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Topic: new person here!
machug's photo
Mon 11/14/11 06:48 PM
Yeah, I think you're more sassy...right??
Have fun.waving

auburnbrowneyebeauty's photo
Mon 11/14/11 06:51 PM

(waving hands in the air) hi i am new hows everyone doing?

Welcome to Mingle Sweet! :banana:

sweetandsassy1's photo
Tue 11/15/11 01:10 AM
well thank you everyone for being such a great welcoming committee group i already feel comfortable

no photo
Tue 11/15/11 12:01 PM
hi dear me too new here wanna be freinds mail me .....waiting........................

burgundybry's photo
Tue 11/15/11 01:21 PM
Stick around. We don't bite.......................................much!


kc0003's photo
Tue 11/15/11 02:55 PM

MrGOTITALL's photo
Tue 11/15/11 06:46 PM
Whats Up

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