Topic: me no nintendo.
no photo
Thu 01/19/12 04:54 PM

oh i have my crazy moments when i do nothing but laugh at the stupidest things.
people have asked me where i get my weed.
i don't smoke.

I think we are twins, or something.
I do that too, I'm not even sure why I'm laughing and then people will ask me what drugs I'm on. lol

no photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:01 PM
every time i hear twins i think of tag teaming someone.
i'm a perv like that.

kc0003's photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:01 PM

patsfan64's photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:03 PM
Is it me or did it just get really kinky in here? That's a rhetorical question by the way b

no photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:11 PM
Did I hear ....twins and tagteam in the ....

same semtence?????

drool drool drool

no photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:31 PM
...awkward silence.

patsfan64's photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:35 PM

...awkward silence.

I heard the same thing...weird

patsfan64's photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:43 PM
There it is again....I wasn't sure it was me at first but I'm definitely the cause of it!

no photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:45 PM
P I N G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Ggggggggggg

wux's photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:50 PM

I think its more an ability than a choice, but Idunno. Maybe its brain chemistry.

Im very cheerful. I can find something good in most situations and focus on that.

I think Im wired that way tho. Sometimes I really just feeeeeel like giggling, so the littlest thing can set me off into giggles.

I have miserable moments for sure, but the happiness far outweighs them.

I think you can obtain happiness in two ways:

1. becoming one with the universe; or
2. winning it in a game of Kanasta.

no photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:56 PM

I think its more an ability than a choice, but Idunno. Maybe its brain chemistry.

Im very cheerful. I can find something good in most situations and focus on that.

I think Im wired that way tho. Sometimes I really just feeeeeel like giggling, so the littlest thing can set me off into giggles.

I have miserable moments for sure, but the happiness far outweighs them.

I think you can obtain happiness in two ways:

1. becoming one with the universe; or
2. winning it in a game of Kanasta.

Doesn't winning a game of Kanasta mean you're one with the universe?

wux's photo
Thu 01/19/12 06:00 PM

If something is not pleasurable,
how am i suppose to be happy?
isn't that being fake?

I suggest that happiness flies out the window the moment you analyze yourself, "am I happy right now? truly?"

It's little wonder we call the pursuit of happiness the pursuit of the blue bird of happiness. I daresay the perception changes from person to person, and we feel cheated when we find ourselves not in a state of complete euphoria when we eat an apple, whereas the Joneses swear they have it then.

We are individualized consumers of life, a little not very much unlike cabbege patch kids. (A retail craze in the eighties, when a toy manufacturer created each of its dolls of a line to look different from all others.)

If we accept that we like different foods, different women, if our music appreciation is unique, and even our quality of orgasms is varied, then how can we expect our happiness feelings to be the same as the Joneses?

I say run with the feeling when you can. I have known several very, very rich people, self-made multimillionaires, and some home-made ones, too, and some of them are obsessed by not absorbing life faster, at a happier and more pleasurable rate than the poor or the tax-burdened middle class.

Obsessing about happiness is a western concept, and it can be used for good and evil purposes alike.

That's my forty-eight cents' worth (or forty ate scents words) on the topic.

no photo
Thu 01/19/12 10:14 PM

if something is not pleasurable,
how am i suppose to be happy?
isn't that being fake?

If you are doing something unpleasurable you have a right to be miserable to some degree. You can try and make it more pleasurable though. Does not always work depending upon the task.

Visualize puppies crawling in slippers while you do it. It helps.

Loy822's photo
Fri 01/20/12 03:55 AM
I'm optomistic and therefore happy 85% of the time. I do believe it's a choice. I know many people who choose to be negative which lends itself to unhappiness.

no photo
Fri 01/20/12 05:08 AM

if something is not pleasurable,
how am i suppose to be happy?
isn't that being fake?

Only if youre faking it.

The point folks seem to be making, is that some of us are able to focus on whats good, even during a time that may not be pleasurable.


Shoveling poo, but with a ton of my friends. Do you see?

The alternative is that someone can be a crabby patty even while doing something fun.


Going to an amusement park with your friends, and still having a lot to complain about. Spendin the whole time whining about this and that.

Shoveling poo and flinging it at friends = pleasurable.

no photo
Fri 01/20/12 08:43 AM

Shoveling poo and flinging it at friends = pleasurable.

Not when they fling it back. ill

no photo
Fri 01/20/12 12:19 PM
wux wins best answer.

prashant01's photo
Fri 01/20/12 12:30 PM

do you believe happiness is a choice?
how does one go about choosing to be happy?
how does one go about choosing to be miserable?

Happiness = Satisfaction + Peace

Satisfaction = 1 / Expectations

no photo
Fri 01/20/12 12:32 PM

wux wins best answer.

he always does grumble

no photo
Fri 01/20/12 12:33 PM
not when i don't feel like reading.