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Topic: Wall Street Bankers are worried OWS is working?
Bestinshow's photo
Wed 11/23/11 01:33 PM

woman who was pepper sprayed during during a raid on Occupy Seattle last week is blaming police after she miscarried Sunday.

Jennifer Fox, 19, told The Stranger that she had been with the Occupy protests since they started in Westlake Park. She said she was homeless and three months pregnant, but felt the need to join activists during their march last Tuesday.

“I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the police started moving in,” Fox recalled. “I was screaming, ‘I am pregnant, I am pregnant. Let me through. I am trying to get out.’”

She claimed that police hit her in the stomach twice before pepper spraying her. One officer struck her with his foot and another pushed his bicycle into her. It wasn’t clear if either of those incidents were intentional.

“Right before I turned, both cops lifted their pepper spray and sprayed me. My eyes puffed up and my eyes swelled shut,” Fox said.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer photographer Joshua Trujillo snapped a picture of Fox in apparent agony as another activist carried her to an ambulance.

See the horrific Photo here

Munchausen by Proxy or better yet, Martyrdom by proxy. I would like to see what medical experts have to say about this. In the same breath what about the destruction these protests are leaving behind? The situation sucks but if she was pregnant she should have protested from the perimeter instead of throwing herself into the middle of the fray. She should have thought more about putting herself in the line of fire because she also dragged her child into this. If anyone should face charges she should.
Oh your so right. She should have known the cops would kick her and pepper spray her if she dared to peacefully assemble un Uber Umerika.

no photo
Wed 11/23/11 04:50 PM

woman who was pepper sprayed during during a raid on Occupy Seattle last week is blaming police after she miscarried Sunday.

Jennifer Fox, 19, told The Stranger that she had been with the Occupy protests since they started in Westlake Park. She said she was homeless and three months pregnant, but felt the need to join activists during their march last Tuesday.

“I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the police started moving in,” Fox recalled. “I was screaming, ‘I am pregnant, I am pregnant. Let me through. I am trying to get out.’”

She claimed that police hit her in the stomach twice before pepper spraying her. One officer struck her with his foot and another pushed his bicycle into her. It wasn’t clear if either of those incidents were intentional.

“Right before I turned, both cops lifted their pepper spray and sprayed me. My eyes puffed up and my eyes swelled shut,” Fox said.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer photographer Joshua Trujillo snapped a picture of Fox in apparent agony as another activist carried her to an ambulance.

See the horrific Photo here

Munchausen by Proxy or better yet, Martyrdom by proxy. I would like to see what medical experts have to say about this. In the same breath what about the destruction these protests are leaving behind? The situation sucks but if she was pregnant she should have protested from the perimeter instead of throwing herself into the middle of the fray. She should have thought more about putting herself in the line of fire because she also dragged her child into this. If anyone should face charges she should.


The Elite controllers would love to have you on their police force.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 11/23/11 10:03 PM
Hey, if a woman is pregnant she should show some common sense. protests tend to turn violent no matter how peaceful they start. OWS has progressively gotten more violent on both sides.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 11/24/11 09:04 AM

Hey, if a woman is pregnant she should show some common sense. protests tend to turn violent no matter how peaceful they start. OWS has progressively gotten more violent on both sides.

Women work hazarous jobs until their 7th month or more. That is considered acceptable.

Most who protest in "peaceful" rallies don't expect violence, if they do it is a sign that our law enforcement organizations are "out of control"!

no photo
Thu 11/24/11 10:16 AM

Hey, if a woman is pregnant she should show some common sense. protests tend to turn violent no matter how peaceful they start. OWS has progressively gotten more violent on both sides.

I agree a pregnant woman should show more common sense. But police should not be spraying people with mace anyway, pregnant or not.

I think the policy should be to just walk around the protesters and ignore them completely. What they are wanting is attention.

When the police and media give them what they want, they are very happy about that.

How long, really, would people sit on a sidewalk in protest of anything if nobody cared?

I'm guessing not long.

It is just a game people play with each other.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 11/24/11 11:19 AM
Sojourning soul, there is a difference between hazardous work and protests though. With a work place there are safety protocols and a serious avoidance of anything that would put anyone in any danger. A protest on the other hand have historically led to violence in over 80% of all domestic protests and abroad that number jumps to 90%. The moment the first rock or fist is thrown that protest has turned violent.

Likewise in a hazardous job people don't seek confrontation. in a protest though even though most may not be looking for a fight the rest are fighting mad.

I also seem to sense a sentiment of hostility towards police. Please let me be abundantly clear here, I do not trust police at all no matter how nice they are unless I know them personally! But likewise the police are stuck maintaining order and likewise they are caught in the middle more than you might understand. That is why I never ever wanted to be a police man. I would take way too much seriously and personally and would wind up shooting some mouthy bastard. So far they have shown remarkable restraint but if a protester ordered to leave refuses and the protesters don't have enough force to impose their defiance they are going to get a beat down.

The people you should be mad at are the ones giving the orders, not the soldiers who have to follow them. Only a rare few instances have the police kept their distance and mostly those situations were either the police would have been vastly overwhelmed AND the protesters were behaving and not vandalizing, littering, or threatening anyone. Most of these OWS camps are becoming pits of squalor thanks to vandalism and littering not to mention the occasional sick pig who is crapping in the bushes. And last I heard Public Urination is still a crime. MOST police forces have a policy of not throwing the first blow. And for the Seattle Police to be branded as HOSTILE and VICIOUS??? PLEASE???? You want a Hostile and Vicious police force try New York City or better yet the Lomita Sheriffs department here in Los Angeles. They are NOTORIOUS for being a pack of self righteous bastards who break the law enforcing it! I OUTRIGHT DARE ANYONE TO HOLD AN OWS IN LOMITA! It would not even go a day before the boots and pepper spray are delivered en mass!

One woman miscarries? No sympathy here. If twenty women miscarried I still would not be sympathetic. Not when they go into the dragon's lair. Now if the OWS protests were truly orderly, kept clean, and parked in front of state capitals, and on top of that were completely peaceful I would be sympathetic. I think the largest problem is that not only do these people want to make their voice heard which is commendable but they are willing to go to damn near any extreme to do so which is not good. I feel it is the same thing as this, it is one thing to jump off of a dock to dive into a pond to swim in it, you don't go swimming in a pond by driving a Buick off of the dock. Not unless you are stone cold crazy.

I wish I could galvanize the OWS protests into something more reasonable and believable, a more focused protest aimed at those who need to see and hear the discontent for themselves but 99% of these people are done listening to anyone other than themselves.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 11/24/11 11:51 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 11/24/11 11:52 AM

That actually sounds a little "self righteous" to me!

In that context I would be defending myself from your views as being a voice of oppression, not leadership.

Police are not immune to mob rule! They are in "storm trooper" attire, opposing unarmed civilians in street attire with women among them, even children in some cases.

It is not the crowd who usually starts a gun fight with a stone, so where do you think the violence originates? A few stone throwers make it ok to fire "projectiles" into a crowd?

Guess you have never been a "paint ball" warrior? These police are wearing "bullet proof" armor, armed with weapons and devices of war!

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 11/24/11 12:03 PM
I have done paintball before and it hurts when you get hit in an unarmored place. In an ideal society we would have no need for police at all but as it stands we are worst off without them. Most people who take the law in to their own hands wind up abusing and breaking the law themselves. I am not taking any sides in this argument. But I sure in the heck am not going to believe all they hype about how evil the police are. If you reach into a cage to pet a tiger and it bites your arm off it was your fault for sticking your hand in the cage in the first place. Don't blame the tiger for doing what it was made by nature to do. Yes police can get heavy handed BUT many protesters use their "voice" as an excuse to do mean and violent crap and that spills out to EVERYONE in the protest. Once a brawl breaks out the police had to assume the worst at that point. Pepper spray is a lot different from Bullets or have you forgotten the Kent State Massacre? That was a peaceful protest gone horribly wrong. It is America's Tienanmen Square. Would you prefer police just resort to guns? it will eventually come to that the way these protests keep going.

And the sick thing to me is people will intentionally put themselves and others into the line of fire for their righteousness. There are way too many paladins here on both sides for me to take stock in any of the crap anyone says both from the police stand point and the protesters. It is ALL BS to me. And with election time coming we are faced with more bad choices for president and the possibility of 4 more years of Obama! And people are trying to use the Stock market to justify his reelection.

So one more time, what do the foxes who are stealing the hen's eggs care of the complaints of the hens? It is the farmer's job to deal with it.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/24/11 12:11 PM

That actually sounds a little "self righteous" to me!

In that context I would be defending myself from your views as being a voice of oppression, not leadership.

Police are not immune to mob rule! They are in "storm trooper" attire, opposing unarmed civilians in street attire with women among them, even children in some cases.

It is not the crowd who usually starts a gun fight with a stone, so where do you think the violence originates? A few stone throwers make it ok to fire "projectiles" into a crowd?

Guess you have never been a "paint ball" warrior? These police are wearing "bullet proof" armor, armed with weapons and devices of war!
You saw what happened when the Police confronted the OWS in their regular Attire!
Any Policecommander sending in his men unprotected is an Idiot,and has no business to be in Command!

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 11/24/11 12:15 PM
Sojourning soul, one thing I got to do here is thank you for probably the most civil debate in politics I ever had so far on this site. At least you are not resorting to the childish BS and one liners others on this site use to make a point. You my friend are someone I may not agree with but you are someone I could have a beer with no problem! Again thank so much for keeping this above the waistline!


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 11/24/11 12:34 PM

Sojourning soul, one thing I got to do here is thank you for probably the most civil debate in politics I ever had so far on this site. At least you are not resorting to the childish BS and one liners others on this site use to make a point. You my friend are someone I may not agree with but you are someone I could have a beer with no problem! Again thank so much for keeping this above the waistline!


Always a pleasure Andy drinker

I love a good debate, I don't mind being "corrected" if I am wrong (it happens laugh ) , and will actually research a valid point made by another... just ask Conrad rofl

I know what you mean by the "one liners and BS" and try to avoid them, but I do have a little Jon Stewart blood in me and can't help a good laugh at times! laugh

Agreeing to disagree is healthy! Wish there were more capable of it in the world.



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