Topic: Food game - part 2 | |
Baconator Triple & Chocolate shake
Chocolate Shake and Vegetable Chips
Vegetable Chips and Bacon flavored Chip Dip
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Bacon flavored chip dip and celery stalks
celery stalks and Ranch dresseing
ranch dressing and kettle chips
Kettle Chips and a Ham on Rye
Ham on Rye and tomato soup
Tomato Soup and Cornbread
Cornbread and Chilli
Chili and Garlic Bread
Garlic bread and cabbage rolls
Cabbage Rolls and Smoked Sausage
Smoked Sausage and Sauer Kraut
Sauerkraut and Corned Beef
Corned Beef and Beets
Beets and parsnips
Parsnips and Butter
Butter and brown sugar carrots
Brown Sugar Carrots and a Glazed Ham