Topic: Wanderers of the Land | |
The night where dragonflies
hover over dense meadows of green and blue parade a murky bundle of nature’s love the light of the moon reminds the few who’ve traveled long and the wanderers of the time when things were necessary the beaten slopes of valleys and where roads stretched long and far. The flowery aroma smells sweet as honey-nectar. Wry foxes cry from place to place and nature’s inbred color flees like the leaves in a calm autumn and the cracked slanted tree stumps spawn the scars of the earth. The passing currents of history learn by heart the steadfastness and the roaring windy whispers form an embrace that follows. We are to greet the land that welcomes us else we might just follow our path back home. To touch the land with grace a gentle hand level with the hilly body of soil where ancestors once farmed groomed and bred. A goal is provided to surge a wave of appreciation amongst fellow man. Like a pulley lifting corroded weight of burdens foregone but to also heave revelation of refined understanding through experiences emphatically troubling euphoric or all that lies in between. Combined we are integrated grapevines that may attach to pride or taste of sugary seasons past. This land has taken so much so many rocky heavy footsteps and we’ve sloped the lands with our ingenious triumphs of design and priceless structures we’ve interrupted the countryside’s solid nobility. Although the lands are fused to us we are not yet fused to the land. |