Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 4 | |
I was planning for smockin joes at East Carson street. You know... Try a game of pool n other stuff too.. But damn it! Its sunday!! Good thing you say its pens state sunday. They do sell liquor, so if things doesnt go as by plan, pens state is the destination. Not Penn State. Penguins. Smokin' Joe's IS open on Sundays, but not sure how late. |
Thanks for the heads ups, buddy |
Biotchy funerals and biotchy college football....BIOTCHY BORINGGGGGGGGGGG! TXBiotch, so biiotchy nice to hear you biotchen again! Biotches and Basnastards I biotchy hate the biotchy tooth wizard! I dont biotchy understand why I biotchy cant sue his basnastardly azz, for giving me biotchy "dry socket". OMFG, IT BIOTCHY HURTS! EVEN WITH BIOTCHY VICODEN AND CLOVE OIL! I biothcy wish a 1000 biotchy sheep chit on your biotchy carriage, you basnastardly tooth wizard! Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! |
BIOTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Umm yeah |
Biotches and Basnastards Biotchy dry socket is a mfer, and I dont biothcy want to biotchy talk about it! The basnastardly tooth wizard is sooooooooo biothcy dead when I biotchy heal. Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! |
Did you biotchin try a moist, warm teabag? It will take the pain away. I biotchin knows stuff. try it, my queen.
Did you biotchin try a moist, warm teabag? It will take the pain away. I biotchin knows stuff. try it, my queen. Dropping a concrete block on my foot usually does the trick, but I don't think she'll go for that. |
Feelin biotchy tonight, fer sure!
Despite biotchin arthritis wreaking havoc on my biotchin old body, I got no biotchin to do today. I am biotchin happy to be with my sweetie, and to have the friendship of several biotches and basnastards here. Even despite the basnastard who biotchin reamed me for being on this biotchin site when I already have a hot basnastard. I see why that biotchin turdball is doomed to never finding love. assbiotchinhole. LMBiotchinAO.
Edited by
Tue 02/21/12 10:14 AM
Did you biotchin try a moist, warm teabag? It will take the pain away. I biotchin knows stuff. try it, my queen.
I biotchy did put a biotchy teabag in my biotchy hole as you biotchy suggested, and all that biotchy happened it my biotchy cooter smelled like biotchy, "Orange and Spice", and it biotchy feel our when I biotchy urinated. Dropping a concrete block on my foot usually does the trick, but I don't think she'll go for that.
All I biotchy have to biotchy say to that is, its a good biotchy thing your good biotchy looking my basnastardly king. Feelin biotchy tonight, fer sure!
Is that biotchy like omg, totally, fer sure, fer sure, omg, like totally, biotchy? Are you from the biotchy valley Heavenlybasnastard? Even despite the basnastard who biotchin reamed me for being on this biotchin site when I already have a hot basnastard. I see why that biotchin turdball is doomed to never finding love. assbiotchinhole. LMBiotchinAO.
Bring that basnastardly basnastard to me, and I shall have him biotchy flogged! Biotches and Basnastards My biotchy gums have biotchy somewhat subsided. I am only in biotchy half the biotchy pain, I was, and I can see my biotchy gum, beginning to FINALLY heal over the biotchy jawbone. So biotchy of course, today I biotchy have a sore throat, and feel like im biotchy getting sick. Its always biotchy gotta be biotchy something with me!! Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! |
Honey, turn on biotchin PSI Radio. It'll take your mind off your biotchin problems. My hot basnastard is on the air.
Edited by
Thu 02/23/12 02:34 AM
Ohhhhhhhhh biotchy no, Mingle isnt biotchy dying. What biotchy makes you say that? Its just biotchy poppin in here like biotchen crazy!! Ohhhhhhhh biotchy yeah, its just a biotchen poppin in here. MOre like biothcy pooping in here. Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! |
Its our 3rd anniversary!! Welcome to (((((((((( LUV2'S BIOTCH AND BASNASTARD KINGDOM )))))))))) The place where all biotches, and basnastards unite as one, in the biotchy kingdom of biotches, and basnastards! You belong here if any, or all, of 1-20 applies to you...(if your a man, just substitute the word "basnastard", for the word "biotch" for 1-20). 1) Your a biotch. 2) All your friends think your a biotch. 3) Your parents wanted to name you biotch. 4) When you look up biotch in the dictionary, your picture is there. 5) I think your a biotch. 6) When driving people often yell "biotch" at you on the road. 7) Your kids think your a biotch. 8) Your pets think your a biotch. 9) Your so much of a biotch, that you dont even care that people think your a biotch. 10)You look like a biotch. 11)When your friends are asked what they think of you, they say,"shes a biotch". 12)Even Mr. Rogers thinks your a biotch. 13)You hang around with all biotches. 14)You are the biggest biotch in your group of biotch friends. 15)Your husband thinks your a biotch. 16)Your wife thinks your a biotch, even though your a man. 17)Elton John wrote the song,"The Biotch is Back" for you. 18)All you ever do is biotch. 19)Everytime you leave a room, "I hate that biotch" is said behind your back. 20)You will proudly and gladly wear the "biotch"tee shirts I give, at least twice a week. If ANY, or ALL of these, apply to you, just come into the Biotch Kingdom, and tell the Queen Biotch which one, or ones, apply, and you will be accepted into the kingdom. At this time, you will recieve 2 biotch tee shirts. They are to ALWAYS be worn, when inside the kingdom, and be worn, no less, than 2 times per week, outside of the kingdom. The biotch/basnastard kingdom is a place, where we can biotch ANYTIME or AS MUCH as we desire! You may biotch at the world, just vent, or just be biotches and basnastards for the fuzuck of it! OUR MOTTO IS: "WE ARE BIOTCHES, WE DONT LIKE SNITCHES, WE BURN THEM LIKE WITCHES, AND THROW THEM IN DITCHES". and "THERE CAN NEVER BE TOO MANY BIOTCHES AND BASNASTARDS IN THE WORLD!". If any of this sounds good to you, than join the Biotch Kingdom, we will be delighted to have you!! WELCOME! -Your Biotch Queen & King 1-20 don't apply to me but I'm goin vent anyways. Why are the interesting sounding women smokers? I have allergies and can't be around you! Blah blah blah blah blah blah. |
Did you biotchin try a moist, warm teabag? It will take the pain away. I biotchin knows stuff. try it, my queen. Dropping a concrete block on my foot usually does the trick, but I don't think she'll go for that. How about if I swing a 20 pound sledgehammer on it? Just trying to be helpful and get a few laughs in as well. |
1-20 don't apply to me but I'm goin vent anyways. Why are the interesting sounding women smokers? I have allergies and can't be around you! Blah blah blah blah blah blah. I used to biotchy smoke, and ended up being nothing but a biotchy butt everytime I finished a biotchy cigarette, so I biotchy quit. Whats your biotchy excuse. Muuuuuuuuuuahahahhhaha! |
Did you biotchin try a moist, warm teabag? It will take the pain away. I biotchin knows stuff. try it, my queen. Dropping a concrete block on my foot usually does the trick, but I don't think she'll go for that. How about if I swing a 20 pound sledgehammer on it? Just trying to be helpful and get a few laughs in as well. The deceitful basnastard! |
Did you biotchin try a moist, warm teabag? It will take the pain away. I biotchin knows stuff. try it, my queen. Dropping a concrete block on my foot usually does the trick, but I don't think she'll go for that. How about if I swing a 20 pound sledgehammer on it? Just trying to be helpful and get a few laughs in as well. The deceitful basnastard! |
1-20 don't apply to me but I'm goin vent anyways. Why are the interesting sounding women smokers? I have allergies and can't be around you! Blah blah blah blah blah blah. I used to biotchy smoke, and ended up being nothing but a biotchy butt everytime I finished a biotchy cigarette, so I biotchy quit. Whats your biotchy excuse. Muuuuuuuuuuahahahhhaha! I am basnastardly cuz I quit smoking over 30 years ago. I miss pot. |
I am basnastardly cuz I quit smoking over 30 years ago. I miss pot. A biotchy former pot head. That would biotchy explain a lot! Biotches and Basnastards Your biotchy queen is still biotchy sick with the biotchy flu from biotchy hell. I shall finish my biotchy duties here, and take Nyquil, (the night time, coughing, sniffling, sneezing, aching, stuffy head, fever, how in the hell did I get on the biotchy kitchen floor medicine) AGAIN, I am on biotchy bottle #2, and pass back biotchy out, in hopes of having enough biotchy energy, to do all of the biotchy stuff, I have failed to biotchy do all boiotchy week. Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! |