Topic: Avenging Corpse by Tudor Avenger.
tudoravenger's photo
Tue 09/06/11 03:05 PM
I was just like you once, human. Now I wander this dark evil city, called Norwich.

Hunting those who did me wrong, rotting flesh hanging from rotting bones. Rattling.

Did you hear me? Doubt it. You sleep too deep. Not deep enough though.

As you bathe your filthy body, washed in the blood of virgins. A bone scratches across the window.

I found you.

Don’t think the grave shall stop me, I can rise from that. Digging my way out to avenge myself.

Shall you quiver? Shall you shake? Shall you plead forgiveness?

This corpse recognises none of those.

This corpse is driven by darker forces than you. Forces created by you, like a boomerang, savage and merciless.

A locked door, a prison of iron cannot stop me then. Good in life, can’t harm a fly. Beyond the grave is a darker proposition.

Beware the night of eternal darkness. Beware the wrath from beyond. Beware something that will come.

For you.

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Tue 09/06/11 03:09 PM
Thats really good! :D I love poetry! Nicely done lol you wrote it right?