Topic: Help!
oldsage's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:29 PM
Do you have lots of hair spray, use it.

coco56's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:30 PM
dont hurt it :cry: :tongue:

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:30 PM
Yes! and it wont move...I just threw some bread crumbs at it hoping it will follow them...

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:30 PM
lol, u should name it hansel or gretal

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:30 PM
Coco , sorry babe but if it comes down to me of the beast, the beast bites it!!!

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:31 PM
I named it Godzilla!!

oldsage's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:39 PM
How did you come out, get rid of it?

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:43 PM
I'm still trapped on my chair...door is open, cat is hiding from it....its looking at me...Im talking to it hoping it will like me enough to go away....

oldsage's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:44 PM
any friends you can call or animal control thru 911

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:12 PM
Oh my roomie came home and captured it!!!!!

oldsage's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:13 PM
OK glad your alright.

wanttachat's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:15 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

sorry but that was fun and funny

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:08 PM
Oh hell you wouldnt have thought so if that nasty little critter was giving YOU the evil eye!!!! laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:12 PM
I owned pet lizards when I was young ;)

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:17 PM
Great where were you when I needed someone to come capture THIS one??laugh

ScottyBravo's photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:19 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Wiz sweety, you are a sweety, I'm sorry I laughed hun , but this was tto funny to read. The visual of you standing on a chair screaming and holding a toilet plunger.
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:23 PM
Oh MAN you!!!!

laugh laugh laugh

Where have all the heros gone when a girl needs one????

ScottyBravo's photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:30 PM
sorry my man cape is at the cleaners

winnie410's photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:32 PM
LMAO @ sounded more brave than i have ever been with a mouse!

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:42 PM
Oh Scotty Im heartbroken....

<<----off to search for a man with his super powers....