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Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 4
irisheyes79's photo
Fri 01/06/12 12:14 PM

Ash36's photo
Fri 01/06/12 12:32 PM
I heard what boitchy queen said. We all need to take a piss together n sing ''my little ponies''

doc_dog's photo
Fri 01/06/12 01:56 PM
Biotchin pleased to see the bromance between the two biotchin hot basnastards. Ooh biotchin baby, love to see videos of THOSE biotchin hot encounters!! rofl

BTW, some biotch in VA is head over heels in LOVE. Some basnastard has stolen my biotchin heart and is storing it next to his. Biotchin fantastic!

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 01/07/12 09:22 AM

I heard what boitchy queen said. We all need to take a piss together n sing ''my little ponies''

*The Queen running around waving her arms in the air, and screaming*






luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 01/07/12 09:29 AM

Biotches and Basnastardsflowerforyou

Docbiotch, if I biotchy hear anymore about your biotchy happiness, im going to biotchy cancel your biotchy membership!

Your biotchy suppose to be a biotchy biotch, not biotchy lovey biotch dovey, and ewwwwwwwww, im going to biotchy vomit, just biotchy thinking about it!

At least, biotchy biotch at your basnastard, or beat his basnastardly azz, SOMETHING BIOTCHLIKE!!

Maybe just biotchy biotch at him all biothcy day today about biotchy nothing!

Your queen is feeling biotchy funk-ti-fied!

(I have no clue what that means, or where it came from?)

Carry on Biotches and Basnastards, and in a Biotchy and Basnastardly way, would you? drinker Carry on!

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 01/07/12 09:34 AM
Edited by ujGearhead on Sat 01/07/12 09:35 AM

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 01/07/12 09:37 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 01/07/12 09:40 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

DAMN! They found out and now I gotta go somewhere else...... She'll never find me in here......

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 01/07/12 09:53 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sat 01/07/12 09:54 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

DAMN! They found out and now I gotta go somewhere else...... She'll never find me in here......


irisheyes79's photo
Sat 01/07/12 10:46 AM

Biotchin pleased to see the bromance between the two biotchin hot basnastards. Ooh biotchin baby, love to see videos of THOSE biotchin hot encounters!! rofl

BTW, some biotch in VA is head over heels in LOVE. Some basnastard has stolen my biotchin heart and is storing it next to his. Biotchin fantastic!
whom, are these people that have a bromance ?

irisheyes79's photo
Sat 01/07/12 10:46 AM

Biotchin pleased to see the bromance between the two biotchin hot basnastards. Ooh biotchin baby, love to see videos of THOSE biotchin hot encounters!! rofl

BTW, some biotch in VA is head over heels in LOVE. Some basnastard has stolen my biotchin heart and is storing it next to his. Biotchin fantastic!
whom, are these people that have a bromance ?

doc_dog's photo
Sun 01/08/12 06:59 AM

Biotchin pleased to see the bromance between the two biotchin hot basnastards. Ooh biotchin baby, love to see videos of THOSE biotchin hot encounters!! rofl

BTW, some biotch in VA is head over heels in LOVE. Some basnastard has stolen my biotchin heart and is storing it next to his. Biotchin fantastic!
whom, are these people that have a bromance ?

How cute, my coy, basnastardly sweetie pie. The 2 cutest basnastards here, of course. You and Ash basnastard. He said you biotchin make him smile, or something along those biotchin lines, LMAO.

no photo
Sun 01/08/12 07:02 AM
Edited by The_Pete_Man on Sun 01/08/12 07:34 AM
S**T !!! pitchfork

F**K !!! pitchfork

D**K !!! pitchfork

B-I-O-T-C-H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

COUNT !!!!!!!!!!!! (what did you biotchy THINK I was gonna biotchy say here?)pitchfork :laughing: pitchfork :laughing: pitchfork :laughing:

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sun 01/08/12 02:46 PM

Looks like i'm gonna have to buy that biotchy dictionary, and learn that biotchy language :p

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 01/09/12 02:36 PM


Looks like i'm gonna have to buy that biotchy dictionary, and learn that biotchy language :p
Sounds biotchy to me!

I biotchy think, you've biotchy got it!

no photo
Mon 01/09/12 02:39 PM
PHLEGM !!! pitchfork

PUKE !!! pitchfork

SMEGMA !!! pitchfork

UNDERWEAR CRUST !!! pitchfork

B-I-O-T-C-H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork


luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 01/09/12 02:40 PM

Biotches and Basnastardsflowerforyou

I biotchy went to the biotchy witchdoctor today, and he biotchy says, I am going to biotchy continue to biotchy live, at this biotchy time.


I will have to biotchy find something else to biotchy biotch about,

other than my biotchy health, for now.

Give me about 2 biotchy minutes,

and I will biothcy think of something!

Carry on Biotches and Basnastardsdrinker Carry on!

doc_dog's photo
Mon 01/09/12 03:02 PM
Yer biotchin 2 minutes is up Queenie, LMBAO.

My biotchin RA is fu**in screaming today and I am biotchin sick of it.

Biotch, biotch, biotch...

irisheyes79's photo
Mon 01/09/12 03:44 PM

Biotchin pleased to see the bromance between the two biotchin hot basnastards. Ooh biotchin baby, love to see videos of THOSE biotchin hot encounters!! rofl

BTW, some biotch in VA is head over heels in LOVE. Some basnastard has stolen my biotchin heart and is storing it next to his. Biotchin fantastic!
whom, are these people that have a bromance ?

How cute, my coy, basnastardly sweetie pie. The 2 cutest basnastards here, of course. You and Ash basnastard. He said you biotchin make him smile, or something along those biotchin lines, LMAO.
wtf hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol ash we caught out time to put on our straigest straight facelaugh

irisheyes79's photo
Mon 01/09/12 03:44 PM

Yer biotchin 2 minutes is up Queenie, LMBAO.

My biotchin RA is fu**in screaming today and I am biotchin sick of it.

Biotch, biotch, biotch...
i used to be a pa maybe i could be of some assistance

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