'm just hungry.

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:07 PM

Could you handle a handful of husbands Jayne? laugh

It might be fun to give it a try but I think I would be so tired from doing all that laundry, cooking massive meals and picking up after all of them that I would end up running awaylaugh

No Jayne they do all that...and you can chose which one to have $$$ with

delilady's photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:13 PM

Could you handle a handful of husbands Jayne? laugh

It might be fun to give it a try but I think I would be so tired from doing all that laundry, cooking massive meals and picking up after all of them that I would end up running awaylaugh

No Jayne they do all that...and you can chose which one to have $$$ with
Sure I would unless there was a football, baseball, basketball, hockey game or nascar race on TV. Then I would be in the kitchen making snacks and serving beer. Being the only woman in my house for 30 years with a husband and 2 sons I have a good idea how it goes

Bravalady's photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:33 PM

Will Mitt Romney legalize polygamy if he becomes president?

Since the president does not pass laws -- no, he will not.

High school civics: Congress makes the laws.

Seakolony's photo
Wed 02/08/12 01:08 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Wed 02/08/12 01:09 PM

Will Mitt Romney legalize polygamy if he becomes president?

Since the president does not pass laws -- no, he will not.

High school civics: Congress makes the laws.

The President does sign and pass the laws. He either signs them or vetoes them. He may not make them, but he sure as heck passes or denies them. And actually, he and his cabinet do make them too. He just has someone introduce them to the house and congress. IE: Obamacare

smart2009's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:49 PM

Although I do not see myself wanting this lifestyle there were times when I was raising my sons and working fulltime that I would have welcomed having another woman there to help with the load!happy

I think that if all parties are OK with this lifestyle and the taxpayer is not footing the bill why should anyone care what people choose to do. At least they are all working together for the good of the family.

In today's society we have women who have several children by different men without being married and the same with one man fathering several children by different women and not supporting them. If we can accept this lifestyle than why not accept one man having several wives legally. I have never gotten the reason that this would upset people. Of course I have never understood our society not accepting gay marriage either.

There is so much hatred in the world I celebrate the fact that people love each other no matter what way they choose to do it.


smart2009's photo
Thu 02/09/12 12:07 AM
Edited by smart2009 on Thu 02/09/12 12:47 AM
Where Romney's family fits in
Romney's ancestors were among the early Latter-Day Saints who practiced polygamy, according to an MSNBC report. His great-grandfather, Miles Park Romney , brought a group of Mormons to Mexico to escape "not persecution but prosecution ... (for) whatMormons called 'plural marriage.'" His father, George Romney , was born in Mexico, but the family left to escape the Mexican Revolution. Some English-speaking Romneys stayed behind, and their descendants still live across the border.
Could Romney practice polygamy in the future?
At the time Official Declaration 1 was given, it was ambiguous in context as to whether the church's leaders meant what they said or were trying to divert attention from their continued practice of polygamy, according to Mormon anthropologist Daymon Smith. Groups of "fundamentalist" Mormons like Warren Jeffs believe the latter and continue to live as they believe God intended.
Romney is not a fundamentalist Mormon and would be excommunicated if he became one. The commentary included with that declaration in the LDS scriptures, however, explains the reason the church was halting the practice of polygamy was because ithad been declared illegaland the church faced theconfiscation of its assets.It does not recant the practice or apologize for it, and it goes on to say if God hadn't commanded them to stop they would not have.
Do Mormons teach polygamy today?
Polygamy (as a part of"eternal marriage") is taught as an explanationfor how only people whoare "sealed" to a person of the opposite gender for eternity can enter thehighest kingdom of heaven, when women are considered innately closer to God and will be in heaven in larger numbers. Because of this, polygamous relationships are considered not only acceptable, but essential,to have in the next life.
Beside that, if Romney's wife died, he would be able to be eternally"sealed" to another while still being sealed to her, giving him more than one wife in heaven.If he were to die instead,his widow would have to remarry for this life only, unless she got her sealing annulled -- something that requires the approval of the highest church leadership.
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints , Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney is not allowed to have more than one living wife. Not only is it illegal in the U.S., it is also grounds for excommunication from the church, which Mormons believe denies someone access to their family and to the highest heaven in the next life.
The current Mormon policy of excommunicating people who take more than one living wife, however, is outlined in Official Declaration 1 of the Doctrine and Covenants, received as revelation by the LDS prophet Wilford Woodruff in 1890. Before that time, LDS church leaders frequently took multiple wives and taught of the "numerous evils" of monogamy, as well as preaching against the "immorality" of legal prohibitions against polygamy .

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 02/09/12 05:53 AM

I would love to see how they react to a woman with several husbands.

And I just read the term for that is polyandry.

Ha! Thanks Cap! I knew I wasn't stating that correctly!

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 02/09/12 07:36 PM

I would love to see how they react to a woman with several husbands.

And I just read the term for that is polyandry.

That would be interesting.

Women being equal in this day.

Yet should either male or female have more than one 'helpmeet'?

Personally I think not.

Children are best raised by a mother and a father. Such an arrangement has the best development rate for the Child.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/09/12 07:44 PM

Utah has decided to legalize polygamy for all its citizens.
Utah lawmakers have decided to move forward with a bill that would legalize polygamy.
Current Utah Law (Article3) states that ”polygamous or plural marriages are forever prohibited.” But according to Article 3, you can hold whatever religious beliefs you want. Utah will never prosecute you for your religious beliefs. However being a polygamist and acting upon your beliefs is completely out of the question.
That’s been the conundrum for Utah lawmakers… until now. “We have to change the laws to match the beliefs of our citizens and a man having more than one wife, just makes sense!”, said UtahSpeaker of the house, Blake Smith (D).
Over the years, authorities have looked the other way with regard to polygamous behavior and have instead focused on any abuse of children, kidnapping or any other domestic abuse.
Under current Utah Law bigamy is a felony of thethird degree.
The news of the new Utah bill coincides with TLC airing its new realityshow, Sister Wives, about a man with three wives – and soon a fourth – and his 12 kids..The man, Kody Brown. says, “polygamy is just another word for paradise.”
The husband is happy. The wives are happy. The children are polite and helpful. “It’s perfect, it’s heaven,” said Brown. “Variety is the spice of life and… I am enjoying my life.”
Advertising salesman Brown lives somewhere in Utah with Meri, his wife of 20 years, Janelle, his wife of 17 years, and Christine, his wife of 16 years. “I like marriage, and I’m a repeat offender,” he says.
He identifies himself as Mormon, though he is not a member of the mainstream faith that has banned “the lifestyle,” he notes. “Thelifestyle.” You’ll hear thatexpression tossed around a lot in the one-hour premiere.
The wives are the biggest advocates, arguing it guarantees security to their children.If one of them were to die, the other wives would step in to raise the kids. The extended clan lives in a large house that is subdivided into separate but adjoining apartments for each of the wives and their children.
“Look, it’s better for women to share one stable, solid, good man than to be with a no-good man who can’t even support himself. It’s the way the world is supposed to work. Women want men with money, power and status and men want variety and beauty. Polygamy is the natural way for human beings to mate, have a family,” said Monica Creighton, another polygamist in Utah.
They expect a large influx of new residents.

As long as they are all of age and mental consent let them marry each other.

It is not my place to tell others who they can love and marry as long as they are of age and mental consent.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/09/12 07:47 PM

Will Mitt Romney legalize polygamy if he becomes president?

Since the president does not pass laws -- no, he will not.

High school civics: Congress makes the laws.

Yea veto but I don't think it will be a national decision made by congress. I think this one will be decided by the Supreme court like most discrimination laws have been.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 02/09/12 07:57 PM

I would love to see how they react to a woman with several husbands.

And I just read the term for that is polyandry.

Not gonna happen.
The mormon church will never allow women to have more than one husband.