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Topic: Something evil this way comes.....
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Tue 01/10/12 07:27 PM

We know everyone on the Mingle forums are good people... but have you ever thought of something not so nice that you would like to do to someone, but just couldn't or wouldn't?

Use your imagination. Small or large, practical joke or something to get even with someone.

krupa's photo
Tue 01/10/12 07:30 PM

When someone p!sses me off...I generally make sure I f**k em up.

I am pretty subtle and dislike violence so I am forced to be really dirty about it.

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 07:33 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/10/12 07:33 PM
I've thought of doing really dirty things but I'm too damn ethical and nice.

:angry: :angry:

The best I can come up with is sarcasm.

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 07:42 PM
Did you ever see the Monty Python sketch where they drop a 16-ton weight on somebody?

I would have loved to do that to my ex-mother-in-law but she's dead now.

Just as well, I suppose, she probably would have just eaten it anyway....

krupa's photo
Tue 01/10/12 07:43 PM
Try rubbing fiberglass insulation on the toilet paper at work, but warn EVERYONE but the guy you are gonna jack up.

Rub insulation on that toilet paper for three days. Everyone else will KNOW not to mess with you and everyone gets a huge laugh at watching some poor deserving sucker walk around scratching furiously at his @$$ for a week from all the embedded glass needles.

If the really tick me off...I slap thier phone against the electr-magnetic brake on my bottler and slap the breaker...androids pop like the flash cube from an old Polaroid camera.

I ain't even kidding. These work.

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 07:50 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/10/12 07:51 PM
Wow I wonder what a body would look like after being crushed by a 16 ton weight.

I know what fiber glass feels like. I played in it when I was a kid. Ouch!

How about the putting sugar in the gas tank trick of some prick who just bought a new car and is a total jerk?

I knew a bartender I worked with who went outside and stuck a knife in all the tires of a guy's car.

How about using a strong magnet to destroy files on a laptop? Does that really work? I saw it done on Burn Notice.

Bravalady's photo
Tue 01/10/12 08:16 PM

Try rubbing fiberglass insulation on the toilet paper at work, but warn EVERYONE but the guy you are gonna jack up.

Rub insulation on that toilet paper for three days. Everyone else will KNOW not to mess with you and everyone gets a huge laugh at watching some poor deserving sucker walk around scratching furiously at his @$$ for a week from all the embedded glass needles.

If the really tick me off...I slap thier phone against the electr-magnetic brake on my bottler and slap the breaker...androids pop like the flash cube from an old Polaroid camera.

I ain't even kidding. These work.

Oh now that IS evil. My father gave us a big lecture about fiberglass when we were kids (he was in construction). I was going to fess up to sugaring someone's gas tank, but that doesn't even come close to yours.

teadipper's photo
Tue 01/10/12 08:21 PM
My ex's brother was a real azzhole to me after my ex was a real jerk. Anyway, he has PTSD. I wanted to take REALLY large illegal fireworks and throw them onto the patio outside his bedroom window at say 2 AM but even I, the evil child, could not bring myself to be that cruel and messed up.

ujGearhead's photo
Tue 01/10/12 08:50 PM

How about the putting sugar in the gas tank trick of some prick who just bought a new car and is a total jerk?

How about using a strong magnet to destroy files on a laptop? Does that really work? I saw it done on Burn Notice.

Contrary to popular belief, dumping sugar in a gas tank will NOT fry a car's engine because sugar doesn't dissolve in gas. In the gas tank there's a 'sock' (basically a filter) that will keep most of the sugar in the tank. IF there's any sugar particles small enough to get past the sock it will get caught in the cars main fuel filter. It may cause the fuel pump to wear out a little sooner, but pretty much the only damage that will be done is having to drop the tank and flush it out and replace the fuel filter.

A magnet can screw up the files on a hard drive, but it has to be a REALLY strong magnet. The ones on your fridge wont phase it.

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 08:55 PM
no never wanted to do anything mean to anyone

a few times I have wanted to say something but did not - just to keep the peace in accordance w/ rules....but there are times when I have wanted to call it like it is....and haven't

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/10/12 08:55 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 01/10/12 08:56 PM
Nope. Prevent my mind from going to these places because our thoughts become our realities.

The worse that I do is wish wisdom on people. :thumbsup:

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 01/10/12 08:59 PM
I don't like doing evil things to people, if I get mad I just take a box of twinkies and step on one twinky at a time, pretending its that person that I am mad at at, but than again that is a waste of good twinkies.whoa

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:02 PM

Nope. Prevent my mind from going to these places because our thoughts become our realities.

The worse that I do is wish wisdom on people. :thumbsup:

Its all in fun.

Nobody's thoughts can are pure all the time.

This is a thread where, if you want, you can embrace some of your darkness.

ujGearhead's photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:03 PM

I don't like doing evil things to people, if I get mad I just take a box of twinkies and step on one twinky at a time, pretending its that person that I am mad at at, but than again that is a waste of good twinkies.whoa

Not the Twinkies! shocked surprised Next time, try a fruit cake. Win/win situation there......

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:04 PM
I like sweet n low and my X husband would get real annoyed when he found those little pink packages laying around.

I saved up a bunch of the empty pink packages and the next time I was angry at him, I sprinkled they all over the kitchen. laugh laugh laugh tongue2

machug's photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:05 PM

I don't like doing evil things to people, if I get mad I just take a box of twinkies and step on one twinky at a time, pretending its that person that I am mad at at, but than again that is a waste of good twinkies.whoa

Ooooooooo, squishy!!!! flowerforyou :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/10/12 09:06 PM

I don't like doing evil things to people, if I get mad I just take a box of twinkies and step on one twinky at a time, pretending its that person that I am mad at at, but than again that is a waste of good twinkies.whoa

That is the same as witch craft. Except instead of sticking pins in dolls, (like voodoo) you are using twinkies.

You are an evil girl.laugh

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:08 PM

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:08 PM
laugh laugh laugh pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

no photo
Tue 01/10/12 09:12 PM

laugh laugh

I love that sign. I think I will make one for my door.

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