Sun 01/15/12 02:25 PM
Sun 01/15/12 02:26 PM
Sun 01/15/12 02:26 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
Sun 01/15/12 02:27 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
who's jayne
Sun 01/15/12 02:28 PM
Can somebody make a beer run?  ...Only two cases left and we've got 6 hours to go!!!!  Get long necks this time!!  Here take the company card, ManO never checks the statements, say's that's MY job!!  Say's that's what he pays me to dO!!!  One of these days I'm going to blOw a fuse!!!  Hey, get some chip and dip too,,,french onion and ranch...Get the pint size OK.....
Sun 01/15/12 02:30 PM
there goes your next paycheck
Sun 01/15/12 02:35 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
who's jayne
How quickly they forget!
Sun 01/15/12 02:35 PM
sorry small brain im lost
Sun 01/15/12 02:36 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
Hi Vivian. Who are you kidding? No one listens to me!
Sun 01/15/12 02:36 PM
there goes your next paycheck
What the hell are you doing here, it's after 3......
Sun 01/15/12 02:38 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
who's jayne
How quickly they forget!
forget what?
Sun 01/15/12 02:38 PM
sorry small brain im lost
well just grab a rope and start pulling
Sun 01/15/12 02:38 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
who's jayne
How quickly they forget!
forget what?
Forget the woman who cleaned your truck and house and never got paid
Sun 01/15/12 02:39 PM
there goes your next paycheck
What the hell are you doing here, it's after 3......
on my way to see ONE of my girl friends
Sun 01/15/12 02:40 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
who's jayne
How quickly they forget!
forget what?
Forget the woman who cleaned your truck and house and never got paid
oh.....and just who was that ???
Sun 01/15/12 02:42 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
who's jayne
How quickly they forget!
forget what?
Forget the woman who cleaned your truck and house and never got paid
oh.....and just who was that ???
Never mind. You are hopeless
Sun 01/15/12 02:44 PM
Jayne's here...straighten up and act right!!
Hi Jayne
who's jayne
How quickly they forget!
forget what?
Forget the woman who cleaned your truck and house and never got paid
oh.....and just who was that ???
Never mind. You are hopeless
have you been talking to my X ?
Sun 01/15/12 02:48 PM
there goes your next paycheck
What the hell are you doing here, it's after 3......
on my way to see ONE of my girl friends
Well, off with you then, you don't want to be late!  ....Heard she's a real ball breaker.....  Oh, don't forget, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so I won't be in till noon....
Sun 01/15/12 02:51 PM
there goes your next paycheck
What the hell are you doing here, it's after 3......
on my way to see ONE of my girl friends
So you are going to take a nap?
Sun 01/15/12 02:53 PM
there goes your next paycheck
What the hell are you doing here, it's after 3......
on my way to see ONE of my girl friends
Well, off with you then, you don't want to be late!  ....Heard she's a real ball breaker.....  Oh, don't forget, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so I won't be in till noon....