Topic: A Fireplace
Mystique42's photo
Wed 12/28/11 09:48 PM
Strike up a match
Now watch it burn
A twinkle... flash
My heart just yearns

A log burning
My fireplace
I sit alone
This time and space

Light dancing flames
Burnt hues of joy
Cascading ash
I wait... oh boy

I wait and wish
I hope and dream
Of a warm hand
A loving scene

Burnt embers cool
Crackling declines
I wait with warmth
Hearth to unwind

Within my soul
The wood just sits
Wait for my match
He comes- its lit

SDF 12/29/11


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Wed 12/28/11 09:57 PM
flowerforyou VERY NICE,,,,,Your on fire,,,:wink: :heart: :banana:

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Thu 12/29/11 08:02 AM