Topic: gerry uk norfolk | |
Hi every one. Firstly let me say hello to all the very genuine people that I have met on here, especialy to a lady in china and a very nice young lady in america who is a great artist"DD". however is it me or are there some people here who send you messages and then maybe say hello once and ask you to keep in touch on the hope that you might actualy click and then just dont even bother to open or check the messages when you do get in touch. To all these people please stop this as it gives people hope that there is some one out there and when you just go missing or dont check messages it can be abit on the soul destroying side and leave you feeling quite used and worthless, so come on those people please think on as some of us do actually have a heart and do just want to find some one that they can love.
gerry norfolk united kindom. not rich but a very nice guy who does not work but is not a scrounger or a gold digger and lives comfortably and just wants some one to care about and treat nice. is that to much????? |
I get a lot of messages from people who come up with miraculously witty things like "Hi, how are you?" or "Can I know you?" or "I like your profile. Where are you and what do you do?" (If you actually read my profile, you would know this already.)
I used to have a policy of replying to anyone who wrote to me, but between the scammers, the illiterates, and the complainers, it just isn't worth the effort anymore. Give me something to work with, and we can have an exchange. Otherwise, forget it. Now, if I heard from someone who came across as an actual dating prospect, I might be more in tune with the situation you described in the original post. |