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no photo
Tue 04/21/15 10:01 PM
Danielle Steel "The Promise"

tamitateo's photo
Tue 04/21/15 11:05 PM
i cant remember i am so distracted

no photo
Wed 04/22/15 06:15 AM

demon cycle the skull throne by peter v. brett

I read this as soon as it arrived at my local book shop. More brilliance from Peter V. Brett.

Bentkat51's photo
Wed 04/22/15 07:02 PM
Nothing...im out of new material and have reread everything at home... sad :cry: tears brokenheart frustrated

bellbuckle's photo
Wed 04/22/15 07:41 PM
Edited by bellbuckle on Wed 04/22/15 07:44 PM
I read the first 4 books VC Andrews ..Finally realized I didn't really want to read those kind of books.

xvcrimsajadevx's photo
Wed 04/22/15 11:55 PM
Cursor's Fury by Jim Butcher

no photo
Fri 04/24/15 04:43 AM
Dennis Etichson's novelization of The Fog.

no photo
Fri 04/24/15 01:46 PM
Bart Ehrmans "misquoting Jesus"

topherj37's photo
Sun 04/26/15 08:55 AM
"Water the Bamboo: Unleashing the Potential of Teams and Individuals" by Greg Bell

Jinshim_GW's photo
Sun 04/26/15 02:47 PM
The Dead Will Tell - Linda Castillo

MelMaxx's photo
Sun 04/26/15 04:53 PM
Finishing up with I Am Malala (put it on hold for a bit). Then, probably tomorrow onto my new Stephen King 11/22/63....soooo excited to get started on that one!!!!!love

Hannah_Nur's photo
Sun 04/26/15 05:49 PM
Fifty shades of freed.. The last book :)

no photo
Mon 04/27/15 05:37 AM
James Herbert's The Magic Cottage

Bentkat51's photo
Mon 04/27/15 04:37 PM
An oldie...the Black Star by Lin Carter c.1973

EDory's photo
Mon 04/27/15 04:44 PM
Reapers Inc. series by Angela Roquet
I'm on the fourth book now.

Jinshim_GW's photo
Tue 04/28/15 09:53 AM

Finishing up with I Am Malala (put it on hold for a bit). Then, probably tomorrow onto my new Stephen King 11/22/63....soooo excited to get started on that one!!!!!love

Just curious to know if you started 11/22/63 yet...

MelMaxx's photo
Tue 04/28/15 02:39 PM

Finishing up with I Am Malala (put it on hold for a bit). Then, probably tomorrow onto my new Stephen King 11/22/63....soooo excited to get started on that one!!!!!love

Just curious to know if you started 11/22/63 yet...

Not yet, been busy (in the good way :wink: )
Please don't spoil anything for me happy

MelMaxx's photo
Wed 04/29/15 05:07 AM
Oh my!!! Can't hardly put this book down. However, had to after only a few chapters...had to get some sleep and have to be at work today :angry: sad
Can't wait to get home this eve and pick it back up smile2 shades

no photo
Wed 04/29/15 05:40 AM

Finishing up with I Am Malala (put it on hold for a bit). Then, probably tomorrow onto my new Stephen King 11/22/63....soooo excited to get started on that one!!!!!love

Just curious to know if you started 11/22/63 yet...

Not yet, been busy (in the good way :wink: )
Please don't spoil anything for me happy

That's the best way with this book, the less you know about it the better. It went beyond what I was expecting. My second read through was just as good.

Jinshim_GW's photo
Wed 04/29/15 09:13 AM
Melmaxx...no worries, I would never spoil it for you. I was just curious to see if you liked it so far that's all.
And I agree Torgo, it was beyond what I was expecting as well.

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