Topic: meet the grass man
wildmanofohio's photo
Sun 10/23/11 05:31 AM
Been a few years ago but this crazy story is very true.
I was camping out in eastern ohio 15 miles from no where no quiet you can hear yourself breath.
My first day and only day I hiked most of the day searching for food.
By night I gathered enough vegetables and meat to have a meal.
The night was clear and cool the moon my only light then as my fire started to dim I felt I was being watched I called out no answer I only smelled him and seen his shadow.
Then a rock the size of a softball hit my face and a growl from the dark is all I heard he was on me before I could move.
I was blinded by blood in my eyes but his sized and power dwarfed mine.
He had me in a bear hug squeezing me I smelled the stink from his breath.
I almost passed out but a burst of energy I headbutted him he dropped me and I ran but he has faster and started chasing me he catch me and fell near the fire I picked up a log that was still burning and smashed him in the head he roared in pain I some how got past him and I ran into the darkness and found a old tree to hide up in intil day came.
I went to the campsite and only found blood from me and footprints nothing else.
I go back from time to time and every time when the moon is the fuliest I can smell his stinch on the midnight wind.