Topic: The Last Day in Prophecy.
tudoravenger's photo
Sat 10/08/11 05:06 AM
Well, let’s start with Jeremiah. 1:14 states that war comes to N Israel from Lebanon/Syria. 4:11 is a clear warning of nuclear destruction to Jerusalem. 4:23-27 extends the destruction to the whole planet. 49-50 describes the destruction of Jordan/Syria. 21:45-49 describes a nuclear bombardment of Israel starting in the south and working north. Obviously multiple bursts. These missiles could come from Russia after Syria enters conflict. Now 22:23-31 is very interesting. It describes the situation today. Then it describes Israel’s security wall in white plaster and warns it shall be destroyed.

Well, Mathew 24:29-31 covers the final day. Yeshua states quite bluntly that the natural order will be overthrown resulting in the darkening of sun/moon/stars. This indicates the event will run sunset/rise, as the Torah demands. He then states that the sign of the Son of Man shall appear. Whether this is the cross is doubtful. This naturally causes global panic as everyone realises that there is no way out. Then a trumpet sounds and the angels head out to gather people from planet earth. This may refer to the so-called rapture.

From Mathew 24:36-44 he describes the attitude of man just before this event. Life continues as normal, though I doubt that, then the vanishing begins. As Yeshua says, two men in a field. One taken, one left behind. 2 women at a mill. One taken, one left behind. This indicates 2 things. Conversion from physical to spirit matter. Then 50% removal, around 3 billion people. Yeshua’s final warning is that He will come when we least expect it. However, Mathew 25:1-13 mentions midnight in connection with the arrival of the bridegroom.
This is the time I favour.

Mathew 25:31-46 covers the end of that day. The final event. Now, if I were to die tomorrow my God given spirit would judge my actions on earth. This would decide whether I enter the kingdom of light or of darkness. I know, understand and accept this as fact. However, it appears that the Final Judgement rules are different. For those left on earth it will be nerve racking.

At that time, everyone will be arranged before the court and split into two groups. I’ll be at the front. Those destined for the kingdom of light will be on the right, those for darkness on the left. They will not burn in Hell. God is not that cruel. I believe that over time they too will enter the kingdom of light, which is their birthright.

RuffRydaUK's photo
Sat 10/08/11 05:34 AM
The verses you quoted do not state what you claim they do, that is simply your interpretation. You should post the actual verses for the benefit of the reader.

You conclude by saying eventually everyone will enter heaven, how do you come to this conclusion from scripture or is it simply your own opinion?

no photo
Sat 10/08/11 10:14 AM
As much as I like the idea that everyone will eventually go to heaven, Revelations 21 describes something very different. This passage states that the new heaven and the new earth will replace the first ones once they have passed away. This chapter describes the fearful, unbelieving, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, and liars as having, “their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

If you know another context for this passage, let me know what you think.

I was raised on the fire and brimstone version of the Bible...if you don't pass judgment, you simply don't get in.

I believe that while everyone will sin and everyone has the grace of God's forgiveness, forgiveness is not without limits and we are expected to learn from our transgressions.

no photo
Sat 10/08/11 04:12 PM

Jeremiah 21 has but 14 verses, Jeremiah has only I cannot follow you through Jeremiah.

Otherwise, I simply can’t make out some of the chapter and verses to hold the same meaning as you've interpreted.

It really doesn’t matter to me that I understand what form of destruction God has in hand when the time comes.

I don’t imagine I will be among the 144,000 numbered in the 1st resurrection and be imune from hell fire, nor that I’ll be eliminated by the plagues or sickles, so I’d better make sure there are a few good works written in the book of life about me when I’m judged after the 1,000 years rule of the beast.

Only one thing confuses me about the end days, and that is the John himself states that he ate the book…in fact it gave him a tummy ache. We will just have to assume the angel kept a copy…or we are all doomed.