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Topic: Length.. - part 26
no photo
Wed 07/25/12 10:20 AM
so you're saying i'm so boring i put you to sleep?!

kc0003's photo
Wed 07/25/12 10:22 AM
not at all.
with your return, i would have been able to sleep...
but since you are not here, no such luck!

kc0003's photo
Wed 07/25/12 10:23 AM
maybe I’ll have to resort to watching lifetime movies.
I’m sure that will help.

no photo
Wed 07/25/12 10:27 AM
i hear one sleeps much more comfortably with a beard.

kc0003's photo
Wed 07/25/12 10:29 AM
sorry, i'm not sleeping with anyone that has one of those...ohwell

no photo
Wed 07/25/12 10:31 AM

kc0003's photo
Wed 07/25/12 10:32 AM
sleepy, but happily so...

no photo
Thu 07/26/12 08:27 PM

dear ese,
i will agree to go to texas if you can get me this guy;


no photo
Thu 07/26/12 08:28 PM
Looks like b's not going to Texas.

no photo
Thu 07/26/12 08:29 PM

I might be moving to Texas after all, ese. Inshallah.

HE might :banana:

no photo
Thu 07/26/12 09:49 PM
hunt him down for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
*stomps feet.*

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 03:02 PM
got any grapes?

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 03:25 PM
hey bster, what did you do with HannahHatesBananas

kc0003's photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:33 PM

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:34 PM

hey bster, what did you do with HannahHatesBananas

told her that her stache was hideous.

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:40 PM

hey bster, what did you do with HannahHatesBananas

told her that her stache was hideous.


well then, what did you do to rkisit? he doesn't even have a pic up anymore.

kc0003's photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:40 PM
mean, just mean!

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:42 PM


well then, what did you do to rkisit? he doesn't even have a pic up anymore.

told him to grow a beard.

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:43 PM

mean, just mean!


no photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:45 PM
you got to the canadian cupcake too?

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