Topic: Perry's "Texas Miracle" | |
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Thu 09/01/11 06:33 PM
I may be going too hard on the Texas Governor. He talks a good story about being a small Government Conservative, but he certainly hasn't acted that way.
LONGVIEW, Tex. — Texas Gov. Rick Perry has leapfrogged to the top tier of Republican presidential candidates largely on the strength of one compelling fact: During more than a decade as governor, his state created more than 1 million jobs, while the nation as a whole lost 1.4 million jobs.
Perry says the “Texas miracle” rests on conservative pillars that he would bring to the White House: minimal regulation and government, low taxes and a determination to limit the reach of Uncle Sam. . . . What he does not say is that much of that job growth has come because of government, not in spite of it. With a young and fast-growing population, a large and expanding military presence and an influx of federal stimulus money, the number of government jobs in Texas has grown at more than double the rate of private-sector employment during Perry’s tenure. The disparity has grown sharper since the national recession hit. Between December 2007 and last June, private-sector employment in Texas declined by 0.6 percent while public-sector jobs increased by 6.4 percent, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. Overall, government employees account for about one-sixth of the workforce in Texas. The significant role of government in Texas’s relative prosperity stands in stark contrast to the “go-it-alone” image cultivated by Perry, who credits a lack of government interference for fostering a business-friendly environment in Texas. “The fact is, government doesn’t create jobs, otherwise the last 21 / 2 years of stimulus would have worked,” Perry said this month in a speech to the National Conference of State Legislatures. “Government can only create the environment that allows the private sector to create jobs. The single most important contributor to our jobs-friendly climate here in Texas is our low tax burden, because we know dollars do far more to create jobs and prosperity in the people’s hands than they do in the government’s.” Perry has criticized Washington for “thumbing its nose” at the American people. In announcing his candidacy for president last weekend, Perry said he would “work every day to make Washington, D.C., as inconsequential in your life as I can.” Mark Miner, a Perry spokesman, said the governor’s job-creation record speaks for itself. He also said the state received less per capita — about $1,000 per resident vs. more than $1,400 in New York and $1,200 in California — than most other states from the stimulus plan while still producing more jobs. Population boom Analysts call the growth in government employment in Texas a natural consequence of the surging population, which has grown by more than 20 percent in the past decade to 25.1 million. The increase has caused local governments and school systems to hire more teachers, budget analysts, compliance officers and police officers. “A lot of growth has been happening in the public sector to respond to a growing population,” said Don Baylor Jr., a senior policy analyst with the Center for Public Policy Priorities, a research and advocacy group in Austin. “That has been an ongoing driver of our job growth.” So, Government necessarily grows with a growing population. America's population certainly hasn't stopped growing. Sort of an awkward inconsistency. |
why is it that when ron paul came in second in the iowa poll and by less than 300 vote difference no news agency wants to comment about him....and they go on too people that had a dismal showing
could it be news agencies are not news agencies at all...but information manipulators for a bigger agenda machine things that make ya go hhhhmmmmmmmmm |
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Thu 09/01/11 07:45 PM
Three things I don't care for in Perry.
He's not intense on securing the Texas Border He seems to not be concerned with deportation of illegals and his hair is too up-done. I'd vote Ron Paul again instead of all the losers MSM will try to sell. |
why is it that when ron paul came in second in the iowa poll and by less than 300 vote difference no news agency wants to comment about him....and they go on too people that had a dismal showing could it be news agencies are not news agencies at all...but information manipulators for a bigger agenda machine things that make ya go hhhhmmmmmmmmm Because Ron Paul is known to "Push" the polls by shipping his supporters in from out of state to try and beat the other candidates, when they actually use the people from the area. Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance, he knows that and is just trying to make a point and try to gain attention. The guy is an idiot. |
Three things I don't care for in Perry. He's not intense on securing the Texas Border He seems to not be concerned with deportation of illegals and his hair is too up-done. I'd vote Ron Paul again instead of all the losers MSM will try to sell. That's not entirely true. He did build the border fence in a lot of areas and he can only do so much on illegals when the Federal Government wont do crap. He could try to pass an Arizona style law but what's the point in waisting all that money until we see if it will actually go through after the courts are done with it. |
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Thu 09/01/11 10:57 PM
why is it that when ron paul came in second in the iowa poll and by less than 300 vote difference no news agency wants to comment about him....and they go on too people that had a dismal showing could it be news agencies are not news agencies at all...but information manipulators for a bigger agenda machine things that make ya go hhhhmmmmmmmmm Not to mention that the MSM and the rest of the country realizes that Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate Obama could beat in the general election. Not since Winston Chruchill(who had an actual disorder) have I seen a polititian stutter on TV cameras or a debate, until I saw Ron Paul get handled in the 2008 debates. ![]() |
Its kind of early to be scared of Rick PArry isn't it?
They have no choice but to attack the Republicans.
It's not like they can tout the accomplishments of the Democrats. By the time of the election they will have run up $7 trillion in debt from the time they took total control of Congress in January 2007. The debt was $6 trillion when Bush took office in 2001. So think about that. They will have run up more debt in 5 years than we had from the founding of the country until 2001. Good Luck.. |
I believe it is an illusion that the republican and democrat politicians are any different from each other. The party affiliations are meaningless. It is whether or not a person supports the globalists that determines whether or not they will be allowed to be put into political positions.
why is it that when ron paul came in second in the iowa poll and by less than 300 vote difference no news agency wants to comment about him....and they go on too people that had a dismal showing could it be news agencies are not news agencies at all...but information manipulators for a bigger agenda machine things that make ya go hhhhmmmmmmmmm The world and US stories are taken from the wire that are written by Associated Press writers. They are even told what to write and how to slant it by a higher up. This was true for every daily I worked at from eastern seaboard to Arizona. So I can only venture to guess a BIG news agency is worse. |
why is it that when ron paul came in second in the iowa poll and by less than 300 vote difference no news agency wants to comment about him....and they go on too people that had a dismal showing could it be news agencies are not news agencies at all...but information manipulators for a bigger agenda machine things that make ya go hhhhmmmmmmmmm Not to mention that the MSM and the rest of the country realizes that Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate Obama could beat in the general election. Not since Winston Chruchill(who had an actual disorder) have I seen a polititian stutter on TV cameras or a debate, until I saw Ron Paul get handled in the 2008 debates. ![]() |
They have no choice but to attack the Republicans.
It's not like they can tout the accomplishments of the Democrats. By the time of the election they will have run up $7 trillion in debt from the time they took total control of Congress in January 2007. The debt was $6 trillion when Bush took office in 2001. So think about that. They will have run up more debt in 5 years than we had from the founding of the country until 2001. Good Luck.. And the performance of the Republis? Exactly as advertised. Use the Senate 41 Republi votes to ensure that Government can do nothing at all. The sole purpose, to ensure that Obama is a one-term President. Nothing to benefit the American people (the other 66% of the American people). Nobody cares about the deficit except the 33 percenters. The American people care only about jobs. even Dick Cheney, the Republi icon said, "Roanald Regan showed us that deficits don't matter. " The American people know that with plenty of jobs, the other problems will take care of themselves. And the Republi record of performance on jobs? Not a single bill proposed. Not a single program proposed. Not a single idea. Not a single suggestion as to how to create jobs. Just "make Obama a one-term President" A stunning set of priorities! At least Governor Perry knew one way to create jobs. Expand Government! President Obama has created more jobs than Bush did in 8 years. Bush destroyed many more jobs than Obama ever could with Republi policies and his signature Depression. First, it is worth noting that President Obama and Democrats created more jobs in 2010 than George W. Bush did in his eight year reign of economic malfeasance. From Bush’s first month in office until December of 2009, the economy added 1 million jobs, but in 2010 alone the economy added at least 1.1 million jobs
For example, Michigan's unemployment rate is coming down, mostly owing to the Government loan to GM. Ask the people who are unemployed who is to blame for the lack of jobs. My prediction, 33% will blame Obama and the Republis. The other 66% will blame some other party and some other President. |